Vladimir-Novick / MDI-Login

MDI Applications with Login Modal Dialog. Describes how to use standard dialog in an MDI application. Create Resource DLLs and Language Support. Describes how you can simply add icons to menu items

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

MDI-Login. Basic skeleton project

Multiple-Document Interface (MDI)

Applications with Login Modal Dialog


The modal window is a child of one of the main windows. However, it is blocking all the top-level windows once it is open.

Submitted app solves this problem. Describes how to use standard dialogs in an MDI application.

Design Components Library ( NDC )

Components for MFC WinForm help developers execute Design with modular and customizable UI components. These components enable a reliable development workflow to build beautiful and functional user experiences for C++ MFC Desktop application.

Custom MDI Frame color

CMainFrame :

             CClientWnd  m_Client;

OnCreateClient action :

        BOOL CMainFrame::OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext* pContext)
            if (CMDIFrameWnd::OnCreateClient(lpcs, pContext))
	            return TRUE;

            return CMDIFrameWnd::OnCreateClient(lpcs, pContext);

OnClose action:

        void CMainFrame::OnClose(){

Custom Dialogs

Dialogs inform users about a task and can contain critical information, require decisions, or involve multiple tasks.

Using: change reference from CDialog to CDesignDialog CModalDialog to CModalDesignDialog

     include: CDesignDialog.h

Create Resource DLLs and Language Support

Easy instructions for creating custom language support to your application.

Create Satellite DLL ( resource-only DLL )

  1. Create Empty Dynamic Link Library project with Windows Desktop Wizard.

  2. Create a new resource ( .rc file ).

  3. copy all application resource and file resource.h into Satellite DLL.

  4. Modify your application resource as your needs.

  5. Specify the /NOENTRY linker option. ( Project Properties -> Linker -> Advanced -> No Entry Point -> Select Yes option )

  6. Create Satellite DLL for all your application configuration

Use a Satellite DLL

Load satellite DLL into your application initialization:

for example:

        // CMDIAppViewApp initialization

        BOOL CMDIAppViewApp::InitInstance()

            hResourceDLL = LoadLibrary(L"ResourceDLL.Dll");


You can select resources DLL file depending on your application configuration

  1. Unload your sattelite DLL

for example:

        int CMDIAppViewApp::ExitInstance()
            // Restores the EXE as the resource container.
            hResourceDLL = NULL;

            return CWinApp::ExitInstance();

Adding Icons to Menu Items

This is an easy way to add icons to the menu.

  1. Create bitmap image.

If you using GIMP please export with:

		 Compatable Options:
		   - Do not write color space information
		 Advanced Options:  
		  - 24 bits R8 G8 B8
  1. Add to .rc file:

    	ID_APP_ABOUT   BITMAP   DISCARDABLE    "res\\bitmap1.bmp"

where ID_APP_ABOUT - your menu item ID

  1. Add WM_INITMENUPOPUP handler in MainFrame class:

for example:


		void CMainFrame::OnInitMenuPopup(CMenu* pMenu, UINT nIndex, BOOL bSysMenu)
			CMDIFrameWnd::OnInitMenuPopup(pMenu, nIndex, bSysMenu);

			if (bSysMenu)
				pMenu = GetSystemMenu(FALSE);
			MENUINFO mnfo;
			mnfo.cbSize = sizeof(mnfo);
			mnfo.fMask = MIM_STYLE;
			::SetMenuInfo(pMenu->GetSafeHmenu(), &mnfo);

			minfo.cbSize = sizeof(minfo);

			for (UINT pos = 0; pos < pMenu->GetMenuItemCount(); pos++)
				minfo.fMask = MIIM_FTYPE | MIIM_ID ;
				pMenu->GetMenuItemInfo(pos, &minfo, TRUE);

				if (ID_APP_ABOUT == minfo.wID) {

					if (hBitmapAbout == NULL) {
						hBitmapAbout = (HBITMAP)::LoadBitmap(::AfxGetResourceHandle(),
					SetMenuItemBitmaps(pMenu->m_hMenu, pos, 
						  MF_BYPOSITION , hBitmapAbout, hBitmapAbout);


			if (hBitmapAbout != NULL) {


			// TODO: add member initialization code here
			NotLoginExit = false;
			hBitmapAbout = NULL;


MDI Applications with Login Modal Dialog. Describes how to use standard dialog in an MDI application. Create Resource DLLs and Language Support. Describes how you can simply add icons to menu items

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 95.4%Language:C 4.6%