W-M-D / weather_station

An aprs based weather station

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The ultimate in nrf52832 based APRS weather stations!

Just a quick update after finding that you can buy a weather station replacement kit for ~$70 that has a few radios that is already supported by rtl_433 i sat down and did some thinking. What could i do that would be more universal. Like the ultimate Ham hacking kit. After much debate with myself. I have decided to make something much more generic. But i also wanted to create something that was much more than a simple dev board. I'm keeping the universality down to one radio besides the Bluetooth one. But i am going to add a raspberry pi header for reasons. My goal is to make a device that, with your ham radio, you can create anything you desire within the limits of the community and APRS.

Another update i'm still going to make a version of the board with out the raspberry pi HAT. I'm going to elimiate most of the hardware since i'm planning on reading from external sensors. I'm planning on breaking out the nrf52832 to pin headers to connect the hardware. This will still run off 4 18650s and will still have the solar MPPT circuit.


An aprs based weather station