VikashChauhan51 / keyword-engine

Keyword driven framework execution engine.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The KeywordEngine is a keyword driven framework execution engine for automation test cases. It can easily integrate with any C# unit testing frameworks like Nunit,XUnit, and MSTest.

At a glance:

  • Compatible with .NET Core 6+.
  • Support any C# unit testing frameworks like Nunit,XUnit, and MSTest.
  • Doesn't depend on other packages (No dependencies beyond standard base libraries).
  • Map parameters to scalar types, including Enums, Guid,datetimeoffset and Nullable scalar types, Enums,datetimeoffset and Guid.
  • Support addition keyword data/parameters with the help of ITestContext interface.
  • Automatically ignore unused and additional provided parameters.
  • Support custom DependencyInjection to resolve the keyword dependencies with the help of IDependencyResolver interface.
  • Default parameters parser has InvariantCulture.

Quick Start Example:

using System;
using KeywordEngine.Core;
using KeywordEngine.Test.Keywords;
using KeywordEngine.Abstraction;
using KeywordEngine.Models;

// Create keywords

internal class MyFirstActionKeyword : IActionKeyword
    private readonly string _message;
    public MyFirstActionKeyword(string message)
        _message = message;

    public Task<KeywordResponse> Execute()
        Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(MyFirstActionKeyword)} keyword executed.");

        return Task.FromResult(new KeywordResponse
            Status = ResponseStatus.Executed,
            Message = $"{nameof(MyFirstActionKeyword)} keyword executed."

internal class MyFirstVerifyKeyword : IVerifyKeyword
    public MyFirstVerifyKeyword()


    public Task<KeywordResponse> Execute()
        Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(MyFirstVerifyKeyword)} keyword executed.");

        return Task.FromResult(new KeywordResponse
            Status = ResponseStatus.Executed,
            Message = $"{nameof(MyFirstVerifyKeyword)} keyword executed."

// Create test steps data

var test = new TestCase
                Id = 1,
                Title = "Demo test",
                Steps = new List<TestStep>
                    new TestStep
                        Title="first step",
                        Parameters=new List<Parameter>
                            new Parameter
                    new TestStep
                        Title="second step",
                        Parameters=new List<Parameter>()



// Import all keywords
var testRunner = new TestCaseRunner(Module.Export(typeof(MyFirstActionKeyword).Assembly));
// Eexecute test
var response = await testRunner.Execute(test);

Other examples:

For more examples and use cases please check test and Samples.