ViniChab / ViniChab

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hi there 👋

Welcome to my GitHub profile! My name is Vinicius, please enjoy your stay, and maybe send me a connection request on Linkedin!

Here you'll get to know me a little better!

Who am I?

I am a Front End developer with 5 years of experience, who already worked with small startups and big companies. I have a degree in System Analysis and Development.

I love coding, always working on personal projects and seeking more knowledge. I aspire to be a great developer - and an awesome guy to work with, I have no issues with anybody, and always intend on building friendly relations.

Besides coding, I really like playing video games and going to the beach :)

If you need something, don't be shy, DM me on LinkedIn at any time!

Languages and tools 🛠️

  • Javascript, Typescript, CSS/SCSS, HTML and GraphQL
  • Reactive programming with RxJS
  • Used to state management with tools like NgRx
  • I'm currently working a lot with Angular and all its technologies, but I'm also very interested in working with Flutter or React
  • Mobile development with Ionic
  • I also have quite some experience building end-to-end tests with Cypress
  • Very used to design tools like Figma, Adobe XD and Zeplin
  • Worked (and work!) a lot using agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban
  • Besides frontend, I love working with Node.js and Express, and have a lot of interest in Python
  • MySQL and PostgreSQL knowledge
  • I have worked in the past with Java and Ruby as well
