WebEngDUS / WebEngDUS

Everything you need to know about how we run the Web Engineering DUS Meetup.

Home Page:https://www.meetup.com/web-engineering-duesseldorf/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Everything you need to know about how we run the Web Engineering DUS Meetup (WebEngDUS).

Speaker Briefing

A fundamental part of our meetup is speakers running a talk. With our speaker briefing, we provide everything you need to know about speaking at the WebEngDUS:

Location Sponsor / Location and Company Briefing

The Web Engineering DUS Meetup depends on the support of local companies. Local companies can sponsor the meetup by providing us with a location, technical equipment, and some food and drinks during the meetup.

For consistent communication and expectation management, we provide everything you, as a company, need to know about sponsoring and hosting a WebEngDUS meetup event:

Getting involved

If you would like to get involved, please check out our Contribution Guide.


Organizing and running the Web Engineering DUS Meetup regularly is effort, can be complex, and sometimes stressful. To make our lives easier, we follow a simple and structured checklist:

Check out our Checklist for running the WebEngDUS.

Template to set up a new event at Meetup.com

Look at our last event in our Web Engineering Düsseldorf Meetup group. Feel free to copy the description text there and use it.

The template is constantly evolving.

Assets (Logo, Presentation, etc.)

All our assets can be found in the Assets-Folder. This includes:

  • our colour scheme
  • our logo in various formats and variants
  • the design of our beach flag
  • a Keynote template
  • a DINA4 template


The font Gotham HTF was used.


All assets were created by Fabian Huettenhoff. A big Thank you for this!

Code of Conduct

Checkout the Code of Conduct for our events.


From time to time, we do a raffle. The raffle price will be (most of the time) provided by various sponsors. Prices we had in the past:

  • power banks (e.g. to recharge your phone)
  • programing language mascots (e.g. ElePHPant)
  • conference tickets

To select a winner, we assume that everyone signed up via the meetup event page. We open the event page, open the developer console of the browser and use the following javascript snippet to select a winner:

"going" only

// only "going"
var a=document.querySelectorAll('.attendees-list li.attendee-item'), b=a[Math.floor((Math.random()*a.length)+1)-1];
b.style='border: 7px dotted red;';

The raffle script code was written by @SHyx0rmZ.

Social Media

The Web Engineering Düsseldorf is available at:

Organizers and contact

Have a question or feedback for us?

If you want more information or have a specific question, feel free to open an issue in our GitHub issue tracker. We will be happy to answer it.

If you want to provide us feedback regarding this content, the way we run the meetup, or anything else, opening an issue at our GitHub repository is also the way to go.

The meetup is organized by

Andy Grunwald Dominik Siebel
Andy Grunwald Dominik Siebel
GitHub GitHub
LinkedIn LinkedIn
twitter twitter

Where is the original place of this content?

This content is originally hosted at WebEngDUS/WebEngDUS on GitHub.com.


Everything you need to know about how we run the Web Engineering DUS Meetup.


License:Apache License 2.0