This Bot will create event and on user reaction to his message he will add people the bot will create the event with the following command !create "title_of_the_event"description_of_the_event" for a correct funtionality i reccomend to use the emoji 👌 that is the basic emoji of discord You will need to create a with inside the current data TOKEN = 'WITH-YOUR-BOT-TOKEN' admin ='WITH-THE-ADMIN-ID' color_n=0xFF0000 --->THIS IS RED COLOR BUT YOU CAN USE WHAT YOU LIKE presenze='HOW YOU WAT TO CALL PRESENCE' channel_id_ascolto1='CHANNEL ID WHERE THE BOT WILL OPERATE' channel_id_ascolto2='CHANNEL ID WHERE THE BOT WILL OPERATE' operator='WHO IS PARTECIPATING A NAME TO REPPRESENT WHO IS IN THE LIST' emoti='👌'