Vovan-VE / react-text-subst

Render placeholders from text with custom React components

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How will you add i18n support in following cases?

<span>Hello <span>{username}</span>!</span>
    By clicking “Sign up”, you agree
    to our <a href="...">terms of service</a> and...

Sure, you just can split texts in parts, but that parts would be translated not properly.

Here is a solution:

import TextSubst from 'react-text-subst';

return (
    <TextSubst user={<span>{username}</span>}>
        Hello @[user]!
<TextSubst link={({children}) => <a href="...">{children}</a>}>
    By clicking “Sign up”, you agree to our @[link[terms of service]] and...

Now you can simply add i18n to patterns and translate them.


npm i --save react-text-subst

Pattern syntax

Pattern text has following special tokens:

  • @[foo] - inline node. Render corresponding standalone value, element or component.
  • @[foo[ - start block node. Render a component wrapped around block's content.
  • ]] - end corresponding block node.

Notice: Since React has special props key and ref, you shouldn't use such names in pattern.


So, there are few types of nodes. Nodes of any type can repeat or share its' names - everything is up to you.

Inline @[foo]

Inline node can render anything what React can render as a node, or component. The last will receive following property:

  • name - corresponding node name (foo in example).
    qux={({name}) => <b>value of {name}</b>}
    foo @[bar] lol @[baz]@[qux].
// <>
//     foo {something} lol <b>{something}</b><b>value of qux</b>
// </>

Block @[foo[...]]

Block node can only render a component. It will receive following properties:

  • name - corresponding node name (foo in example).
  • children - rendered content of the block.

Blocks can be nested.

    b={({children}) => <b>{children}</b>}
    i={({children}) => <i>{children}</i>}
    lorem @[b[ipsum @[i[dolor]] sit]] amet @[i[consectep@[b[ture]]]]
// <>
//     lorem <b>ipsum <i>dolor</i> sit</b> amet <i>consectep<b>ture</b></i>
// </>
<TextSubst foo={({children}) => <span>{children}</span>}>
    lorem @[foo[ipsum @[foo[dolor]] sit]] amet
// <>
//     lorem <span>ipsum <span>dolor</span> sit</span> amet
// </>
const Link = ({name, children}) => <a href={URL[name]}>{children}</a>;
return (
    <TextSubst foo={Link} bar={Link}>
        lorem @[foo[ipsum]] dolor @[bar[sit]] amet
// <>
//     lorem <a href={URL.foo}>ipsum</a> dolor <a href={URL.bar}>sit</a> amet
// </>



  • children - pattern string to render, only single string is acceptable:

    <TextSubst>Lorem ipsum dolor</TextSubst>
    <TextSubst>{'Lorem ipsum dolor'}</TextSubst>
    <TextSubst>{i18n('Lorem ipsum dolor')}</TextSubst>
  • ... rest - value, element or component to render nodes with corresponding name.

    Notice: You cannot use React specific props like key or ref for values.


This package is under MIT License


Render placeholders from text with custom React components

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%