WOGRA-AG / functionserver

WOGRA function server is a small webservice which is able to execute javascript function on a server. It supports ECMA Script 5.

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WOGRA Function Server

The Functionserver executes jaavscript functions on serverside. The javascript code can be added over a rest server to the server. The javascript snippets will be stored in a database table (currently mysql). over another rest call the javascript can be executed.

To make live easier we added two simple http request function to javascript (httpget and httppost) which executes the http commands. there are some config files which must be edited to make the service available. they all are stored in the service directory.

Config Files

The function server needs two config files for running. one config files is used for database access configuration. The second is used for rest service configuration. Because we use spf/viper (https://github.com/spf13/viper) the configuration can be done over environment variables as well. The configurations will be stored as yaml files in the execution directory.

Database Access

the databaseaccess configuration is named db.yaml. Here is a sample configuration:

DatabaseName: "maxbot"  
DatabaseUrl: ""  
DatabasePort: "3306"  
Login: "root"  
Password: "root"  

At the moment a mysql db is implemented. The databasename is the scheme of the database.

Rest Service Configuration

The rest service configuration is stored in the rest.yaml file. Here is a sample for local access:

Host: "localhost"  
Port: "8080"  
   - "127.0.01"  

The rest service is implemented bi gonic/gin (github.com/gin-gonic/gin).

REST API Description

Except of the ping call, all requests are post requests with json bodies. There are 7 different requests:

Rest calls calls which doesn't need credentials

  • /ping (get)

Rest calls calls which need default credentials (appId and botId must be assigned at the server)

  • /addFunction (post)
  • /getFunction (post)
  • /updateFunction (post)
  • /deleteFunction (post)
  • /executeFunction (post)
  • /getFunctionList (post)
  • /checkCredentials (post)

Rest calls calls which need super user credentials (superuser appId is required)

  • /createAppId (post)
  • /deleteAppId (post)
  • /addCredentials (post)
  • /deleteCredentials (post)

All calls will be described here:

Details to rest calls calls which doesn't need credentials

/ping (Get)

returns pong with http status 200. Is only to check if the service is started.

Sample call


Details to rest calls calls which need default credentials (appId and botId must be assigned at the server)

/addFunction (Post)

adds a new function to the server and stores it in the database. This call doesn't executes and validates the fucntion. It returns an error if the function already exists for the given botId. If the function was successfully added to the database. the function returns the stored function object with http 200.

Sample call


JSON Body:

{ "name" : "<name of function>", "botId" : "<the botId>", "code" : "<the javascript code>", "appId" : "<the given appId or accesstoken which allows you to add functions on the server>" }

Sample JSON Body

{ "name" : "test", "botId" : "1", "code" : "2+2;", "appId" : "4596e30a-ef06-4285-87f2-15019b942a34" }

Sample result

{ "name": "test", "botId": "1", "code": "2+2;", "version": 0, "appId": "4596e30a-ef06-4285-87f2-15019b942a34" }

Explanation of the JSON input values:

name the unique name of the function corresponding to the botid.

botId The id of the bot which needs this function. This service was introduce as simple functionserver our max chatbot system. So the bot developer can easily add custom functions to bots. So a botId is always mandantory. If you want to use this service for other purposes. set the botId to 0.

code The javascript code of the function. Which code is supported will be described in the supported javascript section.

appId the service provider will support you with an appId. Only with an valid appId you are able to add functions to the server.

/getFunction (Post)

returns the function data of the given function in database. If the function wasn't found an 404 error code will be returned.

Sample call


JSON Body:

{ "name": "<name of function>", "botId": "<botId of Function>", "appId": "<provided appId>" }

Sample JSON Body

{ "name": "test", "botId": "1", "appId": "4596e30a-ef06-4285-87f2-15019b942a34" }

Sample result

{ "name": "test", "botId": "1", "code": "2+2;", "version": 0, "appId": "4596e30a-ef06-4285-87f2-15019b942a34" }

Explanation of the JSON input values:

name the unique name of the function corresponding to the botid.

botId The id of the bot which needs this function. This service was introduce as simple functionserver our max chatbot system. So the bot developer can easily add custom functions to bots. So a botId is always mandantory. If you want to use this service for other purposes. set the botId to 0.

appId the service provider will support you with an appId. Only with an valid appId you are able to add functions to the server.

/updateFunction (Post)

updates a given function on the functionserver. The code will be replaced in the database. If successfull, the function returns the stored function object with http 200.

Sample call


JSON Body:

{ "name" : "<name of function>", "botId" : "<the botId>", "code" : "<the javascript code>", "appId" : "<the given appId or accesstoken which allows you to add functions on the server>" }

Sample JSON Body

{ "name" : "test", "botId" : "1", "code" : "5+5;", "appId" : "4596e30a-ef06-4285-87f2-15019b942a34" }

Sample result

{ "name": "test", "botId": "1", "code": "2+2;", "version": 0, "appId": "4596e30a-ef06-4285-87f2-15019b942a34" }

Explanation of the JSON input values:

name the unique name of the function corresponding to the botid.

botId The id of the bot which needs this function. This service was introduce as simple functionserver our max chatbot system. So the bot developer can easily add custom functions to bots. So a botId is always mandantory. If you want to use this service for other purposes. set the botId to 0.

code The javascript code of the function. Which code is supported will be described in the supported javascript section.

appId the service provider will support you with an appId. Only with an valid appId you are able to add functions to the server.

/deleteFunction (Post)

delets the given function in database. After deletion execution is not possible anymore. If successfull code 200 will be returned.

Sample call


JSON Body:

{ "name": "<name of function>", "botId": "<botId of Function>", "appId": "<provided appId>" }

Sample JSON Body

{ "name": "test", "botId": "1", "appId": "4596e30a-ef06-4285-87f2-15019b942a34" }

Sample result

{ "result": "function deleted" }

Explanation of the JSON input values:

name the unique name of the function corresponding to the botid.

botId The id of the bot which needs this function. This service was introduce as simple functionserver our max chatbot system. So the bot developer can easily add custom functions to bots. So a botId is always mandantory. If you want to use this service for other purposes. set the botId to 0.

appId the service provider will support you with an appId. Only with an valid appId you are able to add functions to the server.

/executeFunction (Post)

delets the given function in database. After deletion execution is not possible anymore. If successfull code 200 will be returned.

Sample call


JSON Body:

{ "name": "<name of function>", "botId": "<botId of Function>", "appId": "<provided appId>", "params": "<paramter name and value map>" }

Sample JSON Body

{ "name": "add", "botId": "1", "appId": "4596e30a-ef06-4285-87f2-15019b942a34", "params": {"p1" : "4", "p2" : "6"} }

Sample result

{ "result": "10" }

Explanation of the JSON input values:

name the unique name of the function corresponding to the botid.

botId The id of the bot which needs this function. This service was introduce as simple functionserver our max chatbot system. So the bot developer can easily add custom functions to bots. So a botId is always mandantory. If you want to use this service for other purposes. set the botId to 0.

appId the service provider will support you with an appId. Only with an valid appId you are able to add functions to the server.

params The params which will be injected in the runtime. In the add example above the code in the script engine is return parseInt(p1) + parseInt(p2), because every parameter will be added as string to the script engine. the result will always be returned as string as well.

/getFunctionList (Post)

returns all functions of the given botId.

Sample call


JSON Body:

{ "botId": "<botId of Function>", "appId": "<provided appId>" }

Sample JSON Body

{ "botId": "1", "appId": "4596e30a-ef06-4285-87f2-15019b942a34" }

Sample result

{ "name": "test", "botId": "1", "code": "2+2;", "version": 0, }, { "name": "test23", "botId": "1", "code": "2+2;", "version": 0, }

Explanation of the JSON input values:

botId The id of the bot which needs this function. This service was introduce as simple functionserver our max chatbot system. So the bot developer can easily add custom functions to bots. So a botId is always mandantory. If you want to use this service for other purposes. set the botId to 0.

appId the service provider will support you with an appId. Only with an valid appId you are able to add functions to the server.

/checkCredentials (post)

returns if appid is valid and assigned to the botid, so the user is able to work with this credentials.

Sample call


JSON Body:

{ "botId": "<botId of Function>", "appId": "<provided appId>" }

Sample JSON Body

{ "botId": "1", "appId": "4596e30a-ef06-4285-87f2-15019b942a34" }

Sample result

if the appId has the credentials: httpStatusOK, "Access granted" if not: http.StatusForbidden, "Access failed"

Explanation of the JSON input values:

botId The id of the bot which needs to be checked.

appId the appId which is expected to be assigned to the botId, and is able to execute function. If the given appId is a superuser appId, it returns true as well.

Rest calls calls which need super user credentials (superuser appId is required)

/createAppId (post)

creates a new appId and returns it.

Sample call


JSON Body:

{ "superUserAppId": "<appId of a superuser>", "owner": "<the owner of the new appId>", "contact": "<the mailaddress of the owner>" }

Sample JSON Body

{ "superUserAppId": "1", "owner": "Willy Mustermann from Sample Inc.", "contact": "willy.mustermann@sample.com" }

Sample result

if the appId was successfully created: http.StatusOK, "3596e30d-af06-4285-87f2-15019b942a11" if not: http.StatusBadRequest, "create AppId failed"

Explanation of the JSON input values:

superUserAppId The superuserAppId which want's to create the new appId.

owner the name of the owner of the AppId.

contact the mail address, to reach the appId owner out, in case of changing something on the service.

/deleteAppId (post)

deletes an appId, so access over this appId is not possible to any bot.

Sample call


JSON Body:

{ "superUserAppId": "<the superuser app id which wants to execute this calls>", "appId": "<the appid to delete>" }

Sample JSON Body

{ "superUserAppId": "3596e30d-af06-4285-87f2-15019b942a11", "appId": "4596e30a-ef06-4285-87f2-15019b942a34" }

Sample result

if the appId has the credentials: httpStatusOK, "AppId deleted" if not: http.StatusBadRequest, "deletion of AppId failed"

Explanation of the JSON input values:

superUserAppId The superuserAppId which want's to create the new appId.

appId the appId which is expected to be assigned to the botId, and is able to execute function. If the given appId is a superuser appId, it returns true as well.

/addCredentials (post)

grant access of an appId to a bot, so you can add, delete or execute functions with the appId.

Sample call


JSON Body:

{ "superUserAppId": "<the superuser app id which wants to execute this calls>", "botId": "<botId of Function>", "appId": "<provided appId>" }

Sample JSON Body

{ "superUserAppId": "3596e30d-af06-4285-87f2-15019b942a11", "botId": "1", "appId": "4596e30a-ef06-4285-87f2-15019b942a34" }

Sample result

if the appId has the credentials: httpStatusOK, "Access granted" if not: http.StatusBadRequest, "Access failed"

Explanation of the JSON input values:

superUserAppId The superuserAppId which want's to create the new appId.

botId The id of the bot which needs to be checked.

appId the appId which is expected to be assigned to the botId, and is able to execute function. If the given appId is a superuser appId, it returns true as well.

/deleteCredentials (post)

returns if appid is valid and assigned to the botid, so the user is able to work with this credentials.

Sample call


JSON Body:

{ "superUserAppId": "3596e30d-af06-4285-87f2-15019b942a11", "botId": "1", "appId": "4596e30a-ef06-4285-87f2-15019b942a34" }

Sample JSON Body

{ "superUserAppId": "3596e30d-af06-4285-87f2-15019b942a11", "botId": "1", "appId": "4596e30a-ef06-4285-87f2-15019b942a34" }

Sample result

if the appId has the credentials: httpStatusOK, "Access deleted" if not: http.StatusBadRequest, "Access failed"

Explanation of the JSON input values:

superUserAppId The superuserAppId which want's to create the new appId.

botId The id of the bot which needs to be checked.

appId the appId which is expected to be assigned to the botId, and is able to execute function. If the given appId is a superuser appId, it returns true as well.

Supported javascript

The javascript engine of otto supports ECMA Script 5. We added further function which enhances the script engine. The code which should be executed will be loaded from database. The code will be surrounded by a function head and footer and a function call. The function should always return something.


function wrapper() { <code from database> } wrapper();

To prevent endless loops in function code, the execution of a function has a maximum duration of 10 seconds. If a function doesn't finish in this time, the execution will be cancelled.

Enhanced HTTP Requests

We added httpGet and httpPost request to the javascript engine which returns the result as string. it is very simple to call this requests.


returns the result of a get call to the given address.



address the server address whcih should be called like https://localhost:8080

httpPost(address, type, body)


httpPost("https://wogra.com/dosomehting", "application/json", "{\"a\" : \"b\"}")

returns the result of a post call to the given address.

address the server address whcih should be called like https://localhost:8080

type the type of the body for example application/json

body the body which will be sent via post to the server.

Integrated key value store

To load and save data we integrated a key value store for storing and loading data. The data will be stored regarding to the botid. so the key must be unique with the botid. the value will be stored as long text. So you are able to store json documents or any other strings. We offer three function for the key value store:

  • loadDocument(string key)
  • saveDocument(string key, string content)
  • deleteDcoument(string key)

string loadDocument(string key)

loads the document with given key and returns the content as string.


var content = loadDocument("myKey")

bool saveDocument(string key, string content)

saves the document conent with the given key. returns true if storing was successfull. if the key already exists, the content will be overridden by the function.


var success = saveDocument("myKey", "this is my content.")

bool deleteDocument(string key)

deletes the document with the given key.


var success = deleteDocument("myKey")

Used frameworks

  • restservice was implemented by the gin framework (github.com/gin-gonic/gin)
  • javascript will be executed over the otto js framework (github.com/robertkrimen/otto)
  • reading configuration from file or environment variables (https://github.com/spf13/viper)

Further plans

see issue list for further plans.


WOGRA function server is a small webservice which is able to execute javascript function on a server. It supports ECMA Script 5.

License:MIT License


Language:Go 99.4%Language:JavaScript 0.6%