Vincentgaof / go-webhookd

Go package to implement a bucket-brigrade style webhook server where requests are relayed through a receiver, one or more transformations and one or more dispatchers each of which have interfaces and are defined using a URI-based syntax to allow for custom processing.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


What is the simplest webhook-wrangling server-daemon-thing?

go-webhook is a Go package that implements a bucket-brigrade style webhook server where requests are relayed through a receiver, one or more transformations and one or more dispatchers each of which have interfaces and are defined using a URI-based syntax to allow for custom processing.

Receivers handle the actual webhook side of things, doing auth and basic sanity checking and validation. Assuming everything is as it should be receivers return a bag of bytes (the actual webhook message that may or may not be massaged depending the receiver). That bag is then handed to one or more dispatchers which do something with those bytes. Those details, including security considerations are left as an exercise to the reader.

In between (receivers and dispatchers) are an optional chain of transformations which accept bytes as their input, do something with those bytes, and then return bytes.


Go Reference


You will need to have both Go (specifically version 1.16 or higher) and the make programs installed on your computer. Assuming you do just type:

$ > make cli
go build -mod vendor -o bin/webhookd cmd/webhookd/main.go
go build -mod vendor -o bin/webhookd-generate-hook cmd/webhookd-generate-hook/main.go
go build -mod vendor -o bin/webhookd-flatten-config cmd/webhookd-flatten-config/main.go
go build -mod vendor -o bin/webhookd-inflate-config cmd/webhookd-inflate-config/main.go

All of this package's dependencies are bundled with the code in the vendor directory.


whosonfirst/go-webhookd/v3 does not introduce any new functionality relative to whosonfirst/go-webhookd/v2 but no longer comes with support for external platforms (GitHub, Slack, etc.) enabled by default. This functionality has been moved in to a number of separate go-webhookd-{PLATFORM} packages. This was done to make developing and adding custom receivers, transformations and dispatchers easier and modular.

Upgrading from whosonfirst/go-webhookd/v2

You will need to add the relevant packages to your cmd/webhookd/main.go program. For example if your webhookd config file defines a GitHub receiver, a GitHub transformation and an AWS dispatcher you would need to import the go-webhookd-github and go-webhookd-aws packages. Here's an abbreviated example in code, with error handling removed for the sake of brevity:

package main

import (
	_ ""
	_ ""		

func main() {

	fs := flagset.NewFlagSet("webhooks")
	config_uri := fs.String("config-uri", "", "A valid Go Cloud runtimevar URI representing your webhookd config.")


	ctx := context.Background()
	cfg, _ := config.NewConfigFromURI(ctx, *config_uri)

	wh_daemon, _ := daemon.NewWebhookDaemonFromConfig(ctx, cfg)



./bin/webhookd -h
Usage of ./bin/webhookd:
  -config-uri string
    	A valid Go Cloud runtimevar URI representing your webhookd config file

webhookd is an HTTP daemon for handling webhook requests. Individual webhook endpoints (and how they are processed) are defined in a config file that is read at start-up time.

Config URIs

The following Go Cloud runtimevar URL schemes are supported, by default, for defining config URIs:


This is a deliberately juvenile example, just to keep things simple.

Let's assume an insecure receiver with debugging enabled that reads input, transforms it using the go-chicken clucking method and drops the results on the floor.

Here are the relevant settings in the config file:

	"daemon": "http://localhost:8080",
	"webhooks": [
			"endpoint": "/insecure-test",
	 		"receiver": "insecure://",
			"transformations": [ "clucking" ],
			"dispatchers": [ "null" ]

First we start webhookd:

./bin/webhookd -config-uri 'file:///usr/local/webhookd/config.json?decoder=string'
2018/07/21 08:43:37 webhookd listening for requests on http://localhost:8080

Then we pass webhookd a file along with a debug=1 query parameter so that we can see the output:

curl -v 'http://localhost:8080/insecure-test?debug=1' -d
* Connected to localhost ( port 8080 (#0)
> POST /insecure-test?debug=1 HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:8080
> User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
> Accept: */*
> Content-Length: 12790
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
> Expect: 100-continue
< HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
* We are completely uploaded and fine
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
< Content-Type: text/plain
< X-Webhookd-Time-To-Dispatch: 16.907µs
< X-Webhookd-Time-To-Process: 13.033089ms
< X-Webhookd-Time-To-Receive: 209.332µs
< X-Webhookd-Time-To-Transform: 12.802186ms
< Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2018 15:43:40 GMT
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
# bok bok b'gawk-cluck cluck![](bok bok b'gawk/bok bok b'gawk-bok bok bok.cluck
cluck)bok bok bok bok bok b'gawk bok bok bok cluck cluck bok bok b'gawk-bok bok
bok cluck cluck-bok bok b'gawk-bok bok bok.bok bok b'gawk cluck cluck bok bok
b'gawk bok bok b'gawk bok bok b'gawk bok bok b'gawk cluck cluck bok bok b'gawk
bok bok bok cluck cluck bok bok bok-bok bok bok. bok bok
... and so on


Dynamic endpoints

At some point there might be dynamic (or runtime) webhook endpoints but today there are not.

In the meantime you can gracefully restart webhookd by sending its PID a USR2 signal which will cause the config file (and all the endpoints it defines) to be re-read. It's not elegant but it works. For example:

$> ./bin/webhookd -config-uri 'file:///usr/local/webhookd/config.json?decoder=string'
2016/10/16 00:19:47 Serving with pid 2723

$> kill -USR2 2723
2016/10/16 00:19:59 Graceful handoff of with new pid 2724 and old pid 2723
2016/10/16 00:19:59 Exiting pid 2723.

Setting up a webhookd server

While you can set up a webhookd server by hand it's probably easier to all that work with a config file and let code take care of all the details, including registering all the webhooks. Config files are discussed in detail below.

All error handling in the examples below have been removed for the sake of brevity.

Setting up a webhookd server with a handy config file

import (

ctx := context.Background()
cfg, _ := config.NewConfigFromURI(ctx, "file:///usr/local/webhookd/config.json?decoder=string")

wh_daemon, _ := daemon.NewWebhookDaemonFromConfig(ctx, cfg)

You can also just grab the HTTP handler func with wh_daemon.HandlerFunc() if you need or want to start a webhookd daemon in your own way.

Setting up a webhookd server "by hand"

import (
	_ ""		

ctx := context.Background()

wh_receiver, _ := receivers.NewReceiver(ctx, "insecure://")
null, _ := transfromations.NewTransformation(ctx, "null://")
pubsub, _ := dispatchers.NewDispatcher(ctx, "pubsub://localhost:6379/websocketd")

wh_transformations := []webhookd.WebhookTransformation{ null }
wh_dispatchers, _ := []webhookd.WebhookDispatcher{ pubsub }

wh, _ := webhook.NewWebhook("/foo", wh_receiver, wh_transformations, wh_dispatchers)

wh_daemon, _ := daemon.NewWebhookDaemon(ctx, "http://localhost:8080")
wh_daemon.AddWebhook(ctx, wh)

Two important things to note:

  • We're using an Insecure receiver with a Null transformation? These are included with the base go-webhookd package and are discussed in detail below.
  • We're using a PubSub dispatcher which is made available by importing the go-webhookd-pubsub package.

Sending stuff to webhookd

curl -v http://localhost:8080/foo -d

* upload completely sent off: 703 out of 703 bytes
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Fri, 20 May 2016 01:31:05 GMT
< Content-Length: 0
< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact

Where did it go...

./bin/subscribe webhookd
{'pattern': None, 'type': 'subscribe', 'channel': 'webhookd', 'data': 1L}
{'pattern': None, 'type': 'message', 'channel': 'webhookd', 'data': '# go-webhookd## ImportantYou should not try to use this, yet. No. No, really.## UsageIt _should_ work something like this. If you\'re reading this sentence that means it _doesn\'t_.```import (\t""\t""\t"")dispatcher := dispatchers.NewPubSubDispatcher("localhost", 6379, "pubsub-channel")receiver := receivers.NewGitHubReceiver("github-webhook-s33kret")endpoint := "/wubwubwub"webhook := webhookd.NewWebhook(endpoint, receiver, dispatcher)daemon := webhookd.NewWebHookDaemon(webhook)daemon.AddWebhook(webhook)daemon.Start()```## See also'}

In this case, it went to Redis PubSub land! Where things go depend on how you've configured your dispatchers.

Config files

Config files for webhookd are JSON files consisting of five top-level sections. An example config file is included with this repository. The five top-level sections are:


	"daemon": "http://localhost:8080"

The daemon section is a dictionary defining configuration details for the webhookd daemon itself.

Valid daemon URI strings can be anything supported by the aaronland/go-http-server package.


	"receivers": {
		"insecure": "insecure://"
		"github": "github://?secret=s33kret"

The receivers section is a dictionary of "named" receiver configuations. This allows the actual webhook configurations (described below) to signal their respective receivers using the dictionary "name" as a simple short-hand.

Note: This example includes a github:// receiver which assumes you've imported the go-webhookd-github package in your code.


	"transformations": {
		"chicken": "chicken://zxx?clucking=false"

The transformations section is a dictionary of "named" tranformation configuations. This allows the actual webhook configurations (described below) to signal their respective transformations using the dictionary "name" as a simple short-hand.


	"dispatchers": {
		"pubsub": "pubsub://localhost:6379/webhookd"

The dispatchers section is a dictionary of "named" dispatcher configuations. This allows the actual webhook configurations (described below) to signal their respective dispatchers using the dictionary "name" as a simple short-hand.

Note: This example includes a pubsub:// receiver which assumes you've imported the go-webhookd-github package in your code.


	"webhooks": [
			"endpoint": "/github-test",
			"receiver": "github",
			"dispatchers": [ "pubsub" ]
			"endpoint": "/insecure-test",
		 	"receiver": "insecure",
			"dispatchers": [ "pubsub" ]

The webhooks section is a list of dictionaries. These are the actual webhook endpoints that clients (out there on the internet) will access.

  • endpoint This is the path that a client will access. It is the webhook URI that clients will send requests to.
  • receiver The named receiver (defined in the receivers section) that the webhook will use to process requests.
  • transformations An optional list of named transformations (defined in the transformations section) that the webhook process the message body with.
  • dispatchers The list of named dispatchers (defined in the dispatchers section) that the webhook will relay a successful request to.



As the name suggests the Insecure receiver is completely insecure. It will happily accept anything you send to it and relay it on to the dispatcher defined for that webhook. It is defined as a URI string in the form of:


This receiver exists primarily for debugging purposes and you should not deploy it in production.



The Chicken transformation will convert every word in your message to 🐔 using the go-chicken package. It is defined as a URI string in the form of:



Name Value Description Required
language string A three-letter language code specifying which language go-chicken should use. yes
clucking boolean A boolean flag indicating whether or not to cluck when generating results. no

If this seems silly that's because it is. It's also more fun that yet-another boring "make all the words upper-cased" example.


The Null transformation will not do anything. It's not clear why you would ever use this outside of debugging but that's your business. It is defined as a URI string in the form of:




The Log dispatcher will send messages to Go's logging facility. As of this writing that means everything is logged to STDOUT but eventually it will be more sophisticated. It is defined as a URI string in the form of:



The Null dispatcher will send messages in to the vortex, never to be seen again. This can be useful for debugging. It is defined as a URI string in the form of:



In advance of proper tests. In a terminal start webhookd like this:

go run -mod vendor cmd/webhookd/main.go \
	-config-uri 'file:///usr/local/go-webhookd/docs/config/config.json.example?decoder=string'

2020/05/22 17:18:49 webhookd listening for requests on http://localhost:8080

In another terminal, run the webhookd-test command like this:

go run cmd/webhookd-test-github/main.go \
	-config-uri 'file:///usr/local/whosonfirst/go-webhookd/config.json.example?decoder=string' \
	-endpoint insecure-test \
	-receiver insecure \
	-file docs/events/flights.json

2020/05/22 17:18:53 200 OK

In the first terminal you should see the following:

... and so on

To do

See also



Go package to implement a bucket-brigrade style webhook server where requests are relayed through a receiver, one or more transformations and one or more dispatchers each of which have interfaces and are defined using a URI-based syntax to allow for custom processing.

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Go 98.2%Language:Makefile 1.8%