VolkenoMakers / google-places-reviews

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About VolkenoMakers Google Places Reviews

VolkenoMakers-GPR is a laravel package for managing the display of Google Places Reviews. It is simplistic, easy to use and designed to fill the lack of reliable documentation and resources needed to display the reviews of your business.


You can see the package demo here


You can install the package via composer :

composer require volkenomakers/google-places-reviews

If installation is done, you must add the package Provider in config/app.php on providers array :

    'providers' => [

         * Package Service Providers...


After installation, you must publish vendor :

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="VolkenoMakers\GooglePlacesReviews\GooglePlacesReviewsServiceProvider"

Updating config file

To configure the package, you must edit the config/google-places-reviews.php file to fill in the essential information.

        Note: You'll need a Google maps API key - requires both Maps JS and Places API services enabled.

return [
    'place_ID'          => '', // [REQUIRED] Get from: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/places-placeid-finder 
    'business_type'     => '', // [REQUIRED] Example: FinancialService (http://schema.org) 
    'business_name'     => '', // [REQUIRED] Your Business name 
    'street_address'    => '', // Your business address
    'locality'          => '', // Example: Docklands (http://schema.org/addressLocality)
    'region '           => '', // Your business region
    'post_code'          => '', // Your business post code
    'logo_path'         => '', // Your business logo lurl
    'min_star'          => '1', // The minimum star rating (min = 1)
    'max_rows'          => '5', // The maximum number of results (max = 5)
    'api_key'           => '', // [REQUIRED] Google API Key

Override package css style

You can override the package styling by adding your custom CSS in the public/vendor/gp-reviews.css file. If you also want to add new class or id to go further on the customization you must edit the view file integrated in resources/views/vendor/gp-reviews.blade.php

Multilingual configuration (i18n)

The package is multilingual with two languages configured by default : English and French. On the other hand, you can always add other languages by creating a folder of the language you want to use in resources/lang/vendor/gp-reviews, taking the keys and assigning them a textual value.

You cannot configure the internationalization of the names of the months of the year in the lang folder. For this, you must edit the resources/views/vendor/gp-reviews.blade.php file on line 154. By default the months are in French.

var convertTime = function(UNIX_timestamp) {
    var a = new Date(UNIX_timestamp * 1000);
    var months = ['Janv','Fév','Mar','Avr','Mai','Juin','Juil','Août','Sept','Oct','Nov','Déc']; // You can change this
    var time = a.getDate() + ' ' + months[a.getMonth()] + ' ' + a.getFullYear();
    return time;

How to user VolkenoMakers-GPR

You must include the resources/views/vendor/gp-reviews/gp-reviews.blade.php file in the view where you want to place it.


And in your master template, you must add push helper with script like the value


Finally, you must add the package css link in your master template head tag like this :

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('vendor/gp-reviews/gp-reviews.css') }}">

Copyright and License

google-places-reviews was written by Sadio Sangharé for Volkeno Makers and is released under the MIT License.

Copyright (c) 2023 VolkenoMakers


License:MIT License


Language:Blade 67.9%Language:PHP 17.3%Language:CSS 14.8%