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My Curriculum Vitae. WIP!

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Dominic Coelho | GitHub CV

I am a full-stack (JS/ES6, HTML/CSS/SASS, Node, PostgreSQL) JavaScript developer and recent (October 2018) graduate of Founders & Coders. I am keen to learn a lot more, with a focus on creating, and contributing to, efficient, secure, maintainable and scalable applications.

Current Skills

Languages Frameworks Tools/Testing/Deployment
Javascript Node.js Git
SQL/Postgres Express Jest
HTML React Travis CI
CSS Sass Tape
Handlebars Heroku

Soon to join the above table: Redux, GraphQL, Webpack, Babel, MongoDB, Elixir...

What I'd Love To Learn

I am looking to improve my ability as a developer, and to build upon the skills I already have (JS, React, Git, SQL, testing...), but - beyond this - I am especially interested in getting significant experience with one or more of the following in the coming years:

  • Elixir/Phoenix: I've heard great things about the scalability, fault-tolerance and developer experience that come with Elixir and Phoenix. Also want to get to grips with a functional language. Currently teaching myself the basics.
  • TypeScript/Elm: to see the benefits of a strongly-typed system for myself
  • GraphQL: to avoid some common limitations of REST (e.g. over-fetching)
  • React Native, Flutter or a similar cross-platform mobile development framework.


Pro bono client project - Sleuth

  • Repo link
  • Worked with three other developers, following scrum/Agile methodologies.
  • MVP built in a 3 week sprint (including design, user testing and other commitments during the day).
  • Built a platform for Sleuth to connect local governments with SMEs
  • Project uses Node, Express, React, Sass and PostgreSQL
  • Enables SMEs to register and create/edit their profile (including logos and uploaded files) that can be browsed on our site

Small, vanilla JS projects



Front-end engineer, Ticketmaster

  • Four month paid internship: taking place from late November 2018 - March/April 2019
  • Identified a pain point/productivity hit for several team members and created a Chrome extension to solve the issue (see "Chrome extension: relative URL creator" in projects readme)
  • Will update this section with more detail as the internship progresses

Account Director / Senior Account Manager (Digital Marketing), Brainlabs Digital

  • AD for Which? Mortgages and Eastpak
  • Significantly improved account performance through work informed by research, A/B testing, data analysis and competitor research
  • Created interactive, responsive landing page prototypes in order to demonstrate ways to improve clients' UX (UI and loading speed)
  • Architected a system to automate the combination and rudimentary analysis of data from multiple, large, disparate sources
  • Proposed and implemented multiple process improvements, e.g. moving to Airtable for team task management, and creating a "central client knowledge database" to use as a single source of truth
  • Trained, mentored and managed my own team


BA (Hons) Biomedical Sciences (Cells and Systems Biology), University of Oxford. Graduated 2015.

  • For my final lab project (dissertation), I produced several hundred (immuno)fluorescence microscopy images which required individual analysis by hand. As the task essentially involved looking at the ratio of green to blue in images, I created a relatively rudimentary Python script to do this for me by looping through the pixels of each image, summing up the total green value and total blue value of all the pixels that met certain criteria, and produced a ratio for each image. This allowed for repeated calibration, quick (re)measurements and a much more quantitative, unbiased reading.

A/AS-Levels: Maths, Biology, Spanish, Economics.

Other Links / Contact


Other Interests

I love music. I'm classically-trained (grade 8 Cello and Flute), but most of my time is spent consuming music in the form of Electronic, Jazz or relatively contemporary Classical. You can often find me at the Barbican, e.g. for the EFG London Jazz Festival, Ryuichi Sakamoto/Alva Noto, VRIL or Ryoji Ikeda.

I'm also passionate about mental health, fostering inclusivity/equality, education and podcasts.


My Curriculum Vitae. WIP!


Language:HTML 66.2%Language:CSS 33.8%