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:book: A curated list of resources dedicated to Natural Language Processing (NLP)

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A curated list of resources dedicated to Natural Language Processing

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Research Summaries and Trends

Prominent NLP Research Labs

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Reading Content

General Machine Learning

  • Machine Learning 101 from Google's Senior Creative Engineer explains Machine Learning for engineer's and executives alike
  • AI Playbook - a16z AI playbook is a great link to forward to your managers or content for your presentations
  • Ruder's Blog by Sebastian Ruder for commentary on the best of NLP Research
  • How To Label Data guide to managing larger linguistic annotation projects

Introductions and Guides to NLP

Blogs and Newsletters

Videos and Online Courses

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  • Node.js and Javascript - Node.js Libaries for NLP | Back to Top

    • Twitter-text - A JavaScript implementation of Twitter's text processing library
    • Knwl.js - A Natural Language Processor in JS
    • Retext - Extensible system for analyzing and manipulating natural language
    • NLP Compromise - Natural Language processing in the browser
    • Natural - general natural language facilities for node
    • Poplar - A web-based annotation tool for natural language processing (NLP)
    • NLP.js - An NLP library for building bots
    • node-question-answering - Fast and production-ready question answering w/ DistilBERT in Node.js
  • Python - Python NLP Libraries | Back to Top

    • TextAttack - Adversarial attacks, adversarial training, and data augmentation in NLP
    • TextBlob - Providing a consistent API for diving into common natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Stands on the giant shoulders of Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) and Pattern, and plays nicely with both 👍
    • spaCy - Industrial strength NLP with Python and Cython 👍
      • textacy - Higher level NLP built on spaCy
    • gensim - Python library to conduct unsupervised semantic modelling from plain text 👍
    • scattertext - Python library to produce d3 visualizations of how language differs between corpora
    • GluonNLP - A deep learning toolkit for NLP, built on MXNet/Gluon, for research prototyping and industrial deployment of state-of-the-art models on a wide range of NLP tasks.
    • AllenNLP - An NLP research library, built on PyTorch, for developing state-of-the-art deep learning models on a wide variety of linguistic tasks.
    • PyTorch-NLP - NLP research toolkit designed to support rapid prototyping with better data loaders, word vector loaders, neural network layer representations, common NLP metrics such as BLEU
    • Rosetta - Text processing tools and wrappers (e.g. Vowpal Wabbit)
    • PyNLPl - Python Natural Language Processing Library. General purpose NLP library for Python. Also contains some specific modules for parsing common NLP formats, most notably for FoLiA, but also ARPA language models, Moses phrasetables, GIZA++ alignments.
    • PySS3 - Python package that implements a novel white-box machine learning model for text classification, called SS3. Since SS3 has the ability to visually explain its rationale, this package also comes with easy-to-use interactive visualizations tools (online demos).
    • jPTDP - A toolkit for joint part-of-speech (POS) tagging and dependency parsing. jPTDP provides pre-trained models for 40+ languages.
    • BigARTM - a fast library for topic modelling
    • Snips NLU - A production ready library for intent parsing
    • Chazutsu - A library for downloading&parsing standard NLP research datasets
    • Word Forms - Word forms can accurately generate all possible forms of an English word
    • Multilingual Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) - A multilingual and extensible document clustering pipeline
    • NLP Architect - A library for exploring the state-of-the-art deep learning topologies and techniques for NLP and NLU
    • Flair - A very simple framework for state-of-the-art multilingual NLP built on PyTorch. Includes BERT, ELMo and Flair embeddings.
    • Kashgari - Simple, Keras-powered multilingual NLP framework, allows you to build your models in 5 minutes for named entity recognition (NER), part-of-speech tagging (PoS) and text classification tasks. Includes BERT and word2vec embedding.
    • FARM - Fast & easy transfer learning for NLP. Harvesting language models for the industry. Focus on Question Answering.
    • Haystack - End-to-end Python framework for building natural language search interfaces to data. Leverages Transformers and the State-of-the-Art of NLP. Supports DPR, Elasticsearch, HuggingFace’s Modelhub, and much more!
    • Rita DSL - a DSL, loosely based on RUTA on Apache UIMA. Allows to define language patterns (rule-based NLP) which are then translated into spaCy, or if you prefer less features and lightweight - regex patterns.
    • Transformers - Natural Language Processing for TensorFlow 2.0 and PyTorch.
    • Tokenizers - Tokenizers optimized for Research and Production.
    • fairSeq Facebook AI Research implementations of SOTA seq2seq models in Pytorch.
    • corex_topic - Hierarchical Topic Modeling with Minimal Domain Knowledge
    • DL Translate - A deep learning-based translation library for 50 languages, built on transformers and Facebook's mBART Large.


NLP as API with higher level functionality such as NER, Topic tagging and so on | Back to Top

  • Wit-ai - Natural Language Interface for apps and devices
  • IBM Watson's Natural Language Understanding - API and Github demo
  • Amazon Comprehend - NLP and ML suite covers most common tasks like NER, tagging, and sentiment analysis
  • Google Cloud Natural Language API - Syntax Analysis, NER, Sentiment Analysis, and Content tagging in atleast 9 languages include English and Chinese (Simplified and Traditional).
  • ParallelDots - High level Text Analysis API Service ranging from Sentiment Analysis to Intent Analysis
  • Microsoft Cognitive Service
  • TextRazor
  • Rosette
  • Textalytic - Natural Language Processing in the Browser with sentiment analysis, named entity extraction, POS tagging, word frequencies, topic modeling, word clouds, and more
  • Cloudmersive - Unified and free NLP APIs that perform actions such as speech tagging, text rephrasing, language translation/detection, and sentence parsing

Annotation Tools

  • GATE - General Architecture and Text Engineering is 15+ years old, free and open source
  • Anafora is free and open source, web-based raw text annotation tool
  • brat - brat rapid annotation tool is an online environment for collaborative text annotation
  • doccano - doccano is free, open-source, and provides annotation features for text classification, sequence labeling and sequence to sequence
  • INCEpTION - A semantic annotation platform offering intelligent assistance and knowledge management
  • tagtog, team-first web tool to find, create, maintain, and share datasets - costs $
  • prodigy is an annotation tool powered by active learning, costs $
  • LightTag - Hosted and managed text annotation tool for teams, costs $
  • rstWeb - open source local or online tool for discourse tree annotations
  • GitDox - open source server annotation tool with GitHub version control and validation for XML data and collaborative spreadsheet grids
  • Label Studio - Hosted and managed text annotation tool for teams, freemium based, costs $


Text Embeddings

Word Embeddings

Sentence and Language Model Based Word Embeddings

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Question Answering and Knowledge Extraction

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  • nlp-datasets great collection of nlp datasets
  • gensim-data - Data repository for pretrained NLP models and NLP corpora.

Multilingual NLP Frameworks

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  • UDPipe is a trainable pipeline for tokenizing, tagging, lemmatizing and parsing Universal Treebanks and other CoNLL-U files. Primarily written in C++, offers a fast and reliable solution for multilingual NLP processing.
  • NLP-Cube : Natural Language Processing Pipeline - Sentence Splitting, Tokenization, Lemmatization, Part-of-speech Tagging and Dependency Parsing. New platform, written in Python with Dynet 2.0. Offers standalone (CLI/Python bindings) and server functionality (REST API).

NLP in Korean

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  • KoNLPy - Python package for Korean natural language processing.
  • Mecab (Korean) - C++ library for Korean NLP
  • KoalaNLP - Scala library for Korean Natural Language Processing.
  • KoNLP - R package for Korean Natural language processing

Blogs and Tutorials


  • KAIST Corpus - A corpus from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in Korean.
  • Naver Sentiment Movie Corpus in Korean
  • Chosun Ilbo archive - dataset in Korean from one of the major newspapers in South Korea, the Chosun Ilbo.
  • Chat data - Chatbot data in Korean
  • Petitions - Collect expired petition data from the Blue House National Petition Site.
  • Korean Parallel corpora - Neural Machine Translation(NMT) Dataset for Korean to French & Korean to English
  • KorQuAD - Korean SQuAD dataset with Wiki HTML source. Mentions both v1.0 and v2.1 at the time of adding to Awesome NLP

NLP in Arabic

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  • goarabic - Go package for Arabic text processing
  • jsastem - Javascript for Arabic stemming
  • PyArabic - Python libraries for Arabic
  • RFTokenizer - trainable Python segmenter for Arabic, Hebrew and Coptic


  • Multidomain Datasets - Largest Available Multi-Domain Resources for Arabic Sentiment Analysis
  • LABR - LArge Arabic Book Reviews dataset
  • Arabic Stopwords - A list of Arabic stopwords from various resources

NLP in Chinese

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  • jieba - Python package for Words Segmentation Utilities in Chinese
  • SnowNLP - Python package for Chinese NLP
  • FudanNLP - Java library for Chinese text processing


  • funNLP - Collection of NLP tools and resources mainly for Chinese

NLP in German

  • German-NLP - Curated list of open-access/open-source/off-the-shelf resources and tools developed with a particular focus on German

NLP in Polish

  • Polish-NLP - A curated list of resources dedicated to Natural Language Processing (NLP) in polish. Models, tools, datasets.

NLP in Spanish

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Word and Sentence Embeddings

NLP in Indic languages

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Data, Corpora and Treebanks

Corpora/Datasets that need a login/access can be gained via email

Language Models and Word Embeddings

Libraries and Tooling

NLP in Thai

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  • PyThaiNLP - Thai NLP in Python Package
  • JTCC - A character cluster library in Java
  • CutKum - Word segmentation with deep learning in TensorFlow
  • Thai Language Toolkit - Based on a paper by Wirote Aroonmanakun in 2002 with included dataset
  • SynThai - Word segmentation and POS tagging using deep learning in Python


  • Inter-BEST - A text corpus with 5 million words with word segmentation
  • Prime Minister 29 - Dataset containing speeches of the current Prime Minister of Thailand

NLP in Danish

NLP in Vietnamese


  • underthesea - Vietnamese NLP Toolkit
  • vn.vitk - A Vietnamese Text Processing Toolkit
  • VnCoreNLP - A Vietnamese natural language processing toolkit


  • Vietnamese treebank - 10,000 sentences for the constituency parsing task
  • BKTreeBank - a Vietnamese Dependency Treebank
  • UD_Vietnamese - Vietnamese Universal Dependency Treebank
  • VIVOS - a free Vietnamese speech corpus consisting of 15 hours of recording speech by AILab
  • VNTQcorpus(big).txt - 1.75 million sentences in news
  • EVB Corpus - 20,000,000 words (20 million) from 15 bilingual books, 100 parallel English-Vietnamese / Vietnamese-English texts, 250 parallel law and ordinance texts, 5,000 news articles, and 2,000 film subtitles.

NLP for Dutch

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  • python-frog - Python binding to Frog, an NLP suite for Dutch. (pos tagging, lemmatisation, dependency parsing, NER)
  • SimpleNLG_NL - Dutch surface realiser used for Natural Language Generation in Dutch, based on the SimpleNLG implementation for English and French.

NLP in Indonesian


Libraries & Embedding

NLP in Urdu



Other Languages

  • Russian: pymorphy2 - a good pos-tagger for Russian
  • Asian Languages: Thai, Lao, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean ICU Tokenizer implementation in ElasticSearch
  • Ancient Languages: CLTK: The Classical Language Toolkit is a Python library and collection of texts for doing NLP in ancient languages
  • Hebrew: NLPH_Resources - A collection of papers, corpora and linguistic resources for NLP in Hebrew

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Credits for initial curators and sources


License - CC0


:book: A curated list of resources dedicated to Natural Language Processing (NLP)

License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal