Vivacia / ADIS16209-Arduino-Demo

Example C++ library and Arduino project for the ADIS16209 Digital Inclinometer

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ADIS16209 Arduino Demo

An example C++ library and Arduino project for the ADIS16209 iSensor Inclinometer/Accelerometer

This example library was written to give engineers, students, and makers a starting point for using a high-performance inclinometer/accelerometer. The code in this repository will provide the user with:

  • A header file listing all of the unit's available registers
  • Functions for reading output registers and writing control registers using 8-bit frames
  • Functions for performing common routines such as resetting the sensor
  • Example Arduino sketches which synchronously read data from the sensor and write it to the serial port

What do I need to get started?

In order to compile and execute the Arduino sketch, you'll need to download the "legacy" Arduino package (v1.0.6 as of this writing). You can download the IDE here.

You'll also need an 8-bit arduino such as an Arduino Uno.

The Arduino sketches use commands which clear the terminal window. For best results, connect to your Arduino using PuTTY, an open source terminal program.

How do I install the library?

Once you've installed the Arduino IDE, copy the ADIS16209 folder into My Documents > Arduino > libraries

How do I connect the IMU to my Arduino?

The ADIS16209 is a 3.3V part, so your Arduino must be modified before connecting the sensor to it! A guide to modifying an Arduino Uno can be found here.

After modifying the Arduino, you'll need to build a cable to interface the sensor with the ADIS16209/PCBZ.

ADIS16209-Arduino Cable Interface

Pin assignments can be found in the Arduino sketch comments.

How do I know it's working?

Once you have the sensor connected and have loaded the ADIS16209_8bit_WithDR example sketch, use PuTTY to connect to the arduino using the following settings:

ADIS16209 Example PuTTY Config

If everything is working, you should see a screen like this:

ADIS16209 Example PuTTY Output


Example C++ library and Arduino project for the ADIS16209 Digital Inclinometer

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:C++ 71.3%Language:Arduino 28.7%