Wahaj-Ali / hello-rails-react

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Hello Rails-React

πŸ“— Table of Contents

Hello Rails-React

Hello Rails-Reac is the eductional project to connect with Ruby on Rails and React. In this exercise I have connected previous knowledge with new knowledge as I get a chance to use Webpack with jsbundling-rails gem.

πŸ›  Built With

Tech Stack

Server Client
  • Webpack
  • Bootstrap
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    Key Features

    • Create an API endpint by rails.
    • Use api using webpack.

    πŸ’» Getting Started


    • Make sure you have Ruby installed in your system. You can install it here

    • Get started with Ruby on Rails.

    • Make sure you have PostgreSQL installed and running.


    • Clone this repository by running https://github.com/Wahaj-Ali/hello-rails-react.git in your command line.

    • Navigate to the repository by running cd hello-rails-react.


    • Run bundle install to install all the gems.


    • Change/include host, username, password according to your database server.
    • Run rails db:create and rails db:migrate
    • Run ./bin/dev to start the server.
    • In your browser, go to http://localhost:3000.

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    πŸ‘₯ Authors

    πŸ‘€ Wahaj Ali

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    πŸ”­ Future Features

    • Better user interface

    🀝 Contributing

    Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

    Feel free to check the issues page

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    ⭐️ Show your support

    Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!

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    πŸ™ Acknowledgments

    • I would like to thank all code reviewers and coding partners for making this project better.

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    πŸ“ License

    This project is MIT licensed.

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    License:MIT License


    Language:Ruby 63.2%Language:HTML 16.2%Language:JavaScript 12.0%Language:Batchfile 7.9%Language:Shell 0.4%Language:SCSS 0.2%