Victor Junior (VictorIJnr)


Geek Repo


Location:Hampshire, England

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Victor Junior's repositories


Empirical analysis to determine whether or not a country is a "shithole" in the eyes of Donald Trump



I like the name bu, but I called this User Stylometry Association, or UStylA, in my paper. In short, this just clusters users based on their stylometry - how they write stuff. This ended up as my Senior Honours project at The University of St Andrews. I had more ambitious plans but I didn't have enough time for them. This isn't half bad either though.


Trust me, this isn't perfect. What did you expect? I did this in like 4 or 5 hours, whilst helping Laura at the same time. I can't remember the default board size, but if you set it to be too big it gets kinda fucky. Keep in mind that this was a Week 9 practical for CS1002. So yeah. The only time I'll ever work on this is if I'm super fucking bored and I'm not working on some other project.



The second CS3101-Databases practical. Front-end Design and Implementation. This sucks without auth to connect to the servers in St. Andrews, but at least the splash page isn't awful :D



My final practical for my Video Games module at St Andrews. It's a social deduction party game and you play as either an Angel or boring Human. Gross. It's not quite polished. I finished most of the networking within the 3 hours right before the deadline. Same thing with the mobile UI. Not exactly my best work, but the server code's kinda nice :D



My first ever Android app.



An ML dataset distribution server I created as a side-project for my SH. Ending up branching out to its own thing. Pretty simple, request a dataset from a database with GraphQL and I process it and give you training and testing data. Easy.



This is my personal website I made from scratch. I didn't want to use Squarespace, so here's some React for you. This cheeky little thing is deployed on Netlify and if you're seeing this then your either already on it, so hi! Or, you're looking at its repo; in that case, what are you waiting for?



St Andrew's Waffle Company Website. I got bored one summer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
