We-Can-dev / eos21

Teleport your ERC20 tokens to EOS.

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EOSIO21 Protocol โœŒ๐Ÿปโ˜๐Ÿผ

Teleport your ERC20 tokens to EOS (or any EOSIO sidechain or fork - such as WAX, TELOS, or BOS).



EOSIO21 is a protocol to enable cross-chain โ›“ token movement between ETH and EOS.

  • ETH (ERC20) --> EOS21 --> Any EOSIO Chain (tokens)

The goal of this protocol is to provide a standard for app developers to move their tokens and apps between chains.

Join the shEOS telegram to discuss EOS21. Also please consider casting your vote for sheos21sheos as a Block Producer.

Built With


  • node.js - Javascript runtime (tested with v8.10 and 10.11)
  • cmake - Packaging

EOSIO21 Overview

We believe that any token should be able to move as the developers desire or require as their apps may be best run on different chains at different times.

Typically, the way this has been done is by using what we call the "snapshot" method. ๐Ÿ“ธ This method is commonly used by token "airdrops" to send to accounts on ETH or EOS chains that match certain criteria such as having an address with at least X balance of the chain's native token. The EOS native token generation from the ERC20 was a snapshot airdrop. EOS was able to do this by expiring their ERC20 contract thereby making the ERC20 EOS tokens non-fungible.

In the EOS21 protocol, we are providing another option for ERC20 contracts that do not have a built-in pause/expiry function but who want to move their token to another chain. We are calling this action: teleportation. To teleport a token from one chain to another, it will exist on the destination chain, but no longer exist in a fungible form on the source chain.

The EOSIO21 Protocol has 3 Dimensions

  • Dimension 1 is on the source chain, Ethereum. There is a Blackhole ๐ŸŒŒ contract on ETH to perform the absorption of ERC20 tokens and also to receive account information for the destination chain (EOSIO). This information can either be configured to use the EOSIO Account name or an EOS Public Key. In the second case, the oracle must be changed to create an EOS account for the user.
  • Dimension 2 is an Oracle ๐Ÿ”ฎ program that runs off-chain to watch the ETH transactions and authorize the distribution of EOS tokens (in a future version of this protocol, the Oracle could be run entirely on EOSIO).
  • Dimension 3 is the destination chain, EOSIO. The EOSIO token contract which distributes the tokens to the ๐Ÿ“ฉ destination EOS account sent by the token holders in Layer 1.

The standard Blackhole contract has 2 functions - be authorized to receive token Y from Ethereum and then receive the EOS account info the tokens to be distributed on the destination chain via the Oracle.

Once a user sends their tokens and destination account to the Blackhole, the ERC20 tokens will become non-fungible and the EOS tokens will be teleported to their destination account on the EOSIO chain.

The developer can choose to either send the tokens to a 0X000 address and thereby ๐Ÿ”ฅ them, or hold them in the Blackhole contract.

EOSIO21 Github Inventory
  • eos21/eos21.js - Oracle for managing teleportation of tokens from ETH to EOS

  • eos21/config.json - configuration file for blackhole and oracle contracts

  • eos21/blackhole/contracts/ - blackhole contracts listed below

    • BlackHole.sol - blackhole contract that will attract ERC20 tokens
    • BlackHoleEosAccount.sol - blackhole contract that takes an EOS Account as an input to activate a teleportation
    • BlackHoleEosPublicKey.sol - takes an EOS public key as an input to activate a teleportation (you will need to create accounts using a modified oracle for account creation)
    • TestERC20Token.sol - used to specify ElementToken.sol for test deployments
    • TestElementToken.sol - default ElementToken contract for ERC20 tokens
    • EosValidator.sol - validates EOS account or key
  • eos21/blackhole/migrations/ - scripts for deploying truffle test

  • eos21/blackhole/test/ - truffle tests of the blackhole

  • eos21/eosio.token/ - standard EOSIO token contracts for testing from EOS.IO github

  • eos21/utils/ - error checking script.

  • eos21/package.json - NPM installer for test suite


Pleaes read CONTRIBUTING.md

EOS21 is open-source and we encourage you to customize, fork, and use the code. We built this as a example case. Some of the ideas we have include:

  • EOS21 contracts could be modified to power a snapshot distribution using registration of EOS accounts or keys.
  • EOS21 "teleporter" or "oracle" could be written to run entirely on an EOS chain (instead of node.js) and simplified payment verification (SPV) could be done entirely on-chain.
  • EOS21 contracts could be modified to burn ETH tokens by sending them to a 0x00 address after the Oracle successfully moves them to EOS.
  • EOS21 could be modified to allow tokens to travel both ways in the Teleporter ETH โ†” EOS by using a "2-way-peg" of tokens - locking the tokens inside of a contract on each chain.
  • EOS21 could create public keys on either chain which share the same private key.
  • EOS21 could be used to authenticate ETH transactions using EOS or vice-versa.
  • EOS21 can be used to move tokens between EOS sister-chains.
  • EOS21 BlackHole contract could be rewritten to support other Ethereum forks chains such as GoChain, or other chains that support tokens such as Stellar.

End-to-End Testing

For testing, we will use a local Ethereum chain via Ganache and the EOS Jungle Testnet.

Overview for Testing

Our scripts automate some of this process, but this is to help you understand what each step is in the process.

  1. Create token on Ethereum. Truffle does this. (4 tokens will be notated as 40000 with 4 decimals in Ethereum contract - configure this in the config.json).
  2. Distribute new tokens to fresh Ethereum account. Truffle does this.
  3. Deploy blackhole contract. Contract address will automatically update in the truffle config file).
  4. Deploy standard eosio.token contract on Jungle Testnet.
  5. Issue EOS token via eosio.token contract. Parameters are configured in config.json
  6. Start teleport_oracle on node.js server.
  7. Source Ethereum account must send 2 actions.
    • Authorize blackhole to teleport an amount of ERC20 tokens.
    • Send EOS account name to activate teleportation.
  8. Oracle will catch the event on Ethereum and send the tokens to the EOS account specified in step 7.
  9. Close blackhole.

Ganache / Jungle Testing Prerequisites

  • Truffle - npm install -g truffle
  • Ganache - One click local Ethereum blockchain
    • Ganache should be configured to run locally on port 8545 (you may need to set this port in Ganache preferences or edit config.json to match the port number.)

Ganache / Jungle Testing Preparation

  • Create EOS Account on Jungle Testnet. GUI This will be our EOSTokenCreatorAccount.

  • Use Jungle Testnet Faucet GUI to get EOS into your EOS Account. Jungle Testnet gives you free tokens!

  • Setup EOS wallet

    • cleos wallet create --name "<name of wallet>" --to-console
  • Import private key for account

    • cleos wallet import --private-key <EOS private key>--name "<name of wallet>"
  • Buy ram to deploy EOS token contract. This requires about 300kb of RAM, so 20 EOS should be enough on the testnet. For the mainnet, use EOS NY's EOS Resource Planner to estimate pricing

    • cleos -u http://dev.cryptolions.io:38888 system buyram <EOSTokenCreatorAccount> <EOSTokenCreatorAccount> "20.0000 EOS"

Step 1: Truffle Deployment of Ethereum Contracts (ERC20 token + Blackhole)

  • Clone EOSIO21 repository

    • git clone https://github.com/sheos-org/eos21.git
  • ** Compile the EOS token contract**

    • cd eosio.token
    • mkdir build
    • cd build
    • cmake .. -DEOSIO_CDT_ROOT=/usr/local/eosio.cdt && make
  • ** Change directories to root of project**

    • cd ../../
  • ** Install npm for project**

    • npm install
  • ** Install truffle infrastructure **

    • npm install -g truffle
  • ** Compile blackhole contract**

    • cd blackhole && truffle compile
  • ** Test all contracts**

    • truffle test
  • ** Deploy ERC20 contract and the blackhole contract defined in config.json**

    • truffle migrate --reset --network ganache
    • This process will also send your newly created ERC20 tokens to your first account in the Ganache interface.

Step 2: Deploy Oracle

  • ** Start the oracle from the root of the EOS21 project**
    • Open another session - or even better screen the command.
    • node ./eos21.js

Step 3: Deploy EOSIO Token Contract

  • ** Deploy standard EOSIO.token contract**

    • cleos -u http://dev.cryptolions.io:38888 set contract <EOSTokenCreatorAccount> ./eosio.token
  • ** Issue custom EOS Token via eosio.token contract** You may need to unlock wallet first) cleos -u http://dev.cryptolions.io:38888 push action <EOSTokenCreatorAccount> create '["<EOSTokenCreatorAccount>","4.0000 <EOSTokenName>"]' -p <EOSTokenCreatorAccount>@active

Step 4: Test Teleportation

  • ** Enter ganache console**

    • truffle console --network ganache
  • ** Get the ERC token contract address**

    • ERC20Token.deployed().then(i => erc20=i)
    • Search in the results of the above command, you will get the public key of the ERC20 token in the "from" field. Take note of this, you will need this in a minute 0x52... will be the ERC20PublicKey we in 2 steps
    • ERC20PublicKey Example: class_defaults: { from: '0x52410180254b53a0816e77082ec0578d7a141c5c',
  • ** Use Blackhole Contract**

    • BlackHoleEosAccount.deployed().then(i => blackhole=i)
  • ** Send Approval to Blackhole to Attract Tokens**

    • erc20.approve(blackhole.address, 40000, {from:'<ERC20PublicKey>'})
    • this is the 0x52... address from the example above, your address will be different.
  • ** Teleport tokens by entering destination EOS account**

    • blackhole.teleport("<DestinationEOSAccount>")
    • You should see the action happen in the console of your oracle!
  • ** Check balance of Custom EOS Tokens in the Destination EOS account**

    • cleos -u http://dev.cryptolions.io:38888 get table <EOSTokenCreatorAccount> <DestinationEOSAccount> accounts

Your test tokens have been teleported!

Mainnet Deployment



We strongly recommend testing first using the Ganache / Jungle Guide outlined above.

Testing Preparation

  • You must have ERC20 token deployed on Ethereum mainnet, EOS token deployed on EOS mainnet, and have the keys that have permission to transfer the EOSIO token loaded in a wallet where the oracle will be running.
  • In config.json configure blackhole and eosiotoken sections to your token parameters.
    • websocket_provider will point to Ethereum node - on mainnet use wss://mainnet.infura.io/ws
    • critic_block will be the Ethereum block number that you want the blackhole contract to expire, set to 0 if it never expires.
    • decimals symbol and tokens will be the number of decimals defined in your ERC20 token contract, the symbol of your ERC20 token, and the maximum amount of tokens in your ERC20 contract.
    • chain_id will be the EOS chain ID - for EOS mainnet it will be aca376f206b8fc25a6ed44dbdc66547c36c6c33e3a119ffbeaef943642f0e906
    • http_endpoint points to an EOS API node
    • account is the account that has transfer permission of your issued EOS token address
    • private_key private key that can has permission to transfer the EOS token
  • Install eos21/blackhole/contracts/BlackHoleEosAccount.sol or blackhole/contracts/BlackHoleEosPublicKey.sol on Ethereum mainnet
  • Start the Oracle ๐Ÿ”ฎ eos21/oracle/TeleportOracle.js
  • From an Ethereum account containing tokens you want to teleport, authorize the blackhole to attract tokens from your account, then send your EOS account name to the contract "teleport" action to initiate the movement of tokens to EOS. This process could be made really simple through very good UX/UI design for an interface.



  • Ben Sigman - architecture, testing, and documentation - bensig
  • Alessandro Siniscalchi - Solidity/js/C++ heavy lifting - asiniscalchi



Cryptolions - For keeping the Jungle Testnet alive! And for the awesome Jungle Testnet T-Shirts.

Brock Pierce - Thanks for giving the protocol a name - EOS21.

Crystal Rose - Thanks for giving birth to the idea for this protocol and all of your support.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


Teleport your ERC20 tokens to EOS.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 72.1%Language:C++ 22.8%Language:CMake 5.1%