VonHeikemen / functools-js

This is a set utility functions that I have seen in other places but written in ES5

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a set utility functions that I have seen in other places. Here I collect the most useful in their ES5 compatible version. This is mostly for personal use.


Most of this function support currying by default.


  • Always return true.
 T() // => true


  • Always returns false.
 F() // => false


  • Returns the given argument.
 identity('id') // => 'id'


  • Returns a function that always returns the same value.
 const greet = constant('Hello')
 greet() // => 'Hello'


  • Returns true if the argument is null, undefined or NaN.
  is_nil(undefined) // => true
  is_nil(null) // => true
  is_nil(NaN) // => true


  • Returns a partial copy of an obj containing only the given keys.
 // keys can be an array
 pick(['a', 'c'], {a: 1, b: 2}) // => {a: 1}

 // or a comma separated string
 pick('a,c', {a: 1, b: 2}) // => {a: 1}


  • Tries to get the value of the path in the object given.
 path('a.b', {a: {b: 1}}) // => 1


  • It creates a shallow copy of the value in the provided path then sets or overrides the property with specified value.
 assoc(['a', 'b', 'c'], 42, {a: {b: {c: 0}}}); // => {a: {b: {c: 42}}}


  • It flips the order of the first two arguments of a function. It's only meant to be used with a function that takes two arguments.
 const substract = (a, b) => a - b;
 const flipped = flip(substract);

 flipped(1, 7) // => 6

 // it also makes it a curried function
 const take_one = flipped(1)
 take_one(7) // => 6


  • Call a list of functions from left-to-right. The result of the previous function becomes the input of the next.
 const capitalize = word => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1)
 const excited = str => str + '!!'
 const add_world = str => str + ', world'

 const greet = pipe(capitalize, add_world, excited)
 greet('hello') // => Hello, world!!


  • Call a list of functions from right-to-left. The result of the previous function becomes the input of the next.
 const capitalize = word => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1)
 const excited = str => str + '!!'
 const add_world = str => str + ', world'

 const greet = compose(excited, add_world, capitalize)
 greet('hello') // => Hello, world!!


  • Call a list of functions from left-to-right. It gives the functions the same arguments. Returns the first argument given to the "result function."
 let greet = 'Hello'
 const add = key => args => greet += args[key]
 const add_to_greet = xargs(add('comma'), add('subject'), add('exclamation'))

 add_to_greet({ comma: ', ', subject: 'world', exclamation: '!!' })

 // now
 greet // => Hello, world!!


  • Allow partial application until function arity is satisfied.
 const add_four = (a, b, c, d) => a + b + c + d;
 const stage_one = curry(add_four)

 const stage_two = stage_one(1, 2)
 const final_stage = stage_two(3)

 final_stage(4) // 10


  • Creates a function that waits a given amount of miliseconds to be called again.
 let calls = 0
 const count = () => calls++
 const slow_count = debounce(10, count)


 calls // => 1


  • Applies the argument to a function if the predicate function return something truthy.
 let greeting = 'hello';
 const append = str => str + ', world!';
 const is_hello = str => str === 'hello';

 const better_greeting = when(is_hello, append, greeting);

 better_greeting // => hello, world!


  • Attach a callback to a promise then.
 const append = str => str + ', world!';

 pipe(async_greet, then(append))


  • Attach a callback to a promise catch.
  const append = str => str + ', world!';
  const fallback = () => 'hi, you';

  pipe(async_greet, then(append), pcatch(fallback))


  • Let a function take a look at a value and give it back.
 const taplog = tap(console.log)



  • Let console.log take a look at a value and give it back.


  • Wrap a getter and a setter function into a composable unit. It can be used to modify deeply nested object structures. Once you have a lens you can view, replace (set) and transform (over) an object with the provided utility functions.
const x_lens = Lens(path(['x']), assoc(['x']));
const negate = arg => arg * -1;

Lens.view(x_lens, {x: 1, y: 2});          // => 1
Lens.set(x_lens, 4, {x: 1, y: 2});        // => {x: 4, y: 2}
Lens.over(x_lens, negate, {x: 1, y: 2});  // => {x: -1, y: 2}


  • It's lens wrapper around path and assoc functions. It is meant to create a lens over a single property.
const x_lens = Lens.prop('x');
const negate = arg => arg * -1;

Lens.view(x_lens, {x: 1, y: 2});          // => 1
Lens.set(x_lens, 4, {x: 1, y: 2});        // => {x: 4, y: 2}
Lens.over(x_lens, negate, {x: 1, y: 2});  // => {x: -1, y: 2}


  • It's lens wrapper around path and assoc functions. It can create a lens over nested properties.
const x_lens = Lens.path(['x']);
const negate = arg => arg * -1;

Lens.view(x_lens, {x: 1, y: 2});          // => 1
Lens.set(x_lens, 4, {x: 1, y: 2});        // => {x: 4, y: 2}
Lens.over(x_lens, negate, {x: 1, y: 2});  // => {x: -1, y: 2}



  • Provides a safe way to deal with "empty values" like null and undefined.
  const search = input => Maybe(data[input])
  const format = results => results.join(',')
  const fallback = () => 'not found'
  const Identity = x => x

  const result = search('some-term')
    .cata(Identity, fallback)

  // now 'result' can't be undefined
  // it will either have the desired content
  // or it contain a message


  • Represents an operation that can fail.
  const search = input => data[input] === undefined 
    ? Result.Err({message: 'not found'})
    : Result(data[input])

  const format = results => results.join(',')
  const Identity = x => x

  const result = search('some-term')
    .catchmap(error => error.message)
    .cata(Identity, Identity)


  • Represents a side effect. It wraps an effect runs it only when you call run.
 const read = id => Effect(() => $(id).text())
 const write = id => value => Effect(() => $(id).text(value))

 const to_upper = text => text.toUpperCase()
 const change_text = read("#myId").map(to_upper).chain(write("#myId"))



  • It's a wrapper around promises to make them somewhat compatible with the rest of the types.
 const async_stuff = () => { /* mystery */ }
 const search = input => Maybe(data[input])
 const format = results => results.join(',')
 const fallback = () => 'not found'
 const Identity = x => x

 const result = await search('some-term')
   .chain(Future.of)                       // turn the maybe into a future
   .map(async_stuff)                       // begin your async stuff
   .map(format)                            // keep doing your thing
   .cata(Identity, fallback)

Check out this codepen example for a better look of how it would be used.

Want to use it?

I guess you'll have to clone/download it and then do.

 npm install
 npm run test
 npm run build

You will have everything you need on the dist folder.

The minified version for browsers will store the functions under the variable functools.


This is a set utility functions that I have seen in other places but written in ES5

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%