

Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

VenessaLYY's starred repositories


The Invoice Generator is a highly customizable, Excel-based tool with VBA programs that automates the process of invoicing, streamlining invoice management and generation, and enhancing efficiency. It offers easy customer data management, one-click invoice creation, email integration, and informative dashboard charts for revenue monitoring.



The Sales Regional Reporting Tool is an Excel template with VBA program that automates monthly reporting for Sales Controllers. It consolidates data, generates interactive regional reports, creates a regional overview report for top management, and exports data as a CSV file for the ERP system.



The VBA program automatically generates table of contents for Excel workbooks. By eliminating manual effort, it saves time and ensures a comprehensive table with clickable sheet links. The repository provides the necessary code, a sample workbook, and clear instructions for easy integration and usage, enhancing productivity for Excel users.



This app is an unofficial tkinter desktop application that enables natural language conversations with OpenAI's ChatGPT directly from your local computer using GPT-3.5 Turbo, GPT-4o, or GPT-4 Turbo model. With its user-friendly interface and message audio playback, this app aims to provides an enjoyable experience akin to talking to a real person.



This GitHub repository features my solutions to challenging SQLZOO questions, specifically focusing on the challenging ones. It serves as a resource for SQL learners looking for insights into complex problem-solving. Please note that it does not include solutions to all SQLZOO questions.



This algorithmic project enables users to find the shortest path between two locations on a map. It leverages graph theory and A* search algorithm, providing a user-friendly solution similar to Google Maps. With comprehensive documentation and testing capabilities, it offers a reliable route planning solution.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:MITStargazers:3Issues:0Issues:0


This SAS case study aims to generate simple cross-tab in Proc Freq to exam possible trend of weight loss (in lb) in response to daily walking steps. The program effectively addresses the data requirements, enabling quick analysis on the relationship between weight loss and daily walking steps.



This SAS case study aims to prepare the inbound and outbound tourism data for countries and continents in 2014. The program effectively addresses the data requirements, enabling analyst team to to perform analyses aimed at growing company's market share.



This repository contains a SAS program that analyses claims data obtained from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The program addresses data and report requirements for the case study, providing insights into injuries, property loss, and damage during the airport screening process.



This project offers two Flask applications that utilize ImageAI's image prediction algorithms and object detection models. These apps enable users to upload images and videos for object recognition, detection and analysis, providing accurate prediction results, confidence scores, raw data of detected objects at frame-level, and object insights.



This project utilizes PySpark RDD and the Breadth-first Search (BFS) algorithm to find the shortest path and degrees of separation between two given Marvel superheroes based on based on their appearances together in the same comic books, empowering users to discover connections between their favourite superheroes in the Marvel universe.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:2Issues:0Issues:0


This project utilizes PySpark DataFrames and PySpark RDD to implement item-based collaborative filtering. By calculating cosine similarity scores or identifying movies with the highest number of shared viewers, the system recommends 10 similar movies for a given target movie that aligns users’ preferences.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:3Issues:0Issues:0


The project showcases the implementation of the NEAT algorithm in Python to play a Flappy Bird-like game. It orchestrates the evolution and evaluation of a bird population through successive generations until the fitness threshold is met. The ultimate winner genome, demonstrating exceptional gameplay, is saved as a pickle file as the main output.



My solutions to LeetCode SQL questions.



This repository contains an RPA robot that was designed to scrap up to 500 pieces of property information for a given location from a real estate website. The extracted data is then intelligently organized, filtered, and sorted according to user-defined criteria, and integrated into the Excel file, output.xlsx.



This repository houses an UiPath RPA solution that effortlessly scrape data from 1000 invoices issued to different customers, store the data in the invoices_data.xlsx Excel file, and categorizes invoices into separate folders. Remarkably, this RPA robot completes the process in just around 130 minutes, achieving nearly 100% accuracy.



This repository hosts a collection of custom web applications powered by OpenAI's GPT models (incl. gpt-4-turbo, gpt-4o, gpt-4o-mini and gpt-3.5-turbo), Whisper model, and TTS model. These apps include an interactive chatbot ("Talk to GPT") for text or voice communication, and a coding assistant ("CodeMaxGPT") that supports various coding tasks.



This repository contains automation solutions that efficiently extracts text from scanned PDF documents with consistent layouts. Utilizing Tesseract OCR engine, the UiPath RPA robot achieves nearly 90% accuracy, streamlining the process and significantly reducing manual workload.



The UiPath RPA robot automatically fetches and saves the 10 most recent unread email messages with attachments from Desktop Outlook to your local machine, and sends automation reports to specified recipients, ensuring efficient email management through UiPath.



This repository hosts a robust automation solution that orchestrates various email operations, including Email Reading, Email Saving, Email Attachments Downloading, Email Forwarding, and Email Deletion. Additionally, it generates and sends an automated email summary report to designated recipient(s) that informs mailing activities.



An automation solution designed to meet the challenge of creating a Coronavirus stat-alert bot. This bot is capable of scraping Coronavirus statistics from a user-inputted country and sending an email update with the collected data to specified recipients.



An automation solution designed to tackle the challenge of creating a bot that converts IP addresses in an Excel spreadsheet into their corresponding physical locations, including Country, Region, and City.



An automation solution that iterates through photos in a folder, removes the background using an online AI tool, and saves the edited photos in a separate folder.



An automation solution that searches for a location on and selects the start and end dates using the calendar picker



An automation solution that employs the Martingale roulette strategy in online roulette gameplay.


This repository contains the source code and assets for my personal portfolio website, "Maxine's Tech Gallery". It serves as a comprehensive platform showcasing my technical skills, certifications, projects, blog posts, and professional resume. The website offers a user-friendly interface, search functionality, and switch between themes.



About This repository contains a RPA workflow developed with UiPath Modern Design that's capable of transferring data from a spreadsheet onto dynamic form fields on the screen. This RPA solution successfully passed the automation challenge (, achieving an impeccable 100% accuracy in a mere 262.282 seconds



This repository contains a RPA workflow developed with UiPath Classic Design that's capable of transferring data from a spreadsheet onto dynamic form fields on the screen. This RPA solution successfully passed the Input Forms challenge (, achieving an impeccable 100% accuracy in a mere 16,173 milliseconds.



This repository houses a UiPath automation solution tailored for Invoice Extraction in RPA workflows. Tasked with reading each table row and extracting invoice details from each invoice photo through OCR, the solution outputs a CSV file with the extracted data alongside the table's ID and Due Date, specifically for two invoice suppliers.
