Ventero / EasyClangComplete

Sublime Text 3 plugin that offers auto-completion of C/C++ structure members or class attributes and methods.

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Sublime Text 3 plugin that offers clang-based auto-completion for C++


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This plugin aims to provide easy-to-use, minimal-setup autocompletions for C++ for Sublime Text 3.

Jump right in!

Follow all the following steps to ensure the plugin works as expected!

Install this plugin

  • Best is to use Package Control
    • CTRL+Shift+P and install EasyClangComplete
  • If you don't have Package Control (you should)
    • download one of the releases from here.

Install clang

  • Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install clang
  • Other Linux: use your package manager or install from clang website
  • Windows: install the latest release from clang website
  • OSX: ships clang by default. You are all set!

Configure your includes

Clang will automatically search for headers in the folder that contains the file you are working on and its parent. If you have a more sophisticated project you will need to help clang just a little bit. There are three ways to do it. Pick any of the following:

  • Set include_dirs setting in User Settings:
    • see default settings to get started. These includes will be included in every project you run.
  • Add .clang_complete file to the root of your project folder.
    • this file should contain all includes and macroses you want to use.
    • see example .clang_complete file.
    • absolute paths start with /. All the others are treated as relative.
  • Add all the flags to pass to clang to *.sublime-project file.
    • add all settings as a string list under settings -> clang_flags.
    • See example sublime-project file.
    • absolute paths start with /. All the others are treated as relative.

Configure completion triggers

Add this to your User Settings:

        "characters": ".:>",
        "selector": "source.c++ - string - comment - constant.numeric"

It will ensure that Sublime Text will try to autocomplete your code when you type ., : or >. The plugin will then ensure that completions are triggered only when ., :: or -> are typed.

You're good to go!

More on the plugin

All the essential information to make the plugin run is written above. If you are still interested in more details - please read on.

The plugin has two modes:

  • one that uses libclang with its python bindings. This is the better method as it fully utilizes saving compilation database which makes your completions blazingly fast. It is a default method for Linux and OSX. It is also unit tested to complete STL functions on both platforms. Please help me to bring it to Windows. Check out this discussion.
  • clang -Xclang -code-completion-at run from the command line. The plugin parses the output from a process that runs the above command. This is the default method for Windows. Tested on all platforms (see Testing part). Slower than method with libclang. Will be deprecated when we solve issue #4.

This plugin is intended to be easy to use. It should autocomplete STL out of the box and you should just add the folders your project uses to include_dirs list in the settings to make it autocomplete code all your project. If you experience problems - create an issue. I will try to respond as soon as possible.

Settings highlights

I will only cover most important settings here.


  • include_dirs:
    • stores the locations where clang should be looking for external headers, e.g. Boost, Ros, Eigen, OpenCV, etc.
    • you can use placeholders like $project_base_name or $project_base_path to make includes more convenient.
    • it is absolutely ok to include a folder that does not exist. clang knows how to deal with it and it will neither break anything nor make things slower.
  • std_flag:
    • sets the standard flag that will be used for compilation. Defaults to std=c++11
  • use_libclang:
    • if true use libclang as backend.
    • if false or if first option failed, use output from clang -Xclang -completion-at command and parse it with regular expressions.
  • search_clang_complete_file:
    • seach for .clang_complete file up the tree. Project folder is the last one to search for the file.
    • If the file is found, its contents of style -I<some_local_path> and -I/<some_absolute_path> (mind the / at the start of the line) are appended to include flags.
  • errors_on_save:
    • highlight errors on save. A tooltip with an error message will be shown if the caret goes over a highlighted line.
  • triggers:
    • defaults are ".", "::", "->". The autocompletion does not trigger on > or :. It also ignores float numbers like 3.14.
  • use_project_specific_settings:
    • when true will enforce sublime text to read all flags from project settings(*.sublime-project -> settings -> clang_flags). This settings overrides all other settings like include_dirs or std_flag so should be used with caution. Defaults to false. If the project settings cannot be found, the plugin will fall back to default behavior. An example settings entry looks like this:

        ["-std=c++11", "-Isrc", "-I/usr/include",]

Please see the default settings file in the repo for more settings descriptions. Every setting in settings file should have an understandable comment. Should they not be clear - create an issue.


The whole work seen here was originally a fork of another repository: ClangAutoComplete

However, with time this plugin has grown quite different from its origin and this is why you see it as a separate package now. Anyway, I encourage you to check out what ClangAutoComplete has to offer and come back if you still like this plugin more.

The trick with multiple clang.cindex files is inspired by this repo: clangHelper. Thanks for inspiration!

If you are an experienced python developer and find that something in my code sucks completely - DO tell me. Python is not my main language and I am always willing to learn.

Some functionality is there only because of the help of the following users:

  • @Ventero for fixing libclang search on OSX
  • @riazanovskiy for hints on clang-3.8


I have tried to cover most crucial functionality with unit tests using UnitTesting Sublime Text plugin. Currently tests cover autocompletion of user struct and stl vector using clang binary. To check out the current status click on relevant badge below:

  • Build Status - Linux/OSX
  • Build status - Windows


Sublime Text 3 plugin that offers auto-completion of C/C++ structure members or class attributes and methods.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.7%Language:JavaScript 0.3%Language:C++ 0.0%