Vinai / MageTitans_ProductStatus

Example Magento 2 module developed during the mini Magento2 workshop during MageTitans 2015 (Manchester)

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MageTitans 2015, Manchester

Magento 2 Developer Mini-Workshop

6. November 2015


The MageTitans_ProductStatus Module
  • CLI command to show product status for SKU matches
  • CLI command to disable and enable products
  • REST API exposing the same functionality, accessible only by admins
Aspects of Magento 2 development touched on
  • Dependency Injection (DI)
  • Unit Tests
  • Design by Contract (PHP Interfaces)
  • Basic Module Structure
  • API Service Contracts
  • Repository usage
  • Web-API and ACL
  • Token based REST API authentication and access
  • Code Generation (Proxy)
NOT covered
  • Plugins
  • Routing and Actions
  • Layout
  • Virtual Types
  • Repository implementation
  • Data API
  • Events
  • JS Framework
  • Static-, Integration-, Functional-, Performance- and JS-Tests
  • Magento 2 Core Modules...
  • So much more...


Create Skeleton Module

  • Create app/code/MageTitans/ProductStatus/etc/module.xml
  • Create app/code/MageTitans/ProductStatus/registration.php
  • Run bin/magento module:status -> present but disabled
  • Run bin/magento module:enable MageTitans_ProductStatus
  • Run bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • Run bin/magento module:status -> present and enabled

Create ShowProductStatusCommand

  • Create app/code/MageTitans/ProductStatus/Test/Unit/Console/Command/ShowProductStatusCommandTest.php
  • Test the class ShowProductStatusCommand exists
  • In the Magento base directory, run vendor/bin/phpunit -c dev/tests/unit/phpunit.xml.dist app/code/MageTitans/ProductStatus/Test/Unit
  • Create app/code/MageTitans/ProductStatus/Console/Command/ShowProductStatusCommand.php
  • Test the class is a Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command
  • Test it has a name catalog:product:status
  • Test it has a description
  • Test it takes a required SKU argument
  • Test it displays exceptions as error messages
  • Test it displays a message if there are no matches
  • Test it displays a message if no products matched the given SKU
  • Test it displays the status for all returned products

Create ProductStatusAdapterInterface

  • Create app/code/MageTitans/ProductStatus/Model/ProductStatusAdapterInterface.php

Refactor test and command to use interface

  • Import new interface, remove stub method declaration
  • Add ENABLED and DISABLED constants to interface and use them in the test instead of hardcoded status strings

Create ProductStatusAdapter

  • Create app/code/MageTitans/ProductStatus/Test/Unit/Model/ProductStatusAdapterTest.php
  • Test the class exists
  • Test the class implements ProductStatusAdapterInterface
  • Test it throws an exception in SKU is not a string or empty
  • Test it queries a product repository
  • Test it returns an empty array if there is no match
  • Test it translates the product repository search results into status array
  • Test it adds the SKU as search criteria

Create DI configuration

  • Create app/code/MageTitans/ProductStatus/etc/di.xml
  • Add preference for ProductStatusAdapterInterface to point to ProductStatusAdapter\Proxy
  • [Integration Test]: Create MageTitans\ProductStatus\Test\Integration\DiTest
  • [Integration Test]: Test the show product status command is registered
  • Add catalogProductStatus command to CommandList arguments in etc/di.xml
  • Flush the config cache and run bin/magento list catalog and check the new command is listed

Note:To run integration test run ../../../vendor/bin/phpunit ../../../app/code/MageTitans/ProductStatus/Test/Integration/ from dev/tests/integration directory

Create DisableProductCommand

  • Create app/code/MageTitans/ProductStatus/Test/Unit/Console/Command/DisableProductCommandTest.php
  • Test the class DisableProductCommand exists
  • Test it is a Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command
  • Test it has the right name
  • Test it has a description
  • Test it takes a required SKU argument
  • Test it delegates to the product status adapter
  • Test it displays exceptions as error messages
  • Test it displays a confirmation message

Implement ProductStatusAdapterInterface::disableProductWithSku

  • Add a stub implementation to the class
  • Make existing tests pass
  • Test it throws an exception if the SKU is not a string or empty
  • Test it throws an exception if the product already is disabled
  • Test it disables an existing product
  • Test it converts EntityNotFoundException to ProductStatusCommandExceptions for disable

Add DI configuration for new command

  • [Integration Test]: Test the disable product command is registered
  • Add catalogProductDisable command to CommandList arguments in etc/di.xml
  • Flush the config cache and run bin/magento list catalog and check the new command is listed
  • If still needed, workaround the issue "Area code not set: Area code must be set before starting a session." by injecting Magento\Framework\App\State and setting the area code adminhtml in ProductStatusAdapter::__construct(). Wrap it in a try/catch block since that will be required when the class is used in the API context.

Implement EnableProductCommand

  • Almost the same steps are required as for the disable product command

Implement ProductStatusAdapterInterface::enableProductWithSku

  • Again, this is very similar to implmenting the method disableProductWithSku

Create API resource ProductStatusManagement

  • Create app/code/MageTitans/ProductStatus/Api/ProductStatusManagementInterface.php
  • Add one public method get($sku) returning a string (Note: Magento requires the docblock for API methods)
  • Test the class MageTitans/ProductStatus/Model/ProductStatusManagement exists
  • Test it implements the interface
  • Test it delegates to a new method of the product status adapter getStatusBySku()

Implement ProductStatusAdapterInterface::getStatusBySku

  • Add a stub implementation to ProductStatusAdapter
  • Make existing tests pass
  • Test it throws an exception if the SKU is not a string or is empty
  • Test it returns the products status string

Add configuration for Web-API

  • Add preference for \MageTitans\ProductStatus\Api\ProductStatusManagementInterface
  • Add app/code/MageTitans/ProductStatus/etc/acl.xml
  • Add a new resource admin -> catalog -> catalog_inventory -> product_status to the ACL
  • Add app/code/MageTitans/ProductStatus/etc/webapi.xml
  • Add a GET route to /V1/magetitans/product/status/:sku mapping to the ProductStatusManagementInterface::get method

Test REST API with curl CLI

  • Get a token
curl -X POST "" \
  -H "content-type:application/json" \
  -d '{"username":"admin", "password":"<PASSWORD>"}'
  • Send a request to the new resource
curl -X GET "<SKU>" \
    -H "content-type:application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>"

Implement methods for REST PUT resource to enable and disable products

By following steps similar to the examples above, implement a CLI command to enable and disable products.

Add PUT route for product status REST resource

Add a new REST API resource to set the status of products.

Example call to the REST resource to enable a product.

curl -X PUT "<SKU>>" \
    -H "content-type:application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>>" \


Example Magento 2 module developed during the mini Magento2 workshop during MageTitans 2015 (Manchester)


Language:PHP 100.0%