Doing your groceries at Picnic via Homey.
Polling the status of your Picnic account every 5 minutes and providing trigger flowcards based on the following events:
- Groceries have been ordered, with tokens:
- price (in euro)
- eta date
- eta begin, returning the begin of the 60 minutes delivery timeframe
- eta end, returning the end of the 60 minutes delivery timeframe
- Your groceries will be delivered soon (announcement of the 20min delivery timeframe), with tokens:
- eta date
- eta begin, returning the begin of the 20 minutes delivery timeframe
- eta end, returning the end of the 20 minutes delivery timeframe
- Your groceries have been delivered, with tokens:
- delivery date
- delivery time
- Adding a product to your basket based on the name of the product passed as an argument.
- Adding products based on a recipe as configured via the settings page.
- Adding products based on a randomly picked recipe.
Trigger: Add (a) product
Response: Which product would you like to add?
Argument: 'name your product'
Trigger: Voeg (een) product toe
Response: Welk product wil je toevoegen?
Argument: 'naam van het product'
- Bugfix: Adding improved exception handling to prevent crashes
- Bugfix: Homey v2.0 support
- Bugfix: fixing minor issues
- Feature: Adding recipy management
- Bugfix: Adding exception handler when no products are found
- Bugfix: Encoding products including non-ASCII characters
- Bugfix: Picnic uses a server-side lock when items are being added to your cart. This caused an issue when running a flow that adds multiple items to your cart at the same time. Fixing this bug in 1.4.3 by using a threat lock stored in the app's ManagerSettings.
- Bugfix: Checking if the order status response actually contains content that can be parsed.
- Bugfix: Catching any errors during periodic polling of the order status.
Note that after this update you will have to re-authenticate via the Picnic app settings.
- Bugfix: Fixing bug to store credentials to the settings
Note that after this update you will have to re-authenticate via the Picnic app settings.
- Bugfix: session expires after about a month. To solve this the app now stores the username and password and retrieves a new session as soon as it is required
- Add speech command to remove last added product by Homey
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