Vin-meido / COM3D2.AddYotogiSliderSE.Plugin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AddYotogiSliderSE2 for COM3D2

A Fork of AddYotogiSliderSE which is itself a JP fork of AddYotogiSlider by asyetriec which is itself a fork of another plugin... maybe?

This is a BepInEx plugin, and only works with COM3D2.


Put the plugin dll inside your BepInEx/plugins/ folder. If you were using the Sybaris version of the plugin, remove/uninstall it.

If you have IMGUITranslationLoader installed, make a copy of com3d2.addyotogisliderse.plugin.txt and name it com3d2.addyotogisliderse2.plugin.txt inside the IMGUITranslationLoader\IMGUIStrings folder.


License:The Unlicense


Language:C# 100.0%