Wavfact / integration-angularjs

Tealium Angular JS Integration

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

##Tealium AngularJS Integration if you want a bower installable version, see https://github.com/Wavfact/angularjs-tealium

Repository modified to use the Provider pattern.


Providers have the advantage of being available in an application's config block, meaning tealium.js and tealium_data.js do not need to be modified directly. For example:

app.config(function(tealiumProvider) {
    account: 'tealiummobile',
    profile: 'demo',
    environment: 'dev',
    suppress_first_view: true
    '/index': function () {
      return {
        data1: 1,
        data2: 2

A directive has also been created. Specifying 'data-tealium' attribute on an element binds this data to Tealium's link function on click. Additional data can be passed to provide details for the specific event:

<button data-tealium='{"event":"button pressed", "button_name":"button2"}'>

#Modules This is a sample module to integrate Tealium iQ into your site easily. The main library for Tealium is tealium_angular.js which has the following parts

  • TealiumHelper - Loads the Tealium JavaScript (utag.js) file and sets up tracking function (tealium.track)

  • TealiumHelper.data - Returns the custom data layer for the specific view

  • TealiumHelper.directive - Add element-specific data to data layer from "data-tealium" element data attribute

##Sample usage In your app module add the 'TealiumHelper' dependency example:

var app = angular.module('app', ['TealiumHelper']);

###Option 1 In your application controller add the following function to its scope example:

    function($scope, tealium) {
     $scope.tealiumView = tealium.view;

You can then use tealiumView() anywhere thats within scope of your app controller to fire a tealium view, effectively simulating a page view event. example:

< body ng-app="App" >
   < div class="slide-animate-container" >
     < div ng-view class="slide-animate" >
       < div ng-include="template.url" onload= "tealiumView()" >< /div >
     < /div >
   < /div >
 < /div >
< /body >

###Option 2 Alternatively you can include the TealiumHelper module in your route logic and call tealium.view() in your $includeContentLoaded callback example:

    function () {

##Configuring the Tealium Module

The follow configuration settings are required

  • account (String) Tealium iQ account
  • profile (String) Tealium iQ profile
  • environment (String) Tealium iQ environment ("dev", "qa", "prod")

The example in script.js shows how to configure

      account: 'myaccount',
      profile: 'myprofile',
      environment: 'prod',
      suppress_first_view: true


  • For an example, see files in /sample folder. This sample app uses the Option 2 method described above.

  • Any element marked with "data-tealium" will be tracked as a link click event (using utag.link)

  • In the /sample/template1.html you can see how utag.link calls fire based on button clicks. To see the data layer with each call to utag.link, set debug cookie in console: document.cookie="utagdb=true"

  • Only a specific set of tags in Tealium's Tag Marketplace support the utag.link event tracking and some (i.e. Google Analytics) will require mapping

  • This module defines tealium.track which is a wrapper to utag.track.

    tealium.track( "view", {
      page_name : "my page",
      event_name : "my event",
      more_data : "any data"


Tealium Angular JS Integration

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 90.6%Language:HTML 6.4%Language:CSS 3.0%