William Valdes (WTValdes)


Geek Repo


Location:San Diego, CA


Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

William Valdes's repositories


This is a final project for my Computer Science course, Computational Graphics and Visualization. It is an enhancement of a project I originally created in August 2020. It is written in C++ with OpenGL to create a 3D model of an object I selected, a knife. I identified areas for improvement in how the code was organized, comments, and improvements with the naming convention of variables. I increased the number of polygons by nearly four times the original count which greatly enhanced the visual detail on the knife model.



This project is a SQL database project I submitted for DAD 220: Introduction to SQL in April 2019. This script builds a database for a game collection.



My chosen artifact for Algorithms and Data Structure is the final project I worked on for IT-145 Foundation in Application Development in December 2018. This is a Java application to create a Login Authentication System for a Zoo. The original project used an MD5 Hash encryption to secure passwords for each of the user roles. I felt that this hash encryption could be improved from the MD5 128 bit encryption to a more secure, SHA-512 bit hashing algorithms. I also reviewed the original code and saw opportunities to improve the functionality and security of the code. The code uses a Scanner and originally never closed the scanner which left the code vulnerable to resource leaks. I closed the scanner after each instance that it is used. Additionally, I added a maintenance engineer role to the credentials and logins associated with it. This update improved the security and functionality of the application.



A standard calculator made in JavaScript. 18 total buttons: Numbers 0-9, decimal, delete, all-clear, operators to add, subtract, multiply, and divide. Output display split between current display and previous.



This API gathers news articles about President Joe Biden from top news sources. This scrapes sources for article titles, url, and media source.



Clone site of Twitter's frontend built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
