VladimirFilonov / cookiecutter-aiohttp-sqlalchemy

:cookie: Fat and opinionated cookiecutter template for building async Web Apps powered by Aiohttp, SQLAlchemy and Swagger

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Fat and opinionated cookiecutter template for building async Web Apps powered by Aiohttp, SQLAlchemy and Swagger.

Check out the Features section below for a short description of what this box packs for you. The Code Examples section showcases a code example of an async API using an SQLAlchemy Base Model.

If you want to see a working example web app generated using this cookiecutter-template, then please head over to /examples directory.



  • SQLALchemy Support:
    • asyncio-compatible: use async/await to execute db queries
    • Request-scoped DB Sessions
    • Executor-based queries execution
    • Managed transactional support via contextmanager interface
  • Swagger Support:
    • Separate Swagger YAML file
    • Auto-generation of Swagger UI
    • Docs served at: /api/v1.0/docs
    • Swagger JSON Schema served at: /api/v1.0/docs/swagger.json
  • Development Server:
    • make dev-server starts an Aiohttp Dev Server (file-watch enabled)
  • Docker Support:
    • Dockerfile: configurable arguments for DB Access
    • docker-compose.yml: Spins up PostgreSQL for development
    • make docker-build: to build the image
    • make docker-run: to run the image
    • make docker-build-run: a shorthand for two of the above
  • Independent Test Env:
    • make install-dev creates a separate virtualenv with all dev requirements
    • make pytest runs the tests/ package from the testing virtualenv
    • make coverage runs test coverage analysis from the testing virtualenv
    • make test runs make install-dev and then make pyest
  • Configuration Management:
    • Ini-filed based configuration, see: config/default.conf
    • Support configuration via .env file
  • Management CLI:
    • make install to create a virtualenv and install the project
    • make test to run the tests
    • make clean to remove cached and built artifacts
    • make help to display more awesome commands
    • make dev-upgrade-deps upgrades all high-level dependencies
  • Python packaging:
    • Auto-generated setup.py with project info
    • make package builds a distributable wheel of the project
  • Docs:


  • Python 3.6+ (tested with Python 3.8)
  • Aiohttp
  • Aiohttp-Swagger
  • Psycopg2
  • SQLAlchemy
  • UVLoop
  • uJSON

Quick Start

First, grab cookiecutter if you don't have it and start the generation process:

$ pip install cookiecutter
$ cookiecutter https://github.com/aalhour/cookiecutter-aiohttp-sqlalchemy

Either run everything with Docker and Docker-compose, which will also spin-up a PostgreSQL side-car instance, as follows:

$ docker-compose up

Or, go the manual way and install everything locally via the Makefile:

$ make install

Once installed manually, copy the config file template over to ~/.config/<your-app-name>.conf. It is important that the file name matches the application name you entered in the cookiecutter generation process:

$ cp config/example.conf ~/.config/<your-app-name>.conf

Next thing is, you need to customize your config file and enter your database details under the [db] section, please follow the config file:

$ cat ~/.config/<your-app-name>.conf

host = localhost
port = 5432
name = <database_name>
schema = <schema_name>
user = <database_user>

Lastly, start the application using the Pythonic entry point:

$ venv/bin/run_<your-app-name>

Code Examples

The following is an example API code that tries to query the database using an SQLAlchemy Declarative Model:

class UsersApi:
    async def get_user_by_id(self, request):
        GET /api/v1.0/users/<id>
        user_id = request.match_info.get('id')
        async with transactional_session() as db:
            # `User` is an SQLAlchemy declarative class
            user = await User.get_by_id(user_id, db)
            return self.json_response(user.serialized)
class User(db.BaseModel):
    Data model for the User database table.
    __tablename__ = 'user'

    id = Column(INTEGER, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)

    def __init__(self, id_=None, name=None):
        self.id = id_

    async def get_by_id(cls, id_: int, session: Session) -> "User":
        Get user by ID from the database
        :param id_: User ID
        :param session: Database session object
        :return: User instance if user exists; otherwise, None
        # Run the SQLAlchemy session.query(Example).get() function in the background
        return await run_async(session.query(cls).get, (id_,))

The template comes with pre-packaged asyncio utility functions and classes to aid querying the database via SQLALchemy declarative models in the background, the above mentioned transactional_session context-manager, run_async function and db.BaseModel class will be generated for you as part of the cookiecutter template.

If you want to see a working example web app generated using this cookiecutter-template, then please head over to /examples directory.


:cookie: Fat and opinionated cookiecutter template for building async Web Apps powered by Aiohttp, SQLAlchemy and Swagger

License:MIT License


Language:Python 68.5%Language:Makefile 16.1%Language:Shell 13.0%Language:Dockerfile 2.4%