Venemo / jquery.navAn

jQuery navigation animation plugin

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

jQuery navigation animation plugin

jQuery.navAn is a plugin that allows you to do partial page loads via AJAX while modifying the displayed URL and animating the result. To this end, the HTML 5 history API is used. If it's not available, it will fallback to full-page reloads. Animations are implemented with CSS transitions and are fully customizable. When they're not available, no animation will happen.

Basic usage

Simple example

// Initialize plugin
var nav = $("...").navAn().data("navAn");
// Navigate

Hooking up to all links on a site

// Find container element
var $main = $(".your-main");
// Initialize navigation animation plugin
var mainNav = $main.navAn({
    // options (see below for customization)

// Create an event handler for all links on the site whose href is a site-relative URL
$("body").on('click.ts', 'a[href^="/"]', function (event) {
    var $this = $(this);
    var href = $this.attr("href");

    // Call navigate of the navAn object

    // Prevent the link from doing what it would normally do
    return false;

Advanced usage and customization

Plugin initialization options

// Initialize plugin
var nav = $("...").navAn({
    load: function
    pushedBy: string
    defaultTitle: string
    handleNullState: bool,
    animationDuration: number,
    pattern: object,
    backPattern: object
  • load Function that tells the plugin how to load a URL via AJAX. This function MUST return a jQuery Deferred object that should be resolved with the HTML fragment to be inserted into the DOM.
  • defaultTitle Specifies the default title to give to pushState as parameter. Default value is the text of the current title element.
  • animationDuration Number of milliseconds after which the plugin can safely remove an element, ie. when its animation is completed.
  • pattern Pattern that tells how to perform the navigation animation. See below for more details about patterns.
  • backPattern Pattern that tells how to perform the navigation animation when going backwards (ie. when the user presses the back button in the browser). See below for more details about patterns. This is not applicable if usePushState is false.
  • usePushState (default true) Tells whether or not to use the HTML5 history API. When false, there will not be an option to go back to a previous state.
  • disallowSameUrl (default true) Tells whether to allow loading the same URL as the browser window is on.

Options for navigation

// Navigate
nav.navigate(url, {
    title: string,
    load: function,
    pattern: object,
    backPattern: object
  • title The title to pass to pushState. If not specified, the defaultTitle above is used.
  • load, pattern, backPattern These can override the parameters specified in the initialization call to navAn(), just for this particular operation.

Examples of customization


An example pattern looks like this:

var myPattern = {
        oldItem: {
            start: {
                translateX: 0,
                scale: 1
            end: {
                translateX: -1000,
                scale: 0.7
        newItem: {
            start: {
                translateX: 1000,
                scale: 0.7
            end: {
                translateX: 0,
                scale: 1

It contains possible CSS transforms that will be applied.

  • oldItem.start is applied to the old item (the one that is animated out) before the transition starts
  • newItem.start is applied to the new item (the one that is animated in) before the transition starts
  • oldItem.end is applied to the old item for the transition
  • newItem.end is applied to the old item for the transition

Integration with existing infrastructure

If you want to integrate this plugin with your existing infrastructure (for example, your own server or your javascript templating), you can do it by specifying the load parameter. In that parameter, you can pass in a function which downloads content from your service and performs the templating.


jQuery navigation animation plugin

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%