Voronar / ctype-js

JavaScript library for easy working with C data types like primitive type arrays and structures.

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JavaScript library for easy working with C data types like primitive type arrays and structures.

⚠️ Warning ⚠️

It is very old code and I need to do a big refactoring as soon as it be needed.

Exported library(ES5) requirements:

  • typed arrays, ArrayBuffer, DataView

Native library(ES6) requirements:

  • typed arrays, ArrayBuffer, DataView
  • modules
  • default function parameters
  • block scoping


  • extracts C-structures and primitive type arrays to JavaScript objects and typed arrays
  • extracts JavaScript structures(objects) and typed arrays to C-structures and primitive type arrays


  • C-structures with primitive type fields only(char, int, etc.)
  • Fixed length C-arrays only(char a[n], int a[n], etc.)
  • No pointers, no methods, no bit fields


ES5 version(global variable)

ES5 version of the library consists two versions: native(with a native typed arrays compability) and polyfilled(without a native typed arrays compability).
For native version just include build/release/ctype.js script to your HTML-file and build/release/ctype.polyfilled.js for polyfilled one. And then use ctype global object.

Library name conflict: This version of the library exports ctype CommonJS module to a global scope(window object). In case of existed ctype name the library will be renamed to libctypejs.

ES6 version(module)

ES6 version of the library is exported module. Just import module(src/ctype.js) and use it.

import * as ctype from "./ctype";

let structure = ctype.struct(
  field: ctype.int32(100)

let s = ctype.bufferToStruct(buffer, structure);


Note: In all examples I working with a little-endian binary buffer order. In case of a big-endian binary buffer order using you need to set it in all used extracting function. Just set last argument of extraction function to 'false' value.
See function signatures in the documentation.

Extracts C-structure to JavaScript object

For extracting data from C to JavaScript firstable we need to convert C structure or an array to a byte array(char* or unsigned char*) for data transmission via web-socket. In this example I use Qt web-socket protocol implementation.

Warning: C-structures must be 1-byte aligned.

Server side(C++):

// Qt C++
// Web-socket server implementation - QWebSocket(Qt websockets module)
#pragma pack(push, 1)
 struct SubStructure2
   int sint;
 struct SubStructure1
   int sint;
   SubStructure2 s2;
 struct UnsignedArrays
   unsigned char  uchar [2]; //UInt8Array
   unsigned short ushort[2]; //UInt16Array
   unsigned int   uint  [2]; //UInt32Array
 struct SignedArrays
   char   schar  [2]; //Int8Array
   short  sshort [2]; //Int16Array
   int    sint   [2]; //Int32Array
   float  sfloat [2]; //Float32Array
   double sdouble[2]; //Float64Array
 struct Structure
   UnsignedArrays ua[2];
   SignedArrays   sa;
   SubStructure1  s1;
 #pragma pack(pop)

 Structure s[2];
 s[0].s1.s2.sint = 2015;

 QByteArray raw = QByteArray((char*)&s, sizeof(Structure) * 2);


Web-socket test application: See testing Qt web-socket application sources in src/qt-websocket.

Client side(JavaScript):

let SubStructure2 = ctype.struct(
  sint: ctype.int32()

let SubStructure1 = ctype.struct(
  sint: ctype.int32(),
  s2  : ctype.struct(SubStructure2)

let UnsignedArrays = ctype.struct(
  uchar : ctype.uint8 (2),
  ushort: ctype.uint16(2),
  uint  : ctype.uint32(2)

let SignedArrays = ctype.struct(
  schar  : ctype.int8   (2),
  sshort : ctype.int16  (2),
  sint   : ctype.int32  (2),
  sfloat : ctype.float32(2),
  sdouble: ctype.float64(2),

let Structure = ctype.struct(
  ua: ctype.struct(UnsignedArrays, 2),
  sa: ctype.struct(SignedArrays),
  s1: ctype.struct(SubStructure1)

webSocket.onmessage = function(e)
  let data = e.data;

  let s1   = ctype.struct(Structure, 2);
  let rec1 = ctype.bufferToStruct(data,//source binary buffer
                                  s1); //destination structure or array of structures

  console.log(rec1[0].s1.s2.sint[0]); //2015

Variables and arrays: C-structure single field like int i; equals to i: int32(1) typed array in JavaScript.

Extracts C-structure to JavaScript object with an offset from a source binary buffer

In this example we extract a second structure from array of two structures.

//data preparation...
let s2   = ctype.struct(Structure);
let rec2 = ctype.bufferToStruct(data,                 //source binary buffer
                                s2,                   //destination structure
                                Structure.byteLength);//byte offset

JavaScript structure feature: All struct structures has byteLength field is a total byte length of the structure. Then you dynamically add structure property you need to repack the updated structure in order to update byteLength property.

let structure = ctype.struct(
 field1: ctype.int32(100)

structure.field2 = ctype.float32(10); //Invalid 'byteLength' value. Structure need to be updated.
let updatedStructure = ctype.struct(structure);

**Extracts C-array to JavaScript typed array**

In this example we extract C-array to JavaScript typed array with an offset from a source binary buffer and with a specified byte length value of a source binary buffer.
``` js
//data preparation...
let sfloatArray = ctype.float32(2);
let offset      = UnsignedArrays.byteLength * 2 + SignedArrays.schar.byteLength * 2 + SignedArrays.sshort.byteLength * 2 + SignedArrays.byteLength * 2;
let length      = 2 * ctype.FLOAT32_SIZE;
let rec3        = ctype.bufferToArray(data,       //source binary buffer
                                      sfloatArray,//destination array
                                      offset,     //byte offset
                                      length);    //byte length

'bufferToArray' function using: We can extract an array without specified offset and length. In this case the offset value will be equal to zero and the length will be automatically calculated by a special algorithm.
If a source buffer byte length more than a destination array byte length or equal to it then the byte length value will be equal to the destination array byte length.
Else the byte length value will be equal to the source buffer byte length.

JavaScript typed array limitation: When we use multidimensional C-arrays(int array[x][y][z];) we can't use the same array accessing notation with JavaScript typed arrays. console.log(array[0][0][0]); will not work correctly.
In this case we can manually calculate a required array index or use some libraries like ndarray.

Extracts JavaScript structure to C-structure(without an existed binary buffer)

Client side(JavaScript):

//data preparation...
let s             = ctype.struct(Structure, 2);
s[1].sa.sfloat[0] = 3.1415;
let sendData      = ctype.structToBuffer(s/*source structure*/);

Server side(C++):

void MainWindow::processBinaryMessage(QByteArray message)
  QWebSocket *pClient = qobject_cast<QWebSocket*>(sender());

  Structure s[2];

  memcpy(&s, message.constData(), sizeof(Structure) * 2);
  qDebug() << s1[1].sa.sfloat[0]; //3.1415

Extracts JavaScript structure to C-structure(with an existed binary buffer)

//data preparation...
let existedBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(Structure.byteLength * 2);

let sendData = ctype.structToBuffer(rec2,                 //source structure or array of structures
                                    existedBuffer,        //existed binary buffer
                                    Structure.byteLength);//byte offset from an existed binary buffer


Extracts JavaScript typed array to C-array(without an existed binary buffer)

Client side(JavaScript):

let array = ctype.float64(10 * 10 * 10);
array.map(function(value, index, array)
  array[index] = -200.200;
let sendData = ctype.arrayToBuffer(array/*source array*/);

Server side(C++):

void MainWindow::processBinaryMessage(QByteArray message)
  QWebSocket *pClient = qobject_cast<QWebSocket*>(sender());

  double array[10][10][10];

  memcpy(array, message.constData(), sizeof(array));
  qDebug() << array[9][9][9]; //-200.200

Extracts JavaScript typed array to C-array(with an existed binary buffer)

In this example we extract JavaScript typed array to C-array with an offset from a source typed array and with a specified byte length value of a source JavaScript typed array.

Client side(JavaScript):

let existedBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(1000 * ctype.FLOAT64_SIZE);
let array = ctype.float64(1000);
array.map(function(value, index, array)
  if(index > 499)
    array[index] = -200.200;
    array[index] = - 100.100;

ctype.arrayToBuffer(array,                     //source array
                    existedBuffer,             //existed binary buffer
                    0,                         //byte offset
                    500 * ctype.FLOAT64_SIZE);//byte length

ctype.arrayToBuffer(array, existedBuffer, 500 * ctype.FLOAT64_SIZE, 500 * ctype.FLOAT64_SIZE);
let sendData = existedBuffer;

'arrayToBuffer' function using: We can extract an array without specified offset and length. In this case the offset value will be equal to zero and the length will be automatically calculated by a special algorithm.
If a source array byte length more than a destination buffer byte length or equal to it then the byte length value will be equal to the destination buffer byte length.
Else the byte length value will be equal to the source array byte length.

Server side(C++):

void MainWindow::processBinaryMessage(QByteArray message)
  QWebSocket *pClient = qobject_cast<QWebSocket*>(sender());

  double array[1000];

  memcpy(array, message.constData(), sizeof(array));
  qDebug() << array[0];   //-100.100
  qDebug() << array[500]; //-200.200

Have a nice code!


JavaScript library for easy working with C data types like primitive type arrays and structures.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 90.0%Language:C++ 9.0%Language:HTML 0.6%Language:QMake 0.5%