WalternativE / prefect-fhk-demo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Prefect FH Kufstein Demo


  • Aichinger-Fankhauser Peter
  • Beyerle Gregor
  • Reckmeyer Elias
  • Ustaszewski Michael


This repository includes a demo Prefect flow that collects information about air crafts in a radius around an airport (Vienna International Airport in our case) and saves them in a SQLite database. The example was taken from the official ETL guide.

The flow assumes that it won't be directly run but registered on a backend. If you don't have a Prefect Cloud account you can create a local backend using docker. Make sure that you have docker and docker-compse installed.

To specify the local backend execute

prefect backend server

If you don't have the server running already you can start it with the following command. This will take a while for the first startup as the system will download a couple of images.

prefect server start

The flow assumes that a project called aircraft-etl exists on the server. You can create it with the following command

prefect create project "aircraft-etl"

Now you can register the flow by running the script. If you want to update the flow you should be able to add your changes and then rerun the script (given that you didn't change the flow name).

python ./

The server (or the cloud for that matter as far as we are aware of) doesn't run your tasks without providing agents. Run a local agent which receives commands from the server like this

prefect agent local start

Be aware that if you have a scheduled flow (like we have here) and there is a long time between registering the flow and starting the agent there might be a queue of flow executions waiting. With SQLite being a file based data base this might lead to task failures.

Complementary Tutorial

This tutorial is complemented by an additional tutorial, which demonstrates a minimal ETL workflow for RSS feed data implemented in Prefect.



Language:Python 100.0%