Vinyzu / Vinyzu

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Typing SVG

I'm mostly interested in Botting!

I write all my Bots in Python,
but i'm also learning HTML, CSS 
and a little bit of Javascript.
Learn more about me:

Discord Presence

Coding 🪄
import the_best as Vinyzu

class Coding(Vinyzu):
    def __init__(self):
    def languages(self): = ("Python", "HTML", "CSS")
        self.intermediate = "Javascript"
        self.beginner = "C++"

    def interests(self):
        self.enviroment = ("PyCharm", "VSCode")
        self.specialities = ("Automation", "Botting", "Obfuscation", "Scraping")     

    def projects(self):
        self.current = ("Botright", "reCognizer")
        self.automation = ("chrome-fingerprints", "reCognizer")
        self.discord = ("Discord Browser Generator", "Tokify (Early Versions)", "Promo Redeemer v1/v2", "Booster")
        self.twitch = "Auto Registrator" = ("Spotify", "Tidal", "Deezer", "Youtube Music", "Soundcloud", "Amazon Music")
        self.hcaptcha = ("Bypass", "HSW Generator")
Myself 🙋‍♂️
from vinyzu import Person
import world_wide_web as www

class Myself(Person):
    def __init__(self):
    def life(self):
        self.age = 18
        self.languages = ["English", "German"]
        self.location = www.Internet
        self.fun_fact = "My first freelancing job was automating invoices for animal foods."

    def contact(self):
        self.discord = "@vinyzu"
        self.server = ""
        self.donations = ""
        self.freelancing = self.discord
        self.collaborations = self.discord

Readme inspired by xTekky
