VikashPR / VikashPR

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Hey I'm Vikash PR

I love turning that GitHub contribution graph ⬇️ more green 🟩 in my spare time full time πŸ™ƒ


☞ γ€” βšͺ️ γ€•πŸŽ€ Pink is Sweet πŸŽ€ | 🌹 Rose is red

☞ γ€” 🐡 〕 Standard Charted

☞ γ€” 🀾 〕20

☞ γ€” :octocat: 〕Github Simp

☞ γ€” πŸ‘€ 〕

☞ γ€” 🐼 〕Web Development - DevOps - Machine Learning


const VikashPR = {
   pronouns: "he" | "him",
   code: ["HTML", "JS", "CSS", "C/C++", "PYTHON"],
   askMeAbout: ["Web Development", "Cycling", "Discord", "IoT"],
   technologies: {
       frontEnd: {
           js: ["Vue.js", "React.js", "Next.js", "Nuxt.js"]
       backEnd: {
           basS: ["Firebase"]
       competitive: {
           compilerLang: ["C/C++"],
           interpretedLang: ["PYTHON"]

Programing Languages:

C C++ JavaScript Python

Front End:

HTML5 CSS3 SASS Vuetify MUI Bootstrap

Front End FrameWork:

Vue.js React.js

Backend End:

Firebase Sqlite


Npm Markdown Preetier DialogFlow

Persnol Setup:

Intel i5 Mac OS Samsung


Visual Studio Code Figma Github Actions Github Github Actions Canva FreecodeCamp speed:

Vikash's Most used lang

Github Stats:

Vikash's Most used lang
Vikash2806 Streak vikash's Github stats

Github contributions:

Watch my contribution graph get eaten by the snake 🐍

vikash2806's Github comitte snake

Isometric view of contributions in the last year.