Vlad-Shcherbina / win-win-reent-demo

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Since window_proc() function of win_win::WindowProc trait takes &self, mutable state has to be wrapped in RefCell<>.

In window_proc() we use .borrow_mut() to access it.

However, if we forget to release this borrow when calling Windows API functions that cause window proc reentrancy (e.g. SendMessage() or MessageBox()), second invocation of window_proc() will fail with a runtime error "already borrowed".

This failure to account for reentrancy could be easily missed by manual testing if .borrow_mut() only happens on some paths in window_proc().

It would be nice to have some kind of compile-time enforcement.


Instead of passing RefCell<State> to window_proc(), we will pass some opaque type StateRef<State> with the following public interface:

impl StateRef<State> {
    pub fn state_mut(&mut self) -> impl DerefMut<Target=State>;
    pub fn reent<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Reent<'a>;

Reent is a zero-sized type that proves that we are not holding mut borrow of State at the moment.

Windows API calls that are known to cause reentrancy should have safe wrappers that take a Reent argument:

pub fn message_box(
    _reent: Reent,
    hwnd: HWND,
    title: &str,
    message: &str,
    u_type: UINT,
) -> c_int {
    unsafe {

Usage example:

fn window_proc(
    sr: &mut StateRef<State>,
    hwnd: HWND, msg: UINT, _wparam: WPARAM, _lparam: LPARAM,
)-> Option<LRESULT> {
    let mut state = sr.state_mut();
    // do stuff with state

    if msg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN {
        drop(state);  // Release state borrow.
                      // Borrow checker will compain if we forget to do it.

        message_box(sr.reent(), hwnd, "hello", "title", MB_OK);

        let mut state = sr.state_mut();  // borrow it again if needed
        // do stuff




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