VipulMascarenhas / sagemaker-template

Template for setting up sagemaker training and inference

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repo is an end-to-end template for training and deploying a container & creating and serving endpoints using Amazon SageMaker.

This repository is a copy of shapemaker, which is licensed under the MIT license.

The template has some modifications that allows the setup to work on M2 laptops. The following functionality is supported:

  • a minimalistic template for model code
  • a template for a docker image for model training
  • an endpoint docker image template for real-time inference
  • command-line functions for interacting with the model/endpoint
  • command-line functions for delivering and integrating the model w/SageMaker
  • workflows enabling continuous integration/delivery.


The setup was done on a Mac (M2), it might need to be tweaked slightly to accommodate other devices.

Cloud Services

  • Amazon Web Services*
    • User and Policy: Create a new user 'vmascarenhas' and attach the following policies:

          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": "*"
    • S3 bucket

      • The S3 bucket acts as the location where you’ll store data for various ML processes, including passing training and test data to the ML algorithms, temporary data and output from the ML algorithms (e.g. model files). Be sure to create the S3 bucket in the same region that you intend to create the Sagemaker instance.


    • curl "" -o "AWSCLIV2.pkg"
      sudo installer -pkg ./AWSCLIV2.pkg -target /   
      which aws
      aws --version
  • direnv
    • brew install direnv
  • gettext
    • brew install gettext
  • docker
  • docker compose
  • pyenv
    • brew install pyenv
      brew install pyenv-virtualenv
      pyenv install -v 3.11.3
      pyenv virtualenv 3.11.3 v3.11.3
      pyenv activate v3.11.3
  • python
  • Cookiecutter
    • pip install cookiecutter



Create project from template

Create a project template using cookiecutter:

cookiecutter gh:VipulMascarenhas/sagemaker-template

The inputs for the template are described below:

Input Description
PROJECT_NAME Name of model project.
PY_VERSION Which version of python to use, e.g. '3.11.3'.
DIR_MODEL_LOCAL Local directory for model artifact storage, e.g. './artifacts'.
DIR_TMP Temporary files directory, e.g. '/tmp'.
AWS_ACCOUNT_ID 12-digit AWS account ID.
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION AWS default region.
ECR_REPO Name of AWS ECR repository, where containers are published.
SAGEMAKER_ROLE Name of the Sagemaker execution role to be assumed by Sagemaker, e.g. SageMakerRole
BUCKET_ARTIFACTS Name of S3 bucket for model artifact storage.
NOTE: prefix with 'sagemaker' for Sagemaker access, e.g. 'sagemaker-emails-data'.

NOTE: do NOT enquote input values.

Set-up project

Initialize project by executing make init from the command line in the project directory. The init target makes the included shell scripts executable and provisions relevant AWS infrastructure.

Export project-specific environment variables automatically with direnv, i.e. by invoking direnv allow.

Template structure

To help you navigate in this template, here is an overview of the folder structure:

├── .github/    
│   └── workflows/            # Workflows for automation, CI/CD.
├── modelpkg/                 # Python package defining model logic.
|   |          # Code for constructing and training the model etc.
│   └── tests/                # Unit tests for model code.
├── aws/                      # Shell scripts for integrating the project with Sagemaker.
├── configs/                  # Configurations for Sagemaker endpoints, training jobs, etc.
├── images/                   # Docker images for model training and model endpoint.
├── server/                   # Configuration for a default NGINX web server for the model endpoint.*
├── .envrc                    # Project-specific environment variables.
├── Makefile                  # Command-line functions for project-specific tasks.
├──                  # Script for training the model. Builds into training image.
├──                    # Application code for the model endpoint. Builds into endpoint image.
├── requirements_modelpkg.txt # Python packages required by the model.
└── requirements_dev.txt      # .. All other python packages needed in development mode.

We can modify this template depending on our specific use-cases.

Command-line functions

All tasks related to interacting with the model project are implemented as command-line functions in ./Makefile implying that functions are invoked with make [target], e.g. make build_training_image.

If you want to build, train and deploy a model on-the-fly you can do it by invoking a sequence of make targets, i.e.:

  1. make init
  2. make build_training_image
  3. make push_training_image
  4. make create_training_job
  5. make build_endpoint_image
  6. make push_endpoint_image
  7. make create_endpoint

make + space + tab + tab lists all available make targets.

CI/CD workflows

This template ships with a number of automation (CI/CD) workflows implemented with Github Actions.

To enable CI/CD workflows, upload your project to Github and connect the Github repository with your AWS account by providing your AWS credentials as Github Secrets. Secrets should have names:


By default, every commit to main triggers a workflow ./github/workflows/deliver_images.yaml, that runs unit tests and builds and pushes training and endpoint images.

All workflows can be run manually.



Template for setting up sagemaker training and inference

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 84.1%Language:Python 7.1%Language:Shell 5.4%Language:Dockerfile 2.2%Language:Makefile 1.3%