Violet24K / ZJUICourseEssays

Essays of some courses of ZJU-UIUC institute

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Essays of some courses of ZJU-UIUC institute
For reference only, do not copy!

Grade for the courses:

RHET 101, Principles of Writing (写作原理): A
RHET 102, Principles of Research (研究原理): A
PHIL 2001, Introduction to the Principle (马克思主义原理): A-
HIST 2001, Modern Chinese History (**近现代史纲要): A
UNWL 316, Modern Chinese Literature (现代**文学): A
CLCV 115, Mythology of Greece and Rome (希腊和罗马神话): A+

Suggestions for writing an essay:




Essays of some courses of ZJU-UIUC institute