Vital-Vuillaume / Time-Converter

A time converter that converts days into hours, minutes and seconds. Simplify your time conversions with this efficient solution!

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comVital-Vuillaume/Time-ConverterRepository from Github https://github.comVital-Vuillaume/Time-Converter


The Time-Converter project is an online time conversion tool. It allows you to convert a number of days into hours, minutes, and seconds.

Technologies Used

This site was developed using the following technologies:

My Skills

How to Use the Tool

To access the tool, you can follow this link: Time-Converter

Once on the page, you will find the following elements:

  • Input Field: A text field where you can enter the number of days you want to convert.
  • Calculate Button: Clicking this button will perform the conversion and display the results.
  • Hours, Minutes, and Seconds: These sections will show the converted values after performing the calculation.


  • I am open to contributions and suggestions to improve this site:

    1. You can fork the site.


Feel free to explore the site and share your feedback. I hope you enjoy your visit!


A time converter that converts days into hours, minutes and seconds. Simplify your time conversions with this efficient solution!


Language:CSS 72.4%Language:JavaScript 15.4%Language:HTML 12.2%