Vild / MongoSchemaD

Support for more structured MongoDB databases

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple library for vibe.d adding support for structured Bson data using structs/classes and functions to simplify saving, updating and finding Mongo documents.

Can also be used without MongoDB for Bson (de)serialization.


import vibe.db.mongo.mongo;
import mongoschema;
import mongoschema.aliases : name, ignore, unique, binary;

auto client = connectMongoDB("localhost");

struct Permission
	string name;
	int priority;

struct User
	mixin MongoSchema; // Adds save, update, etc.

	string username;

	ubyte[] hash;
	ubyte[] salt;

	string profilePicture = "default.png";

	Permission[] permissions;

	int sessionID;

// Links the `test.users` collection to the `User` struct.

User register(string name, string password)
	User user;
	user.username = name;
	user.salt = generateSalt().dup; // needs dup because array gets messed up otherwise when leaving function
	user.hash = complicatedHashFunction(password, user.salt).dup;
	user.permissions ~= Permission("forum.access", 1);
	// Automatically serializes and puts the object in the registered database
	// If save was already called or the object got retrieved from the
	// collection `save()` will just update the existing object.;
	// ->
	// {
	//   username: name,
	//   hash: <binary>,
	//   salt: <binary>,
	//   profile-picture: "default.png",
	//   permissions: [{
	//     name: "forum.access",
	//     priority: 1
	//   }]
	// }
	return user;

User find(string name)
	return User.findOneOrThrow(["username": name]);


Support for more structured MongoDB databases


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