This PID library only supports the long data-type, preventing floating point operations, in order to speed up setpoint calculations. This is a fork from the original Arduino PID library. Additionally, some small features like error margins and obstruction detection have been added.
#include "PID_Extended_Controller.h"
* Initialization
* @param long P proportional gain
* @param long I proportional gain
* @param long D proportional gain
* @param int Dir direction
PIDController pid = PIDController(1, 0.1, 0.02, 0);
* Usage
// Set control variables
long* InputAngle;
long* Output;
long* Setpoint;
InputAngle = new long(0.0);
Output = new long(0.0);
Setpoint = new long(0.0);
pid.SetControlVariables(long* InputAngle, long* Output, long* Setpoint)
// Update input variables
InputAngle = sensorReading();
// Compute PID output
// Use output
This library has been developed by Wilbert van de Ridder for a BSc assignment at the University of Twente.