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Agile! Like big, strong mammoth! But you no need big club, you need big, big brain. 🧠

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🦣 Agile

Agile! Like big, strong mammoth! But you no need big club, you need big, big brain. 🧠

πŸ™ƒ Happy Tribe

We tribe, we strong. Big-big respect for all, no small ones, no weak ones. πŸ’ͺ Agile, we are. Start tiny, finish much, fast as cheetah πŸ†, only best rabbit πŸ‡ we catch.

We no just throw-shrow spear, we hunt for value. Good-good berry πŸ‡, yum-yum meat. πŸ– We build, we looky-look, we learn, just like old wisehead, always peeping πŸ‘€, always thinking πŸ’‘, always growing 🌱.

List of Happy Tribe Ways:

  1. Respect all tribe members. πŸ€—
  2. Be fast, finish more. πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ
  3. Hunt for value. πŸ‡
  4. Build, look, learn. 🧠
  5. Grow always. 🌱

"We like clear water πŸ’§, no secrets, no hidey-hide. Transparency, trust builder, tribe maker strong. πŸ’Ž We make good-good, like perfect spear, like perfect fire πŸ”₯. No rushy-rush, no bad-bad, only good-good, only strong-strong. We big like mammoth 🦣, no scary, only helping. Respect all, love Agile way!" πŸ’–


Run-run, like dancing around big fire. No one alone, all tribe together. We in circle, we look, we talk, short-short, clear as sky. ☁️

Table of Run-run Talk:

What me do What me finish What me face
This That Big tiger πŸ…

Run-run Leader, like wise chief, not bossy boss. He makes path clear, he fights tiger, makes dance smooth. Tribe happy, tribe dance well. πŸ’ƒ

Product chief, like scout, knows tribe need, tells what to do. He say, 'This berry yum, this meat yuck, need this, no need that.'

"Run-run, not just fun dance, smart tribe way. We work, we share, we solve, we grow. Like agile cheetah, we run, we hunt, we feast, together!" πŸ’ͺ

πŸ—Ώ Stone Drawing (Kanban)

Stone Drawing, like cave painting. Show all work, all task, like mammoth 🦣, rabbit πŸ‡, fish 🐟. All see, no hide, no secret.

Start on one side, like sunrise πŸŒ…. Move to other side, like sunset πŸŒ„. Start, doing, done. Simple-simple, like walk from cave to river. πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ

Stone Drawing says, 'No too much!'. Like carrying big rock, too much, you slow, you fall. Carry just right, you fast, you safe. Limit work, like smart caveman. 🧠

"Stone Drawing, like river flow 🌊. Start here, end there. Clear, smooth, steady. No rush, no wait, only flow. Make tribe happy πŸ˜ƒ, make tribe strong πŸ’ͺ. Agile, like cheetah πŸ†, Stone Drawing, like flowing river!" 🌊

πŸ›£οΈ Straight Path Tribe (Highway)

Straight Path, like big, flat path, no bumps, no turns. Caveman no walk in bush, no stumble on stone. Walk on Straight Path, fast, safe, easy! πŸ’¨

Straight Path, like tribe way, always same. If make fire, if hunt mammoth, if gather berry, all follow Straight Path. No guess, no wonder, only do.

Straight Path says, 'Do this, do that, do here, do now.' Makes work fast, like wind. Makes work easy, like river flow. 🌊

"Straight Path, like tribe dance, always same step, same beat. All know, all follow. No trip, no fall, only dance, dance, dance! πŸ’ƒ Straight Path, big power of Agile tribe. Makes tribe fast, like cheetah. Makes tribe smooth, like river. Straight Path, secret of tribe of code!"

πŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈπŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ Who Do What?

Roles and rocks, very important for tribe. No same, but all needed, like big rock and small rock, both help build strong cave. 🏞️

In tribe, all have role. Like gatherer, hunter, cook, scout. All do job, tribe strong. If no role, if all do same, tribe confused, tribe weak. πŸ˜•

Same for tribe of code. Agile shaman, Scrum-scrum shaman, Product owner, tribe member, all have role. All do job, tribe strong. If no role, if all do same, tribe confused, tribe weak.

Role, not just job, but responsibility. Like big rock, heavy, but make strong cave. Agile Shaman, guide tribe. Scrum-scrum Shaman, clear path. Product owner, choose right hunt. Tribe member, do good work. 🎯

With roles, tribe clear, tribe strong. Like highway, all know way, all know job. No confusion, no delay, only code, only Agile.

Role, like rock, make tribe strong. Role, make highway smooth. Role, secret of tribe of code!

Role Who What
πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ Agile Shaman (Agile Coach) Kim Point at stars
🦍 Rockmen Man (Engineering Manager) Rubén Make tribe make with rock
🧌 Rock Shaman (Tech Lead) Magne How make magic with rock
πŸ¦… Scout (Product Owner) Missing! What magic tribe must make
πŸ•΅οΈ Stone Checker (Quality Assurance) Marek & Julie Make sure good rocks
🦧 Rockmen (Developers) Other man and woman Make rock magic

πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ Agile Shaman (Agile Coach)

Agile shaman, woman, Kim, like smart tribe leader. She not hit with club, she use big, big brain. 🧠 She make tribe work together, run fast like cheetah πŸ†, smooth like river. 🌊 No "me work", all "we work". πŸ‘«

If something big, like mammoth, she say "No! Chop-chop small, like juicy berries." πŸ‡ Easy eat, easy work. If sky change ☁️, if wind change πŸƒ, if mammoth change direction, tribe change too. Quick-quick, no cry. 😌

She make tribe happy πŸ˜ƒ, work good, eat good. πŸ– She magic ✨, but no witch. Very smart, very strong, like big, big mammoth! 🦣 But no scary, only helpful. πŸ’–

πŸ¦… Scout (Product Owner)

Product Owner, like tribe scout. He not just watch, not just wait. He decide, he direct. He know what good for tribe, what tribe need. πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈ

He look at big mammoth, look at small rabbit, look at fast fish. He think, he choose. He say, 'We need mammoth now, rabbit later, fish no need.' πŸŸπŸ‡πŸ˜

He talk with tribe, understand problem. He talk with other tribes, understand world. He use big brain, make smart choice. 🧠

He also talk with tribe of code, tell what need, tell what good. He say, 'Make this, change that, remove this.' He not just order, he explain, he inspire. He make tribe of code understand, make tribe of code believe. πŸ—£οΈ

Product Owner, like tribe scout, but more. He not just see, he decide. He not just tell, he lead. He make tribe happy, make tribe strong. Product Owner, big part of Agile, big part of tribe of code.

🦍 Rockmen Man (Engineering Manager)

Rockmen Man, like big Gorilla, strong, wise. 🦍 He no just know rock, he know tribe, he know world. 🌍

He help tribe of code, make good rock, make strong spear. He not just watch, he teach, he guide. He say, 'Do this, do that, no do this.' πŸ—£οΈ

He look at tribe, see who strong, see who weak. He help weak, make strong. He help strong, make stronger. He make tribe grow, like tall tree. 🌳

He solve problem, like big rock block path. He move rock, clear path. He make tribe work smooth, like river flow. 🌊

Rockmen Man, like big Gorilla, but wise. He not just strong, he smart. He not just lead, he inspire. He make tribe happy, make tribe strong. Rockmen Man, big part of Agile, big part of tribe of code!

🧌 Rock Shaman (Tech Lead)

Rock Shaman, like wise elder. He know rock, know tree, know river, know all. He teach tribe of code, make magic with rock. 🧠

He look at big rock, small rock, sharp rock. He choose, he shape, he create. He say, 'Use this rock, shape like this, make spear like this.' πŸ”¨

He solve riddle, like find path in dark cave. He use big brain, find light. He make code magic, like fire from rock. πŸ”₯

He also guide tribe of code, show path, show light. He say, 'Go this way, no go that way, here is light.' πŸ—£οΈ

Rock Shaman, like wise elder, but more. He not just know, he teach. He not just guide, he lead. He make tribe happy, make tribe strong. Rock Shaman, big part of Agile, big part of tribe of code!

πŸ•΅οΈ Stone Checker (Quality Assurance)

Stone Checker, he like eagle eye πŸ¦…, he watch all. He make sure spear sharp, fire hot, berry good. Stone Checker, friend of tribe, he make sure all work, all good, all quality.

Stone Checker say, 'No bad, only good'. Like sharp spear πŸ—‘οΈ, like ripe berry πŸ‡, like clear water πŸ’§. He check-check, make sure all perfect.

Stone Checker, like smart caveman, he learn, he grow, he teach. No just say 'bad', but say 'why bad', 'how make good'. He help tribe, make strong, make wise.

Table of Stone Checker Ways:

What Check  How Check How Make Good
Spear Look sharp, feel weight Make sharp, balance weight
Berry Look color, taste Pick ripe, store cool
Water Look clear, taste Filter, keep clean

"Stone Checker, not perfect, but much good. Like eagle eye πŸ¦…, help see far, see clear. But remember, eagle can miss, can tire, if not careful!"




Agile! Like big, strong mammoth! But you no need big club, you need big, big brain. πŸ§