Veretion / anki_sort_cards

Allow many ways to sort new cards

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sort new cards as you want


The order in which I see new cards matters A LOT in my learning process. And I believe that anki does not offer enough freedom with this. This add-on wants to correct that. For example, it offer the following possibilities.

Random, with Siblings of seen card first.

Anki allows you to randomize the order of cards. However, it ensures that when you see a new card of a note, all other new cards of the same note are shown soon after. Indeed, since their content are related, Anki believes that it's best if there is not too much time between the first review of two cards of the same note.

Except that actually, it does not work this way. Once you randomize a deck, the order of new card does not take into account which cards have a seen siblings, and which ones have note. So, if you want to randomize, but see siblings of seen card first, now you can.

The configuraton to enter is "seen first", "note random", "card position" (The exact meaning of this configuration will be explained in the "Configuration" section).

Really random order

Maybe actually, you really want to see all cards in random order. You don't want to see siblings together, you may want sometime to see 2nd card before first one... In this card, use the configuration "card random".

See all the first cards, then all the second cards, etc...

I've got a note type where the first card is "easy", the second card is "harder" and so on. So you may want to see all first cards, then all second card when the first cards have been seen.

The configuration for this is one of:

  • "card position", "note creation" if you want to see notes in the order in which they were added
  • "card position", "note random" if you want to always see notes in the same order, but a random order
  • "card position", "card random" if you want to see cards in random order (but still all first cards first, and so on...)

Sort by date of creation of the note

Actually, even "show new card in order added" does not show new card in order they are added. Let me explain. It mostly shows cards in order in which there note are added. If a note (or note type) is edited so that new cards are edited, then the new card is dealt as follow:

  • if the card as new siblings, it's position is the same as the one of its sibling
  • otherwise, it's considered as the lattest card.

This makes no sens to me. And you can now really sort cards using the configuration "note creation", "card position"


This add-on is still experimental. Do a back up of your collection and check your result before actually doing real change to the order of new cards.

The order is computed taking into consideration the cards and notes which currently exists. It does not takes into consideration cards which will be added later. You need to sort again when you add new card. So this add-on is mostly interesting if you believe you won't need to add things to the deck regularly.


The configuration is given by a list of parameter, separated by commas. (Technically, this is a json list, where the enclosings [ and ] are omitted.)

Sorting is done according to first parameter. In case of equality according to second parameter. And so on. A paramater is either a string "rule", or a pair ["rule", true]. If it is a string, the sort is as follows:

  • "seen first": show siblings of cards which have already been seen.
  • "new first": show notes whose no card have been seen first
  • "card position": sort cards according to their position in the note
  • "note creation": sort according to the date of creation of the note
  • "mod": sort according to the last time the note was modified
  • "note random": sort randomly notes; but leave cards of the same note together.
  • "card creation": sort according to the date of creation of the card.
  • "card random": sort randomly in case of ambiguity in the previous cases.

Note that there are no equality in the two last cases; the order is complete, so it's useless to add more parameters after "card creation" or after "random".

If the parameter is a pair, the second element must be "true" (without the quotes) and it means this order is reversed.


Let's explain the examples given above.

The configuration "seen first", "note random", "card position" means that cards with a sibling already seens are shown first. Then the order of all cards are randomized. (But even if the order is randomized, if a card has a seen sibling, it'll be first in the random order). Then for different cards of the same note, the first card will be seen before the second one, etc...

The configuration "card random" simply states that all cards are randomized.

The configuration "card position", "note creation" means that all first cards are seen, then all second cards, ... And since there may be multiple first card, we see the one of the oldest note first, and then the one of the second oldest note, ... and only when all of those first cards are seen, the second card of the oldest note is seen. etc...


A value "special sort" is added to each deck object and to the configuration of the collection, to recall the last value used for each deck and for the collection.

Version 2.0



A beautiful graphical interface

Links, licence and credits

Key Value
Copyright Arthur Milchior
Based on Anki code by Damien Elmes
License GNU AGPL, version 3 or later;
Source in
Addon number 1665261045
Support me on Ko-fi or Patreon


Allow many ways to sort new cards

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%