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Quartz: A DRAM-based performance emulator for NVM

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Quartz: A DRAM-based performance emulator for NVM

Quartz leverages features available in commodity hardware to emulate different latency and bandwidth characteristics of future byte-addressable NVM technologies.

Quartz's design, implementation details, evaluation, and overhead can be found in the following research paper:

  • H. Volos, G. Magalhaes, L. Cherkasova, J. Li: Quartz: A Lightweight Performance Emulator for Persistent Memory Software. In Proc. of the 16th ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference, (Middleware'2015), Vancouver, Canada, December 8-11, 2015. and can be downloaded from:

While the emulator is designed to cover three processor families: Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge, and Haswell -- we have had the best results on the Ivy Bridge platform. Haswell processor has a TurboBoost feature that cause higher variance and deviations when emulating higher range latencies (above 600 ns).


For a list of contributors see AUTHORS.

Extended documentation

Extended documentation available in Doxygen form. To build and view:

xdg-open doc/html/index.html


This is the list of libraries and tools used by Quartz:

On RPM based distributions:

  • cmake 2.8
  • libconfig and libconfig-devel
  • numactl-devel
  • uthash-devel
  • kernel-devel

On Debian based distributions:

  • cmake 2.8
  • libconfig-dev
  • libnuma-dev
  • uthash-dev
  • linux-headers

You can run 'sudo scripts/' in order to automatically install these dependencies.

Supported environment

Currently the latency emulator can be used on Linux with Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge, and Haswell Intel processors. For bandwidth emulation support, Intel Thermal Memory Controller device is required. No specific Linux distribution or kernel version is required.

Source code tree overview

bench             Benchmarks
doc               Documentation, including Doxygen generated documentation (doc/html)
src/lib           Emulator main library code
src/dev           Kernel-module for accessing performance counters and 
                  memory-controller PCI registers
scripts           Helper scripts to run a program using the emulator and install 
test              Several tests and application code examples
benchmark-tests   Several automated tests with benchmark runs and output analysis 
                  for testing the correctness of configured emulation environment and 
                  the accuracy of expected results

For more details, please see the extended documentation generated using Doxygen.


After installing the dependencies, go to the emulator's source code root folder and execute the following steps:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make clean all

In order to disable statistics support, replace the third step above with:


See more details about statistics on the respective section below. The emulator library, benchmark and test binaries resulted from the build process will be available in the respective subfolder inside the 'build' folder.


First, load the emulator's kernel module. From the emulator's source code root folder, execute:

sudo scripts/ load

Set your processor to run at maximum frequency to ensure fixed cycle rate (as the cycle counter is used to project delay time). You can use the scaling governor:

echo performance | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor

Set the LD_PRELOAD and NVMEMUL_INI environment variables to point respectively to the emulators library and the configuration file to be used. The LD_PRELOAD is used for automatically loading the emulator's library when the user application is executed. Thus, there is no need to statically link the library to the user application. See below details about the configuration file in the respective section.

Rather than configuring the scaling governor and the environment variables manually as indicated above, you can use the scripts/ script. See below.

An additional configuration step may be required depending on the Linux Kernel version. This emulator makes use of rdpmc x86 instruction to read CPU counters. Before kernel 4.0, when rdpmc support was enabled, any process (not just ones with an active perf event) could use the rdpmc instruction to access the counters. Starting with Linux 4.0 rdpmc support is only allowed if an event is currently enabled in a process's context. To restore the old behavior, write the value 2 to /sys/devices/cpu/rdpmc if kernel version is 4.0 or greater:

echo 2 | sudo tee /sys/devices/cpu/rdpmc

Run your application:

scripts/ <your_app>

The script runs an application in a new shell environment that properly sets LD_PRELOAD to the library available in the build folder. We do not modify the current shell environment to avoid getting other applications interposed by the emulator unexpectedly.

Alternatively, you may directly link the library to your application but the nvmemul library must come first in the linking order to ensure we properly interpose on necessary functions. Additionally, this script sets the NVMEMUL_INI environment variable to point to the nvmemul.ini configuration file available in the emulator's source code root folder.

Configuration file

Emulator runtime parameters can be defined in a configuration file.

The default path is ./nvmemul.ini but you may change the path through the environment variable $NVMEMUL_INI (see scripts/

The main available parameters are:

- Latency:
  enable                  True means the latency emulation is on, false,
                          the latency emulation is disabled.
  inject_delay            True means the delay injection is on, false,
                          the emulator will skip the delay injection
  read                    The target read latency in nano seconds. It must 
                          be greater than the hardware latency. This value
                          is automatically consisted by the emulator.
  write                   The target write latency in nano seconds. It must 
                          be greater than the hardware latency. This value
                          is automatically consisted by the emulator.
  max_epoch_duration_us   This is the epoch duration in micro seconds. 
                          Eventually an epoch may be greater than this value
                          depending on signal delivery managed by Kernel.
  min_epoch_duration_us   The minimum epoch duration. 
- Bandwidth:
  enable                  True means the bandwidth emulation is on, false, 
                          it is disabled.
  model                   File path used by the emulator to cache the 
                          detected hardware bandwidth characteristics.
  read                    Target read bandwidth in MB/s.
  write                   Target write bandwidth in MB/s;
- Topology:
  mc_pci                  File path used by the emulator to cache the PCI 
                          bus topology. It is not required if bandwidth 
                          emulation is disabled.
  physical_nodes          List all CPU sockets ids to be added to the known
                          topology. An odd number of CPU sockets means it
                          will not be possible to configure all CPUs in
                          pairs and then a single CPU will be used as NVM
                          only. See Emulation modes section below.
- Statistics:
  enable                  True means the statistics collection and report is
                          enable, false, it is disable. See the Statistics
                          section below.
  file                    File path used by the emulator to write the 
                          statistics report. If not provided, emulator will 
                          use stdout.
- Debug:
  level                   Shows debugging message with level up to this 
                          value, the greater this value is, the more verbose 
                          the debug log will be.
                          0: off; 1: critical; 2: error; 3: warning; 4: info;
                          5: debugging.
  verbose                 If greater than zero shows source code information
                          along with the debugging message.

Latency emulation modes

The emulator may run application threads on a NVM only mode or DRAM+NVM mode. It depends if the system has more than one CPU socket and if the topology configuration enables multiple CPU socket.

For NVM only mode, the emulator will use a CPU socket with no sibling node and make use of the DRAM available in that socket to emulate NVM. Any DRAM memory access on this socket will produce delays injection to emulate the target latency.

For DRAM+NVM mode, the emulator will differentiate DRAM from virtual NVM latencies. It is supported only on IvyBridge, Haswell (and higher) Intel processor systems with 2 CPU sockets or more. A proper configuration as mentioned above and explicit calls to NVM memory allocation in the application’s source code is required.

  • The emulator will bind application threads to node 0 CPU and DRAM. The other CPU socket will not be used for application threads and the DRAM from this second socket will be used as virtual NVM;
  • The application must explicitly allocate virtual NVRAM memory using pmalloc(size) and pfree(pointer, size) API provided by the emulator.

See the NVM programming section below.

NVM programming

The emulator provides an API for allocating and deallocating memory from NVM space. It is possible to use this API on both NVM only and DRAM+NVM modes. However, it is really required to use this API in the DRAM+NVM mode so the emulator can clearly differentiate DRAM from NVM memory access latencies. This is the API available for user applications:

void *pmalloc(size_t size);
void pfree(void *start, size_t size);

The application can include the NVM_EMUL/src/lib/pmalloc.h header file to properly define these headers. See test/test_nvm.c and test/test_nvm_remote_dram.c for an example on how to allocate memory on respectively local DRAM or virtual NVM on a DRAM+NVM emulation mode.


The emulator collects statistical data to help on emulation accuracy validation. If enabled, by default the emulator will show the statistics report when the user application terminates to the standard output. Some applications suppress output to stdout, you can still see the reports by defining a target file for the report in the configuration file. When using a file as output, the emulator appends the result to the file and then previous reports are not overwritten. The statistics source code can also be statically removed at compile time. See Building section.

These are the reported statistics:

- initialization duration   Time in micro seconds took by the emulator to 
- running threads           The number of threads still running. If the report
                            was called automatically by the emulator, all user 
                            threads are already terminated.
- terminated threads        Number of terminated threads, including the main
For each application thread:
- thread id                 Thread id.
- cpu id                    CPU id where the user thread was bind to.
- spawn timestamp           Thread spawn timestamp as reported by the
                            monotonic time.
- termination timestamp     Thread termination timestamp as reported by the
                            monotonic time.
- execution time
- stall cycles              Total number of CPU stalls caused by memory 
                            accesses made by this thread.
- NVM accesses              Number of effective NVM accesses performed by
                            the application.
- latency calculation overhead cycles     Overhead cycles caused by the 
                                          emulator and that could not be
                                          amortized. Zero is expected.
                                          Otherwise, consider increasing
                                          the epoch duration.
- injected delay cycles     Total number of cycles injected by the emulator
                            to emulate the target latency.
- injected delay in usec    Same value as above, but shown in micro seconds.
- longest epoch duration    The effective longest epoch duration ever 
                            performed for this thread.
- shortest epoch duration   The effective shortest epoch duration ever 
                            performed for this thread.
- average epoch duration    The average epoch duration for this thread.
- number of epochs          Total number of epochs performed for this 
- epochs which didn't reach min duration   Number of epochs requested by 
                                           either Thread Monitor or thread 
                                           synchronizations, but were not 
                                           open since the epoch durations
                                           didn't reach the minimum epoch
- static epochs requested   Number of epochs requested by the Thread Monitor.

Support to PAPI

Performance API (PAPI) library may be used with the emulator and there are some hooks to switch the current CPU counters reading method to PAPI. Up to the time of this writing, there was no way to make PAPI CPU counter reading to perform at the performance level required by the emulation. In the future, if it is desired to switch to PAPI, follow these steps:

  • Device pmc_ioctl_setcounter() and emulator lib set_counter() in dev/pmc.c calls can be deleted.
  • Define PAPI_SUPPORT for src/lib/* source code.
  • Compile with lib/cpu/pmc-papi.c rather than lib/cpu/pmc.c.
  • Link code with PAPI and add PAPI include directory.
  • Some extra tweaks may be required, check TODOs in the code.

Multiple emulated processes and MPI programs

The emulator needs to bind user threads to specific CPU cores in order to optimize emulation results. It is required to export the EMUL_LOCAL_PROCESSES environment variable with the number or emulated processes on the host. The emulator will manage each emulated processes to partition the available CPUs in a coordinated way. It is recommended to set EMUL_LOCAL_PROCESSES with up to half number of available CPU cores (note DRAM+NVM mode already reserves half of available CPU cores).

If EMUL_LOCAL_PROCESSES is not set or set with a value lower than 2, the emulator will not partition CPU cores per process.

If some process crashes the emulator might not have cleaned up the environment and the process rank ids will not be correctly managed. On this case, close all emulated processes and delete files /tmp/emul_lock_file and /tmp/emul_process_local_rank if they exist.

Bandwidth emulation

Quartz supports an emulation mode with "throttled" memory bandwidth.

The memory bandwidth emulation makes use of the copy kernel from the Stream benchmark, openMP version. When the bandwidth emulation is enabled for a first time, Quartz creates a memory bandwidth model by utilizing the available Thermal Registers in the Memory Controller and measuring the corresponding memory bandwidth. This initial step of building a model might take several minutes (~10min).

For the memory bandwitdh emulation, turn off the latency modeling in the configuration file and select all available NUMA nodes in the configuration file in order to prepare the model for any combination of NUMA nodes selection.

Modeling data will be cached to these files:


As first step, the emulator will detect the Memory Controller Thermal Registers Control PCI addresses and cache it to /tmp/mc/pci_bus. After this step, the emulator will close the current execution to safely clear NUMA bindings. Rerun the process to resume the work.

Quartz will create the file: /tmp/bandwidth_model.

It reflects the relationship between Thermal Registers and achievable memory bandwidth (in a single socket). The line format in this file is:

read <thermal register value> <memory bandwidth MB/s>

This file should present ascending values of memory bandwidth ranging from hundreds of MiB/s to tens of GiB/S. These values (or their approximations) can be used for the experiments with memory bandwidth throttling. Note, that the model is built once: it is cached and then used for all later experiments. (You can also run a specially prepared automated script in directory benchmark-tests. For details see [] (

For example, to enable memory bandwidth throttling at 2 GB/s, you should change the emulator configuration file "nvmemul.ini" using the following settings:

enable = true;
model = "/tmp/bandwidth_model";
read = 2000;
write = 2000;

Both read and write bandwidth values must be set to the same value since the emulator does not model read/write independently in the current version. See Limitations session.

The pmalloc() family is not intended to be used with the bandwidth modeling. Use numactl for instance to bind CPU and memory of the used application to the intended NUMA node depending. The bandwidth emulator considers the virtual NVRAM node only (in the configuration with two sockets). So it is required the application to keep processes/threads and data on the same NUMA node for bandwidth experiments.

Automated Benchmark Runs

We have created several automated tests with benchmark runs and output analysis for testing the correctness of configured emulation environment and the accuracy of expected results. For details see [] (


The emulator functionality may be affected by certain conditions in user applications:

  • application sets threads CPU and memory affinity.
  • application opens much more concurrent threads than available cores per socket. Note that on DRAM+NVM emulation mode, half of the available CPU cores is not used for user threads.
  • application sets handler for SIGUSR1. Other:
  • Write memory latency is not yet implemented.
  • Write/Read memory bandwidth emulation cannot be set independently.
  • The signal handler may cause syscalls in the application to fail. It is recommended to implement retries at the application level as a good practice for syscalls.
  • Child process from fork() calls are not tracked by the emulator. As a workaround, the emulator could make the library initialization function available in the external API. Applications then should call this function in the beginning of the child process.
  • OpenMP applications may use synchronization primitives not based on pthreads which are currently not supported.
  • See Todo session for details.

Todo list

Please see accompanied TODO.dox or extended documentation for an extensive list.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the
hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You
should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.


    (c) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP

NOTE: This software depends on other packages that may be licensed under different open source licenses.


Quartz: A DRAM-based performance emulator for NVM



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