Vipul-26 / Sample-Vue-Project

creating component, function call(normal + event handling), passing data from Parent to Child, passing data from Child to Parent, all types of css usage, conditional rendring, loops, watcher, computed property, routing, form in vue, life cycle hooks, two way binding, Class & Html Binding, slots, mixins, redux(any api call & show data on page)

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This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 in Vite.

Recommended IDE Setup

VSCode + Volar (and disable Vetur) + TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar).

Customize configuration

See Vite Configuration Reference.

Project Setup

npm install

Compile and Hot-Reload for Development

npm run dev

Compile and Minify for Production

npm run build

Lint with ESLint

npm run lint

Vue Js:-

npm init vue@latest (npm i)

npm run dev

npm install vue-router@next --save(manually install router if we do not opt at init)

npm install vuex@next --save

creating component, function call(normal + event handling), passing data from Parent to Child, passing data from Child to Parent, all types of css usage, conditional rendring, loops, watcher, computed property, routing, form in vue, life cycle hooks, two way binding, Class & Html Binding, slots, mixins, redux(any api call & show data on page)

views (all routes/pages files)(same like pages in react) router(main page file)(same as router's index.js in react) components(same as components) App.vue same as App.js in react main.js same as index.js in react Life Cycle in Vue is same as Life Cycle in React(Create, Mount, Update, UnMount)

To split Vuex

import newsActions from './actions' import newsGetter from './getters' import newsMutations from './mutations'

const news = { namespaced: true, state() { // only way to access state is through getter functions return { // all state variables with their initial values news: [] } }, getters: { // functions to get state data in any files (selectors), key value pairs newsGetter }, actions: { // actions are similar to mutations, the differences being that is instead of mutating the state, actions commit mutations + actions can contain arbitrary asynchronus operations newsActions }, mutations: { // the only way to actually change state in a Vuex store is by committing a mutation (reducer) newsMutations } }

export default news


creating component, function call(normal + event handling), passing data from Parent to Child, passing data from Child to Parent, all types of css usage, conditional rendring, loops, watcher, computed property, routing, form in vue, life cycle hooks, two way binding, Class & Html Binding, slots, mixins, redux(any api call & show data on page)


Language:Vue 66.7%Language:JavaScript 19.4%Language:CSS 12.4%Language:HTML 1.5%