Simple Mac App to create annotations and prepare images for Object Detection training with Turi Create
When you need to prepare your images and add annotations for training with Turi Create, you can use this little Mac App ("ImagePreparation").
Just clone this project and run pod install
Open the created workspace in Xcode 10 on your Mac and build and run the ImagePreparation target.
After starting up, you'll see an empty window. You can import your images now by selecting File -> Import Pictures...
For each imported picture you can now draw a bounding box and enter a label in the text field. You can save and open your ongoing work
as 'mlp' files. When you're ready to go, you can select File -> Export ML Data...
This will export your work in a folder called MLExport. In addition, it will add a python script and Jupyter Notebook file.
Note: I'm using Anaconda with Python 3.6 and have set up a virtual environment where i installed version 5.0 of Turi Create. You can start Jupyter Notebook from your export folder and use the included script to train your model.