line-reader-browser allows browsers to read an input file line by line from source without reading whole file at once. I will recommend using nodejs and browserify to use this module.
npm install git+https://github.com/Vikasg7/line-reader-browser.git
import { LineReader } from "line-reader-browser" // file is javascript File Object returned from input element // chunkSize(optional) is number of bytes to be read at one time from file. defaults to 8 * 1024 const file: File const chunSize: number const lr = new LineReader(file, chunkSize) // context is optional. It can be used to inside processLineFn const context = {} lr.forEachLine(processLineFn, context) .then((context) => console.log("Done!", context)) // context is same Object as passed while calling forEachLine function processLineFn(line: string, index: number, context: any) { console.log(index, line) }
import { LineReader } from "line-reader-browser" document.querySelector("input").onchange = () => { const input = document.querySelector("input") if (!input.files.length) return const lr = new LineReader(input.files[0], 4 * 1024) lr.forEachLine((line: string, i) => console.log(i, line)).then(() => console.log("Done!")) }
I have added test.html which refers to the bundle.js in the dist/tests/ folder. Open test.html in the browser, choose the input file and see lines logging in the console.