Victor Pavageau (Victor-Pavageau)


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Victor Pavageau's repositories


The goal of this personal project was to generate multiple-choice questionnaires (MCQ) about a specific topic. I used React and TypeScript to developed this web application around the GPT-4 API by OpenAI.



[FRENCH VERSION] The goal of this school project was to conceptualize an algorithm to define one of the most optimal path (for delivery trucks). I mainly used Python and Jupyter Notebook. During this project, I improved my knowledge of advanced complexity. I evolved in a group of 3, which gave us the opportunity to improve our teamwork skills.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:1Issues:0


The goal of this personal project was to visualize the average duration of movies over the years. I used Python3 and several libraries (BeautifulSoup, requests, matplotlib). This personal challenge was developed, tested and optimized (with a thread system) in less than 12 hours.



The goal of this personal project was to develop a script that will attempt to solve the Collatz conjecture, also known as the Syracuse problem. This personal challenge was developed, tested and optimized in less than 2 hours.



The goal of this internship project was to create an educational program about artificial intelligence. This program is composed of activities and practical exercises. This repository contains the solutions of the main activities I created. During this project, I developed my knowledge of artificial intelligence and the Python language.



The goal of this school project was to set up a site to look for internships. It should also be possible to create different type of accounts, apply, search, manage a "wishlist", etc. I mainly used PHP (with Laravel) and HTML. During this project, I evolved in a group of 4, which gave us the opportunity to further develop teamwork notions.



The goal of this school project was to implement a client-server architecture based on an MVC model. I learned some notions of OOP (object-oriented programming), I also improved my mastery of C++. During this project, I evolved in a group of 4, which gave us the opportunity to further develop teamwork notions.



The goal of this personal project was to simulate the encoding of a message using the LDPC algorithm, alter the encoded message, decode the altered message and measure the percentage of integrity by comparing the initial and final messages. I used Python 3.9 and the pyldpc library to develop this script.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:1Issues:0


The objective of this personal project was to discover Unity and to create a "Shoot 'em up" type mini-game. This personal challenge (discovering the tool AND creating the game) was realised in less than 24 hours.



The goal of this school project was to develop an application to create, manage and run "backup jobs". I mainly used C# (.NET Core 5.0 framework). During this project, I used threading systems, background workers, a client-server system based on TCP/IP. I evolved in a group of 3, which gave us the opportunity to further develop teamwork notions.



The goal of this school project was to develop a mobile application to order and deliver food. I mainly used React and TypeScript. During this project, I used microservices architecture, web development stacks (React, JS, TS), and APIs interactions. I evolved in a group of 4, which gave us the opportunity to further develop teamwork notions.



The goal of this school project was to develop a mobile application to order and deliver food. This is just a submodule of the overall project about the front-end of the client mobile application, for more information, go check the full project page:



The goal of this school project was to develop a mobile application to order and deliver food. This is just a submodule of the overall project about the front-end of the driver mobile application, for more information, go check the full project page:



The goal of this school project was to develop a mobile application to order and deliver food. This is just a submodule of the overall project about the external NPM package (embedded card displaying the key information about a restaurant), for more information, go check the full project page:



The goal of this school project was to develop a mobile application to order and deliver food. This is just a submodule of the overall project about all the microservices and project architecture, including APIs and endpoint, for more information, go check the full project page:



The goal of this school project was to develop a mobile application to order and deliver food. This is just a submodule of the overall project about the front-end of the restaurant mobile application, for more information, go check the full project page:
