WebDevBren / SimpaticoTAEServer

This is the official repository of the Text Adaptation Engine server of Simpatico.

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architecture: Folder containing a visual description of the architecture of the first version of the TAE server.
lexical_simplification_server: Folder containing the code for the local Lexical Simplification server of SIMPATICO.
syntactic_simplification_server: Folder containing the code for the local Syntactic Simplification server of SIMPATICO.
main_TAE_server: Folder containing the code for the TAE web server of SIMPATICO.
resources.txt: File containing a map of resources to be used by the simplification servers of SIMPATICO.
configurations.txt: File containing port configurations for the servers.

Installation instructions:

1) In order to run the servers, you will need a Python 2.6+ installation (preferably Anaconda), and a Java 1.8+ installation.

2) Install the following Python 2 libraries:


3) Download or clone the code from https://github.com/SIMPATICOProject/SimpaticoTAEServer onto a folder of choice (ex: /home/user/SimpaticoTAEServer).

4) Download the data pack from http://www.quest.dcs.shef.ac.uk/simpatico/simplifier_data.tar.gz and unpack it into the root folder of the code (ex: resulting in /home/user/SimpaticoTAEServer/data). These are the files referenced in the "resources.txt" file.

5) Download the Stanford Tagger (full) from http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/stanford-postagger-full-2015-04-20.zip and unpack it into a folder of choice (ex: /home/user/stanford-postagger-full-2015-04-20).

6) The version 3.7.0 of the Stanford CoreNLP is already available in the data pack. 
	- However, if you want to use a different version, you can download from http://stanfordnlp.github.io/CoreNLP/. In this case you will need to change the path to your CoreNLP version into the resources.txt file (corenlp_dir parameter).

Running instructions:

1) In order to run a fully functional version of the SIMPATICO TAE server, you will have to run the following components:

	- The Stanford Tagger server for English: Receives requests from the Lexical Simplification local server for tagging.
	- The Stanford Dependency Parser servers: Receives requests from the Syntactic Simplification local server for parsing.
	- The Lexical Simplification local server: Receives requests from the main TAE web server for lexical simplifications.
	- The Syntactic Simplification local server: Receives requests from the main TAE web server for syntactic simplifications.
	- The main TAE web server: Receives requests from the web for Text Adaptation.
2) How to run the Stanford Tagger server for English:

	Go to the folder where you unpacked the Stanford Tagger and run the following command:
		java -mx2G -cp "*:lib/*:models/*" edu.stanford.nlp.tagger.maxent.MaxentTaggerServer -model ./models/wsj-0-18-bidirectional-distsim.tagger -port 2020 &
	Then you will have a tagging server running at port 2020. The port chosen MUST be the one specified on the "configurations.txt" file.
3) How to run the Stanford parser servers:

	These servers are run when the syntactic simplifier server is started, therefore, there is no need to run them externally.

4) How to run the Lexical Simplification local server:

	Navigate to the "lexical_simplification_server" folder, then run the following command:
		nohup python Run_TCP_Lexical_Simplifier_Server.py &
	Then you will have a server receiving requests at the "ls_local_server_port" port specified in the "configurations.txt" file.
5) How to run the Syntactic Simplification local server:

	Navigate to the "syntactic_simplification_server" folder, then run the following command:
		nohup python Run_TCP_Syntactic_Simplifier_Server.py &
	Then you will have a server receiving requests at the "ss_local_server_port" port specified in the "configurations.txt" file.

6) How to run the main TAE web server:

	Navigate to the "main_TAE_server" folder, then run the following command:
		nohup python Run_TAE_Simplification_Server.py &
	Then you will have a server receiving requests at the "main_tae_server_port" port specified in the "configurations.txt" file.

Testing instructions:

1) How to test the Stanford Tagger server for English:

	Go to the folder where you unpacked the Stanford Tagger and run the following command:
		java -cp stanford-postagger.jar edu.stanford.nlp.tagger.maxent.MaxentTaggerServer -client -port 2020
	Then just type a complete English sentence and press enter. The port chosen MUST be the one specified on the "configurations.txt" file.
2) How to test the Lexical Simplification local server:

	Navigate to the "lexical_simplification_server/tests" folder, then run the following commands:
		python English_Test_Simplifier.py
		python Galician_Test_Simplifier.py
		python Italian_Test_Simplifier.py
	You should receive responses with simplifications after a few seconds.
	You can also open the aforementoined scripts to see how they work.
3) How to test the Syntactic Simplification local server:
	Navigate to the "syntactic_simplification_server/tests" folder, then run the following commands:
		python English_Test_Simplifier.py
		python Galician_Test_Simplifier.py
		python Spanish_Test_Simplifier.py
	You should receive responses with simplifications after a few seconds.
	You can also open the aforementoined scripts to see how they work.

4) How to test the main TAE web server:

	Navigate to the "main_TAE_server/tests" folder, then run the following commands:
		python Lexical_English_Test.py
		python Lexical_Galician_Test.py
		python Lexical_Italian_Test.py
		python Syntactic_English_Test.py
		python Syntactic_Galician_Test.py
		python Syntactic_Spanish_Test.py
	Then you will have a server receiving requests at the "main_tae_server_port" port specified in the "configurations.txt" file.
	You can also test it from a web browser through URLs such as:


This is the official repository of the Text Adaptation Engine server of Simpatico.


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