Wania Khan (WaniaKhance)


Geek Repo

Location:Pakistan, France, UK, Sweden

Home Page:www.linkedin.com/in/wania-khan

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Wania Khan's repositories


This project is Master thesis research conducted at ENEA Portici Research Center, Italy. The data is obtained from the HPC CRESCO6 cluster at ENEA Portici Research Center. The aim is to identify energy consuming areas within the data center. In this project, real-time dataset from ENEA Portici Research Center is used. There are several techniques implemented including big data analytics and AI technology.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:GPL-3.0Stargazers:4Issues:1Issues:1


In this project, we have developed 'Smart Glove' - a sign language translator. It consists of both hardware and software modules for translation and prediction analysis. We perform real-time translation of hand gesture into speech and text. In this project, we have used different machine learning models for prediction analysis including KNN, SVM, Decision Tree, Naive Bayes, Random Forest and Logistic Regression.



In this project, an analytical approach on the large dataset is applied for advance prediction of average household electricity consumption located in different regions of United Kingdom. Several machine learning models are implemented and compared for the prediction analysis. This project also involves an estimation of the expected emission of CO2 in the environment using deep learning modelling based on the predicted usage of electricity.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:GPL-3.0Stargazers:0Issues:1Issues:0


A Hackathon focusing on Blockchain, 5G, Lora WAN, IoT Platform, Edge Computing, Information security and more held in Skelleftea, Sweden. Worked on a sound challenge where the noise level in the room is identified.



In this experiment, we have performed a word count program using spark by following MapReduce paradigm in big data. Apache Spark™ provides a multi-language engine for executing programs on single-node machines or clusters.



This project consists of practical labs of cloud computing performed during the course of cloud services in Master studies.



IoT school project, sensing data using arduino, publish it in a MQTT broker, adquire the data using Node-Red and Posting it in MongoDB, provide a website and a restAPI



A 48-hour non-stop digital eco-design challenge for students and professionals with computer knowledge. This project is completed by a group of 5 students of EMJMD GENIAL Programme.



In this project, we described a system which is capable of detecting faces in the images. This system design is based on server-client communication that requires request / reply interaction.



Apache Flink



A heart disease prediction system based on supervised learning algorithms: Random Forest (RF), Decision Tree (DT) and regression models: Linear Regression and Random Forest regression is implemented.



In this project, we developed a system design which provides users an access to check current weather update of any city locating in UK using OpenWeatherAPI. To get current weather information, we are performing API Call to https://openweathermap.org/current using an API key.



In this project, we have developed a same system as given in chapter one but with the use of ‘Launch’ feature of ROS. Launch files provide a convenient way to start up multiple nodes and a master, as well as other initialization requirements such as setting parameters. Also it automatically start roscore if it detects that it is not already running.



In this project, we developed a system for conversion from one measuring unit to another. This method allow users to convert amount from pound to kilogram using ROS parameter. It also allow user to change the conversion rate from parameter file (param.yaml) to get desired output.



This project is completed by a group of 5 students of EMJMD GENIAL Programme. It involves the implementation of a system that can handle a need for two or more clients to communicate anonymously over a public publish-subscribe system.



In this project, we described a system which allows robot to navigate through the environment in order to reach its goal. This system design is based on action server and action client communication via a ‘ROS Action Protocol’.



A self introduction for the audience of github.
