Vvaradinov / evmos-erc20

Evmos ERC20 Contract Deploying

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Evmos ERC20 Contract


This project aims to demonstrate how to deploy an ERC20 contract to a local node using only go-ethereum by generating Go bindings using abigen. Additionally, it provides simple client functionality that can query ERC20 balances and transfer ERC20 tokens between accounts. Unit tests are provided to verify individual function correctness while a Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) approach to tests are provided using ginko and gomega to verify the behaviour of the implementation and establish an easy to maintain and extend test suite. To demonstrate the functionality of the project, we will assume a scenario where two friends Vlad and Nick are interacting with a token called Vladcoin.

Project Structure

├── contracts // ERC20 contract, Golang bindings and compiled contract artifacts
│   ├── VladToken.go // You will generate this file using abigen
│   ├── VladToken.sol
│   └── build // You will generate this folder after compiling the contract
├── deployer // Deployer script to deploy the contract on a local node and BDD tests
│   ├── deployer.go
│   └── deployer_bdd_test.go
├── erc20-client // Erc20 client scripts to query and transfer ERC20 tokens and BDD and unit tests
│   ├── erc20_client.go
│   ├── erc20_client_bdd_test.go
│   └── erc20_client_test.go  
├── utils // Utility scripts for ethereum client connectin, tx signer generation and unit tests 
│   ├── utils.go
│   └── utils_test.go  
├── node // Files generated after running local node - genesis file, private key and node configs
│   ├── config
│   ├── data
│   └── keyring-test
├── init.sh // Script used to start a local node and create user keys     
├── keys_util.sh // Script used to easily view user Hex addresses and Private Keys     
├── main.go // Main entry point for the application where all the commands are
├── go.mod     
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── README.md     

Local Node Setup

Preparing your environment

Make sure you follow the instructions in the official Evmos documentation to install Go and install the latest version of Evmos

Node Setup

A convenience script has been prepared called init.sh which will initialize a local node and generate user keys. In our case these keys are vlad_validator who is the default validator at genesis and nick_validator who is our guest user. Feel free to modify these keys if you want to use different names for the keys. Additionally, you should replace the HOME_DIR variable in the script with your own local directory where you want your node folder to be created. In that folder you will find all the necessary files for your local node and genesis state. Once you have successfully started your local node you will be able to see blocks being produced.

Make sure to keep the terminal window open.

ERC20 Contract

Contract file

For the ERC20 contract we will use an already established and trusted implementation from OpenZeppelin. The token contract can be found under the contracts folder named VladToken.sol. You can install OpenZepelin contracts directly with NPM using npm install @openzeppelin/contracts.

The contract defines a simple ERC20 contract named Vladcoin with symbol VLAD and initial supply of 100,000,000.00 which will be minted to the contract initiator or in our case vlad_validator

Contract Compilation

The first step is to install the Solidity compiler (solc). We also need to install a tool called abigen for generating the ABI from a Solidity smart contract. Assuming you have Go all set up on your computer, simply run the following to install the abigen tool

go get -u github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/
make devtools

After this you can compile your contract and generate Go bindings using the following commands

solc --abi --bin VladToken.sol -o build --base-path 'path_to_node_modules'

This will create a build folder with the generated ABI and bin files. Make sure to replace path_to_node_modules with the path to your node_modules folder so that the compiler knows where to look for OpenZeppelin contracts that are being imported in our ERC20 contract.

Next we run the following command:

abigen --bin=contracts/build/VladToken.bin --abi=contracts/build/VladToken.abi --out=VladToken.go

This will compile the necessary Go file which will include the deployment methods which we will later user to in our implementation. Now you should have a VladToken.go file in the contracts folder.

Programmatic Deployment

In order to deploy an ERC20 contract a deployer account is needed. We can get our default vlad_validator account's Private Key using a convenient command in the Evmos daemon.

evmosd keys unsafe-export-eth-key vlad_validator --keyring-backend test

The response might look something like this:


This is the private key of the vlad_validator account which we will use to sign transactions as the default contract deployer. Make sure to note down your private key and keep it safe as we will need it later.

If you ever lose or forget your private key there is a utility script keys_utils.sh which will show you both private keys and hex addresses

A small CLI utility has been provided to deploy the ERC20 contract using the private key. In a new terminal window run the following command making sure you replace deployer-private-key with your own.

go run main.go deployContract deployer-private-key

Or in our case:

go run main.go deployContract 5CE50C38D30F7C95EE50ACC842ACE8D1D7C1397B991259F0AF7B0780B079F958

You should now see the output in your terminal if there were no errors. Make sure you record the contract address as we will be using it in the next section Client Interactions to interact with the contract.

The ERC20 contract address:  0x22B17eAB16deEC032c41f31e8Aadfd62BE9F2863
Transaction hash:  0x33ac13ecc05a3922ebaf5d560e141a5b1e196954e9002790512f8410c50e601a

Client Interactions

Now that we have successfully deployed our ERC20 smart contract we can start interacting with it. For now the only 2 functions that we will be using are balanceOf and transfer. We will start by checking the balance of the vlad_validator account which should contain the entire initial supply of Vladcoin

In order to transfer tokens to nick_validator we will need to transform the address from bech32 format tohex format. Luckily for us the Evmos daemon has a utility called evmosd keys parse which can be used to do this. Before we can interact with the contract we need to get the 2 accounts we generated earlier with ourinit.sh script. There is a utility script called keys_util.sh which will do the necessary conversions and give you the Hex addresses for both users and their private keys which you can use to check the balance of the account or send a transfer transaction.

In your terminal window run the utility script


That will result in an output in the following format:

Vlad Hex key - 161E373958716DC16EFB4659CE80F926EC0399A2
Nick Hex key - 58BA2585E068720D989FC2DC2DF991C5DA3DA7C0
Vlad Private Key - D55B4BD2106C8691298B8A110F734CE7353A2CFBCECFD698028DEF752451AF6E
Nick Private Key - DBFA8274FCBEA07BD3EA649464E15082F4D53681D2D5C11C8297B25BF9C139A

Now that we have the addresses in hex format we can use the client functions to transfer some VLAD tokens to nick_valdiator. But before that let's make sure that vlad_validator indeed has a balance larger than 0.

In your terminal execute the following command making sure to replace erc2-contract-address and user-hex-address with your own:

go run main.go balanceOf erc20-contract-address user-hex-address

Or in our case:

go run main.go balanceOf 0x4022411E2bd4b19E7EFc474Bb620db2209C7F5Fa 0x161e373958716Dc16Efb4659CE80f926EC0399a2

The result will look something like this

Balance: 10000000000000000000000000000

Now that we know vlad_validator has some VLAD tokens we can transfer some to nick_validator. In your terminal type the following command making sure to replace erc20-contract-adress,sender-private-key,receiver-hex-address and amount with your own:

go run main.go transfer er20-contract-address sender-private-key receiver-hex-address amount

Or in our case:

go run main.go transfer 0x22B17eAB16deEC032c41f31e8Aadfd62BE9F2863 5CE50C38D30F7C95EE50ACC842ACE8D1D7C1397B991259F0AF7B0780B079F958 161E373958716DC16EFB4659CE80F926EC0399A2 50000000000

The result will look something like this:

Transaction status: 1
Transaction hash: 0xeae34e82ba3b4c39359a86da694fcae8030ffb72f43e552f66c31ecfcee51ddd

Now we can check to see if nick_validator has the tokens we just transferred. In your terminal type the following command making sure to replace erc20-contract-address and user-address with your own:

go run main.go balanceOf erc20-contract-address user-address

Or in our case:

go run main.go balanceOf 0x423DE28D5d2d223B2990cc15Dc591A9E49cC30a3 0x58BA2585E068720D989FC2DC2DF991C5DA3DA7C0

The result will look something like this

Balance: 50000000000

Just to be sure lets also check vlad_validators balance as well.

go run main.go balanceOf 0x423DE28D5d2d223B2990cc15Dc591A9E49cC30a3 0x161E373958716DC16EFB4659CE80F926EC0399A2

The result is:

Balance: 9999999999999999950000000000

Running Tests

There are 2 types of tests implemented in this project.

  • Table Driven Tests that check for the correct input and the expected return values for the individual functions Transfer, QueryBalance, ObtainClient and ObtainClientAndTxSigner
  • Behaviour Driven Devlopment (BDD) inspired tests written with ginko and gomega

Before running the Behaviour Driven Tests make sure to replace the address and private key constant values with your own. If you are unsure what the values are you can always use the keys_utils.sh utility script to view them


Navigate to the deployer module and run go test -v to begin the test suite You should get the following output if you replaced the constant values and followed all the steps up to here.

Random Seed: 1661193377

Will run 2 of 2 specs

Ran 2 of 2 Specs in 3.011 seconds
SUCCESS! -- 2 Passed | 0 Failed | 0 Pending | 0 Skipped
ok      github.com/Vvaradinov/evmos-erc20/deployer      3.025s

Navigate to the erc20_client module and run go test -v to begin the test suite which will run both the BDD tests and the Unit tests. You should get the following output if you replaced the constant values.

Random Seed: 1661253033

Will run 4 of 4 specs
Balance: 10000000000000000000000000000
•Balance: 0
•Transaction status: 1
Transaction hash: 0xb2812ad77d0b65c382935a310c4e0b8d0561ad1207e2525341a479c4a511077f
Balance: 50000000
Balance: 9999999999999999999950000000
•Balance: 9999999999999999999950000000
Balance: 50000000

Ran 4 of 4 Specs in 7.027 seconds
SUCCESS! -- 4 Passed | 0 Failed | 0 Pending | 0 Skipped
--- PASS: TestERC20 (7.03s)
=== RUN   TestQueryBalance
=== RUN   TestQueryBalance/Test_with_empty_strings
=== RUN   TestQueryBalance/Test_with_missing_contract_address
=== RUN   TestQueryBalance/Test_with_missing_wallet_address
=== RUN   TestQueryBalance/Test_with_badly_formatted_contract_address
=== RUN   TestQueryBalance/Test_with_badly_formatted_wallet_address
--- PASS: TestQueryBalance (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestQueryBalance/Test_with_empty_strings (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestQueryBalance/Test_with_missing_contract_address (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestQueryBalance/Test_with_missing_wallet_address (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestQueryBalance/Test_with_badly_formatted_contract_address (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestQueryBalance/Test_with_badly_formatted_wallet_address (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestTransfer
=== RUN   TestTransfer/Test_with_empty_strings
=== RUN   TestTransfer/Test_with_missing_addresses
=== RUN   TestTransfer/Test_with_missing_fromPK_and_toAddr
--- PASS: TestTransfer (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestTransfer/Test_with_empty_strings (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestTransfer/Test_with_missing_addresses (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestTransfer/Test_with_missing_fromPK_and_toAddr (0.00s)
ok      github.com/Vvaradinov/evmos-erc20/erc20_client  7.041s

Navigate to the utils module and run go test -v to being the test suite. You should get the following output.

=== RUN   TestObtainClient
=== RUN   TestObtainClient/Test_with_missing_url
=== RUN   TestObtainClient/Test_with_a_non_existing_IPC_endpoint_file_path
--- PASS: TestObtainClient (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestObtainClient/Test_with_missing_url (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestObtainClient/Test_with_a_non_existing_IPC_endpoint_file_path (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestObtainClientAndTxSigner
=== RUN   TestObtainClientAndTxSigner/Test_with_missing_private_key_and_missing_rpc_url
=== RUN   TestObtainClientAndTxSigner/Test_with_missing_private_key_only
=== RUN   TestObtainClientAndTxSigner/Test_with_missing_client_only
--- PASS: TestObtainClientAndTxSigner (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestObtainClientAndTxSigner/Test_with_missing_private_key_and_missing_rpc_url (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestObtainClientAndTxSigner/Test_with_missing_private_key_only (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestObtainClientAndTxSigner/Test_with_missing_client_only (0.00s)
ok      github.com/Vvaradinov/evmos-erc20/utils 0.011s

Future Improvements

  • Add more test cases in the Table Driven Tests section
  • Build a CLI utility with Cobra to interact with the contract
  • Automatically inject the Private keys and Hex addresses into the BDD tests
  • Subscribe to contract deploy and transfer events order to avoid using time.Sleep function to ensure the transfer or deploy event is included in the block


Evmos ERC20 Contract Deploying


Language:Go 96.3%Language:Shell 3.3%Language:Solidity 0.4%