VladislavNikolaev / gradle-drive

Lightweight android gradle plugin for Google Drive

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Lightweight gradle plugin to upload your APK to the Google Drive. Needs the com.android.application plugin applied.

Quick Start Guide

  1. Create new project on Google Developers Console (or use existing one).
  2. Enable Drive API in API Manager (see Prerequisites).
  3. Create Google Service Account for that project (see Prerequisites).
  4. Share target Google Drive folder with service account email or make it public (see [Drive Folder]).
  5. Add the plugin to your buildscript dependencies (see Usage).
  6. Apply the plugin (see Usage).
  7. Apply your credentials inside the drive block (see Credentials).


Project at Google Developers Console

You need to have a project at https://console.developers.google.com/iam-admin/projects to be able to access Google APIs.

Enabling Drive API

You can enable Drive API at API Manager https://console.developers.google.com/apis/dashboard. You can skip warning about credencials or click "Create credencials" button and use wizard to create required stuff. When you use wizard choose Other non-UI from dropdown menu and select Application Data access. For next steps see Prerequisites

Google Service Account

To use this plugin you have to create a service account and generate private .p12 key (.json authorization may be added in future). Just click create service account button, check Furnish a new private key and select P12 option. Save generated p12 key file and service account email address we will use them later on.

Drive Folder

Google doesn't allow you to access Drive folders for your service account directly, but there is some workaround. You can create folder in your account's Drive and share access to service account email. After that you can use that folder id setting it as a parent for service account uploads. This is secure way to access uploaded files. You can also make your folder a folder with public access (less secure, not tested).


Add it to your buildscript dependencies: (Artifactory not working yet! For temporary solution see below)

buildscript {

    repositories {

    dependencies {
    	// ...
        classpath 'com.github.ximik3.gradle:drive:1.0'

Apply it:

apply plugin: 'com.github.ximik3.drive'

The plugin creates the following tasks for you:

  • uploadApkDebug - Uploads APK file signed with temporary debug keys.
  • uploadApkRelease - Uploads APK file signed with actual keys.

Make sure to set a valid signingConfig for the release build type. Otherwise, there won't be a release APK and the uploadApkRelease won't be available.

In case you are using product flavors you will get one of the above tasks for every flavor. E.g. uploadApkQaRelease or uploadProductionRelease.

Temporary artifactory solution!

Clone plugin project locally:

> git clone git@github.com:ximik3/gradle-drive.git

Upload archives to local maven repo (repo by default (see build.gradle)):

> cd gradle-drive
> ./gradlew uploadArchives

Add local repository to your top level build.gradle:

buildscript {

    repositories {
        maven { url uri('path-to-repo-e.g.../gradle-drive/repo') }

    dependencies {
    	// ...
        classpath 'com.github.ximik3.gradle:drive:1.0'


Once you have applied this plugin to your android application project you can configure it via the drive block.


Drop in your service account email address and the p12 key file you generated in the API Console here.

drive {
    serviceAccountEmail = 'your-service-account-email'
    pk12File = file('key.p12')
    folderId = 'your-shared-folder-id'

Advanced Topics

Assemble apk before uploading

Before running above tasks you need to be sure that you have required .apk file assembled and stored under app/build/outputs/apk folder, otherwise task will fail with java.io.FileNotFoundExeption. For example, you can run:

./gradlew assembleDebug

and only after successful build run:

./gradlew uploadApkDebug

Inspired by https://github.com/Triple-T/gradle-play-publisher .


Lightweight android gradle plugin for Google Drive


Language:Groovy 100.0%