A magic bitboard and parallelized PVS powered chess engine within a chess engine framework providing machine learning based parameter optimization, UCI support, and a GUI.

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The DETROID engine is a chess engine built onto the DETROID framework. It uses a magic bitboard-based position representation and Zobrist hashing. Furthermore, it employs a parallelized PVS algorithm with quiescence search within an iterative deepening framework with aspiration windows. It also utilizes a transposition table and an evaluation hash table. It facilitates search selectivity via adaptive null-move pruning, adaptive late move reductions, futility pruning, razoring, and fractional search extensions for checks, pushed pawns, single-replies, and recaptures. It relies on IID, staged move generation, MVV-LVA, SEE, killer heuristics, and relative history heuristics for move ordering. The engine also performs search time reductions and extensions based on factors such as the type of the score associated with the current PV or the remaining search time after the completion of a ply. The evaluation function relies on material values, piece-square tables, piece mobility, bishop pair advantage, pawn structure, king-piece tropism, tempo advantage, immediate capture, and tapered evaluation applied to all terms. All the chess heuristics employed by the engine are based on articles on The engine also supports Polyglot chess opening books and, on Windows and Linux (both 32 and 64 bit) platforms, Gaviota endgame tablebases. The Gaviota tablebases are probed using a shared library exposing the original C probing code via JNI.


An important feature of the engine is its parallel search implementation. It is based on Peter Ă–sterlund and Tom Kerrigan's descriptions of algorithms combining ABDADA and Lazy SMP. Its main advantages are its relatively good speedup scaling, its lack of negative impact on single-thread performance, and its mitigation of the effects of erroneous pruning (thanks to the widened search tree). The table below illustrates how the search algorithm's performance scales with the number of search threads used on a quad-core processor. The second column displays the average relative search speed measured in nodes per second (NPS) while the third column shows the relative time to depth (TTD). The test has been performed on a set of 128 positions searched to an average fixed depth of 10.82 plies.

Threads NPS TTD
1 1 1
2 1.93 0.60
3 2.80 0.48
4 3.44 0.44


The engine relies almost exclusively on tunable parameters for its search and evaluation. Its 800+ static evaluation parameters have been optimized for 1 hour on a 6-core laptop using the framework's Texel optimizer and this EPD file of 725,000 positions. Its search control parameters have been tuned for 3 weeks using self-play at short time controls on an 8-core Google Compute instance, and its engine management parameters have been chosen manually.


DETROID plays on a GM level on almost any desktop or laptop hardware which is fairly strong among Java chess engines but still patzer like compared to top-of-the-line chess engines. SMP is a major source of playing strength for DETROID that can be responsible for a more than 80 Elo difference when going from 1 search thread to 4 on a quad-core computer. The CCRL ratings of the engine can be tracked here (40/4) and here (40/40).

UCI Options

  • Hash [spin]: The hash size allocated for the transposition and evaluation tables in MB.
  • ClearHash [button]: Clears the hash.
  • Ponder [check]: Whether pondering is allowed by the engine.
  • OwnBook [check]: Whether the engine should use its opening book.
  • PolyglotBookPrimaryPath [string]: The path to the primary Polyglot opening book. Accepts both absolute and relative (to the engine's executable) paths.
  • PolyglotBookSecondaryPath [string]: The path to the secondary Polyglot opening book; if the position is not found in the primary book, the engine will look for it in the secondary book. Accepts both absolute and relative paths.
  • GaviotaTbLibPath [string]: The path to the Gaviota probing library. Accepts both absolute and relative paths.
  • GaviotaTbPath [string]: The paths to the folders containing the actual tablebase files. The paths can be delimited by semi-colons. Accepts both absolute and relative paths.
  • GaviotaTbCompScheme [combo]: The compression scheme used by the specified tablebases.
  • GaviotaTbCache [spin]: The size of the cache the probing library should use in MB.
  • GaviotaTbClearCache [button]: Clears the probing cache.
  • SearchThreads [spin]: The number of threads to use for searching.
  • ParametersPath [string]: The path to the XML file containing the values for all parameters. Accepts both absolute and relative paths. The default path is params.xml which has the engine use its internal parameters file unless there is such a file in the folder containing the engine's jar. If there is, it will be preferred over the internal parameters file; this allows for easy experimentation with different parameter values and for their optimization without the need to recompile the engine.
  • UCI_Opponent [string]: The name of the opponent.
  • UCI_AnalyseMode [check]: Whether the engine should run in analysis mode. In analysis mode, even single-reply positions are searched and no books or table-bases are used.


The DETROID framework is a chess engine framework that implements the UCI protocol, provides a dynamic GUI, supports machine learning based parameter optimization, and offers some low-level utilities for the development of performant chess engines. Engines need to implement the UCIEngine interface to be usable as UCI chess engines and the search engines of the GUI. To be optimizable, they have to implement the TunableEngine interface which is an extension of UCIEngine. The interface between the framework and the engines could be described as a simplified Java translation of the UCI protocol that uses strings and primitives for data exchange whenever conveniently possible and relies on the observer pattern to handle asynchrony. This allows for flexibility and a high level of freedom to implement the actual chess engine without any restrictions on the data structures and algorithms to use while the framework deals with the secondary aspects of chess engine development. It also makes the wrapping of UCI compatible engines into an implementation of this interface fairly straightforward. The framework includes the Detroid chess engine which is used as the controller engine of the GUI and the tuning processes by default (ensuring the legality of moves and keeping track of game information). This makes it possible to plug engines into the framework without the need to implement the more complex ControllerEngine interface. Additionally, the framework also provides a number of utility classes such as Cache, a fast, generic pre-allocated lossy cuckoo hash table implementation, SizeEstimator, a utility for accurately computing the memory size of entire object graphs on the HotSpot JVM's heap, and BitOperations for bit-twiddling. The complete Javadoc of the framework can be found here.

The entry point of the framework is the EngineFramework class which is a Runnable implementation with a single two-parameter constructor. One of the parameters is an array of string arguments which define the operation mode and behaviour of the framework. The other parameter is an instance of the EngineFactory interface which is responsible for creating instances of UCIEngine, TunableEngine, and ControllerEngine. This is where chess engines can be plugged into the framework and where Detroid is specified as the default controller engine. In most application modes, including UCI and GUI mode, the only non-default method of the factory interface, newEngineInstance, is used to create the (non-controller) chess engine(s), thus, for these modes, it suffices to implement only the UCIEngine interface; however, for the tuning and conversion modes, the method used is newTunableEngineInstance which is expected to return a TunableEngine instance (by default, it simply type casts the instance returned by newEngineInstance). Given these parameters, the framework can be set up and launched effortlessly. To do so, an instance of EngineFramework needs to be constructed and simply run in the main method of the application. The main method's arguments should be forwarded to the EngineFramework instance's constructor so that the framework's mode of operation can be specified via program arguments once the application is compiled into an executable. The following sections describe these operation modes and features including the usage of the program arguments necessary to enable them.


If the framework is run without program arguments, it defaults to a JavaFX GUI mode. The GUI uses a ControllerEngine instance to keep the game state and check proposed moves for legality, and it uses a UCIEngine instance to search the positions and propose moves. Both instances are created by the provided EngineFactory.


The GUI offers several useful functionalities for the testing and debugging of the engine used for searching. It has a table for real time search statistics, a chart for the search result scores returned over the course of the game, a debug console, a dialog for the UCI options provided, and a demo mode which has the engine play against itself. Furthermore, it supports pondering, time control settings, FEN and PGN parsing and extraction, changing sides, and undoing moves.


The UCI option dialog is generated dynamically based on the UCI options provided by the search engine. Different option types are represented by different GUI controls; e.g. spin options are numeric text fields, combo options are dropdown menus, check options are check boxes, etc. Backed by these features, the GUI's primary aim is to assisst the interactive testing of chess engines as there usually are a number of kinks and bugs that cannot easily be discovered any other way.


When run in UCI mode, the framework handles the Universal Chess Interface protocol for the UCIEngine instance created by the provided EngineFactory. This allows the search engine to function as a UCI compliant chess program, as required by several chess GUIs and other tools.
Usage: -u


Perhaps the most important feature of the framework is its parameter tuning support. Chess engines using this functionality of the framework are expected to implement the TunableEngine interface. This interface requires them to use a subclass of EngineParameters to define the parameters to tune by annotating the corresponding member variables of the class with the Parameter annotation. Only primitives are allowed to be marked as parameters. The parameters are not allowed to take on negative values, thus the most significant bits of all signed integers and floating point types are ignored. The Parameter annotation takes two optional arguments, the ParameterType and a byte value, binaryLengthLimit, that limits the number of bits considered when tuning. The type is used to specify whether a parameter is a static evaluation parameter, a search control parameter, or an engine management parameter; the significance of this will be explained in the following paragraphs. The default type is static evaluation. The binaryLengthLimit can be used to restrict the number of values to consider when tuning, if the maximum value the parameter can or should take on is known and it is smaller than the maximum value of its primitive type. This can speed up the evolutionary algorithm based tuning process but has no effect on the performance of the gradient descent based one.


Two different parameter optimization methods are supported by the framework. The first one is a Population-based Incremental Learning algorithm with a self-play based fitness function inspired by Thomas Petzke's work on his chess engine ICE. It can be used to tune static evaluation parameters, search control parameters, engine management parameters, different combinations of these, or all. Its mandatory parameters are the population size, the number of games the engines should play against each other to determine their fitness, and the time control for the games in milliseconds. The optional parameters are the types of parameters to tune (eval, control, management, eval+control, control+management, or all) which defaults to all; the learning rate hyperparameter of the evolutionary algorithm, by default 0.1; the negative learning rate, by default 0.05; the mutation probability of each genotype of the generated genomes, by default 0.025; the mutation shift of the mutated genotypes, by default 0.05; the number of generations to complete; the time increment per move in milliseconds, 0 by default; the validation factor which determines the factor of the original number of games played to play in addition in case a parameter set is found to be the fittest of its generation, by default 0; a flag, by default false, denoting whether the OwnBook parameter of the engine, if it exists, should be set to true; the number of MBs the hash size of the engine should be set to if it supports the corresponding UCI option; the number of search threads the engine should be prompted to use, if it supports the UCI option; the initial probability vector which can be set to continue the tuning process from a certain generation by taking the probability vector logged for it; the log file path, by default log.txt; and the number of processors to use, by default 1. High levels of concurrency can be detrimental to the quality of the optimization results; it is not recommended to use a value higher than the number of available physical cores.
Usage: -t selfplay -population 100 -games 100 -tc 2000 --paramtype control --learningrate 0.04 --neglearningrate 0.02 --mutationprob 0.03 --mutationshift 0.05 --generations 200 --inc 10 --validfactor 0.5 --trybook true --tryhash 8 --trythreads 2 --initprobvector "0.9, 0.121, 0.4" --log my_log.txt --concurrency 2

The other optimization method uses a stochastic gradient descent algorithm with Nesterov-accelerated Adaptive Moment Estimation to minimize the Texel cost function. As opposed to the original Texel method, it uses static evaluation instead of quiescence search for the sake of efficiency. It also allows for the definition of the symbolic gradient of the evaluation function; if that is not provided, it approximates the gradient using numerical differentiation. It can only be applied to static evaluation parameter optimization, but it is a lot more efficient at that than the evolutionary algorithm based method. However, this requires an EPD file which contains positions descriptions labelled by the result of the game each position occurred in. This tuning method's mandatory parameters are the path to the EPD file and the batch size which determines the number of data entries to use per batch. The optional parameters are labelopcode, the EPD operation code of the game result, by default Gr; costbatchsize, the number of samples to include in a batch when calculating the total training and test costs, by default 2 million; k, a constant used in the cost function calibrated to achieve the lowest costs, if it is not set, it is calibrated before the tuning begins (on the entire training data set); the number of epochs the optimization should span, by default 0 which means it goes on infinitely; h, the step size to use for numerical differentiation, by default 1; the base learning rate which determines the initial step size of the gradient descent and by default is 1; the annealing rate by which the learning rate is multiplied after every epoch, by default 0.99; the L1 and L2 parameter regularization coefficients, by default 0.001 and 0.0001 respectively; the proportion of the entire data set that should be used for testing, by default one fifth; the log file path, by default log.txt; and the number of processors to use, by defualt 1. In the case of this optimization method, parallelism cannot have an effect on the quality of the results, thus it is recommended to use the number of available physical cores as the concurrency argument.
Usage: -t texel -epdfile positions.epd -batchsize 16000 --labelopcode c9 --costbatchsize 1000000 --k 0.54 --epochs 100 --h 2.0 --learningrate 1.5 --annealingrate 0.8 --l1reg 0.001 --l2reg 0.0001 --testdataprop 0.3 --log my_log.txt --concurrency 4

Training data generation

The framework allows for generating training data for static evaluation tuning by converting a PGN file of chess games to an EPD file. The only mandatory parameter of this is the file path to the PGN file. The optional parameters are the game result EPD operation code, the maximum number of games from the PGN file to convert, the minimum Elo rating each player is required to have to process a game, the minimum number of half moves into the game each position has to be to be included, and the file path of the generated EPD file. If the respective parameters are not specified, all games from the PGN file are processed and no constraints are applied.
Usage: -g epd -pgnfile games.pgn --labelopcode c9 --maxgames 50000 --minelo 2700 --minhalfmoveind 6 --destfile positions.epd

The engine also supports the generation of PGN files through self-play. These PGN files can then be converted to EPD files for training using the framework. With the exception of one, all parameters of this operation mode and their descriptions can be found in the paragraph describing the self-play based optimization method. The only new parameter is the path of the output file which defaults to games.pgn. For short time controls (below 2s), concurrency is not recommended to have a value greater than the number of available physical cores.
Usage: -g pgn -games 60000 -tc 2000 --inc 10 --trybook true --tryhash 8 --trythreads 2 --destfile games.pgn --concurrency 2

Training data filtering

The generated EPD files can also be filtered to possibly improve the optimization results. For example, all the entries from drawn games can be removed from the EPD file. The file path to the source EPD file is a mandatory parameter, while the game result operation code and the destination file path are optional.
Usage: -f draw -sourcefile old_positions.epd --labelopcode c9 --destfile new_positions.epd

Tactical positions can also be removed from the training data. This makes sure that only quiet positions are left and thus the candidate engine's static evaluation function can better assess them. If the original data set is big enough, it is highly recommended to keep only the quiet positions.
Usage: -f tactical -sourcefile old_positions.epd --destfile new_positions.epd

The same can be done for unbalanced positions as well (positions whose absolute score based on the tunable engine's evaluation function exceeds a certain threshold). The parameter imbalance defines the maximum accepted absolute score in centi-pawns. If its value is negative, it defines the minimum required imbalance and only positions whose absolute score exceeds the absolute value of the parameter are kept.
Usage: -f unbalanced -sourcefile old_positions.epd -imbalance 600 --destfile new_positions.epd

Parameter conversion

Last but not least, the outputs of the two optimization methods logged in their log files can be converted into XML files containing the optimized values of the parameters. The PBIL algorithm logs the probability vector of each generation. This can be converted into an XML file by specifying the value argument using the probability vector from the log file. The other two optional parameters are the type of the parameters to convert which defaults to all and the destination path for the XML file which defaults to params.xml. The type should be the same as what was used for optimization. It should also be noted that if the engine's relevant parameters are changed (name, type, or binary length limit) after the completion of the optimization process, the logged values cannot reliably be converted anymore using the engine with the changed parameters.
Usage: -c probvector -value "0.9, 0.121, 0.4" --paramtype control --paramsfile my_params.xml

The static evaluation parameter optimization method using the Texel cost function logs the values of the optimized parameters as an array of decimals called parameters. It can be converted to an XML file almost exactly as described above, using the parameters to specify the value argument and omitting paramtype.
Usage: -c parameters -value "124.12357, 5.02345, 2.98875" --paramsfile my_params.xml


A magic bitboard and parallelized PVS powered chess engine within a chess engine framework providing machine learning based parameter optimization, UCI support, and a GUI.

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:Java 99.2%Language:CSS 0.8%