Vlect / Vlect

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hey there! Keyboards sigh & screens facepalm when I start coding! 👋🚀

Allow me to introduce myself: I am Vlect - think “elect” but with some extra va-va-voom thanks to the "V"!

I'm a software developer whose coding journey is fresher than a supermarket avocado 🥑 (2 years, baby!).

🧰 What’s in my Toolbox?

  • React.js - Because if I have to deal with JavaScript, at least my DOM can be snappy.
  • Node.js - JavaScript again, but this time it’s personal (and server-side).
  • TypeScript - JavaScript’s more responsible sibling. It actually plans ahead.
  • Nest.js & Next.js - Like Nestlé but for code, and way less sweet.
  • PrismaORM - Where my data struts down the catwalk.
  • PostgreSQL & MySQL - Slinging SQL like I’m in a Wild West shootout, but with tables instead of revolvers.
  • AWS - Where acronyms go to party: APIGateway, S3, OMG, BBQ!
  • JavaScript - The duct tape of the coding world. Great for a quick fix, but you wouldn’t build a house with it, would you? 🙃

🌱 Cultivating New Skills

I'm suiting up for Rust and OCaml – the coding equivalent of going from a tricycle to a rocket. 🚀

Rust's like a fortress; OCaml's like sipping wisdom in code. This ain't the wild west of JavaScript, folks!

⚠️ Fair Warning

Expert? Ha! Think of me as a squirrel in a computer lab – frantically running around, collecting knowledge-nuts. 🌰💡 I might not know where all the keys are, but darn it, I’ll find the 'any' key one of these days!

🚀 Learning by Doing: Embrace the Shit-Shoveling Method

They say video tutorials are like soup, but hands-on coding is a buffet! 🍲💻

I've learned that becoming a better developer means diving into coding challenges, rolling up our sleeves, and embracing the "shit-shoveling method." Sure, tutorials have their place, but nothing beats the thrill of getting our hands dirty with real projects.

So, let's dig through bugs, debug like detectives, and celebrate those "Eureka!" moments. Together, we'll conquer new technologies, build amazing projects, and unleash incredible code. Time to make our keyboards tremble and screens beg for mercy!

Contact me

Got a wild idea or just want to exchange goofy memes? Let’s be silly together! But if you prefer modern tech, you can also find me here:

