Vincent-lau / fynesse

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UK House price prediction with fynesse

The overall structure of this project follows the fynesse template as required, separating access, assess and address of the problem. The high level idea is that access sets up the database and uploading and downloading of various data. Assess looks at each dataset in term (pp_data, postcode_data and osm data) to see their representation is reasonable and can be used for model fitting. And then plotting the map and house data together to see if there is any correlation. Finally, address fits a Gaussian model on price against features and did some simple validation of its effectiveness.


There are three major datasets that are used in this project, here are some attributions.

  • Price paid data

Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2021. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

And the address data contained in the price paid data is licensed as Royal Mail and Ordnance Survey permit your use of Address Data in the Price Paid Data: for personal and/or non-commercial use

  • Postcode data

Free to use for any purpose - attribution required. Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0

  • OSM data

© OpenStreetMap contributors License page

As far as I am aware, all of these uses are legal according to the licenses respectively. And I don't see any ethical issues either from using this dataset.

Now onto the codebase. The main functions in are database setup code and data download/upload using libraries such as pymysql etc. There is the price_data_with_date_location function which does the join of price data and postcode data.


Here I took a quick look at the price paid data, postcode data and the OSM data, they are fairly clean to start with, although the postcode data does have a NaN in a place that can cause trouble for algorithms later on. The pois has some NaN as place names but some of them are supposed to encode as NaN to indicate, for example, that a node cannot be a amenity and leisure at the same time.

Some reusable code that can be used independent of the problem to be addressed is the draw_location() function, which draws houses on the map with colour mappin for prices along with other pois. And the price_data_with_date_location() which does the minimum data cleaning job of getting rid of the NaN value. The data_postcode_cleaned is not used in this project but can be useful as well as it cleans the postcode dataset.


To build a house price predicting model, I examined what features are the most suitable by looking at distances to various amenities and selected those with the highest correlation coefficient. I also used the property_type as one of the features after looking at its influence on house prices. I fitted a Gaussian regression model using OLS from statsmodels on the data and did the validation by train/test data split and measured the MSE of the model on the test set. In there is the predict_price() function which is the top level prediction, and also feature_selection() which looks at distances to different places and find the most correalted ones. There is also train() and validate() whose name is pretty self-explanatory.

I am sure there are a ton of other useful features that I have never thought about, or even some that sound promising but did not have time to look into, such as distances to city centre, time from a particular point, etc.

Thinking about tests

During the time I refactored my code, I find myself spending quite a bit of time clicking through each cell in the notebook, testing whether the refactor break any existing functionalties. There is merit in automating this process, I believe. Stealing ideas from software engineering, regression test can be useful by simply asking each function to do a simple task and then each time the codebase changes we can see if our functions are still functioning.

Sanity checks can be useful as well, I encountered some negative value prediction while I was writing my prediction function and did not notice that until later on because I was overwhelmed by the bunch of other outputs. So sanity check can be useful for some functions.

"Progression" test may not be useful for the address part as this part is all about trying to address a particular question, but might be useful for access and assess. For access, we might want to check availability of the data, although this can be hard to automate if there is legal/ethical issues. For assess, we might want to do some fuzz testing to protect against feature invalid values that are going to be included in the dataset.



Language:Python 95.9%Language:Jupyter Notebook 4.1%